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Afghan cadet trouble hounds Indian military academy

Then why Shiks are allowed to wearing religious symbols?

How they are part of the body? Cant you just shave them off?

They are not religious symbles! It's part of Sikh identity! If these Afghan cadets wanted to wear a scull cap, I'm pretty sure the commander wouldn't have any problem with it but religious writings and symbols are prohibited.
I have a right to an opinion - and thats what im voicing on :pdf:
I am fully aware what the thread is about - and im aware at the excitement generated by you and your compatriots in how you handled the Afghanistan cadets. Judging by the way you handled it shows us the mindset and lack of mismanagement skills your nation will have when looking at the issue in Afghanistan.
I have no desire to not "allow India the sense which sh1t to put its hands into" - i still have a right to an opinion so dont attempt to stop me.

Sure, you like anyone else is open to your own views. Why on earth would I want to stop you ?

I was commenting on a ' prediction' which wasn't one.

As regards Indians handling Af, the Af seem Ok with it. Cannot understand why non afghans are getting orgasms.

Having spent time in the place in question on more occasions than one I am aware how it runs & functions. Its doing well and the rules remain the same for all Officer Cadets - No Religious posters / insignias inside the barracks.
They are not religious symbles! It's part of Sikh identity! If these Afghan cadets wanted to wear a scull cap, I'm pretty sure the commander wouldn't have any problem with it but religious writings and symbols are prohibited.

No caps for muslims or any religious things for any other religions.. In indian Army only Sikhs are allowed turbans and beard.. I think now even in US they have allowed turbans and beards for sikhs alone..
The punjab army was joined with british indian army and british made sure not to provoke the great forbidden warriors by allowing their wishes... And its like a part of history...
Speaking of Humiliation of India, I think your Army brings bigger shame to India.

Were you not humiliated after the attack by militants on your Parliament.

Were you not humiliated after the MUMBAI attack. Yet your Army stayed back like a coward and did nothing.

I think Indians are known as TALKERS as they can talk up a storm. You guys keep getting slapped and humiliated and yet like shameless people keep talking and no action.

You want to speak about Humiliation ?

Yess we were!

But in Pakistan no one feels humiliated even after Osama is found in Pakistan, Some barely armed talibans occupy your Case camp, They bomb your religious schools, drone keeps attacking, Had to release Raymond Davies, ISI seen as a terrorist organisation and in the UN blacklist? Because for you guys this is just same sh*t defferent day whereas for us we do feel ashamed when something of this sort happens because it's not normal for us.

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