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Afghan cadet trouble hounds Indian military academy

This is unfortunate that people are trying to "inject" secularism in Muslim heart and minds.. and like America, if India is unable to understand that, it doesn't know how few cadets would be more than enough to roll its entire training program down the drain.

First of all Secularism is not Atheism..Its just respecting one another's religion, though following their own religious beliefs.

If you are so concerned about Secularism, then you should be living in desert amongst your like minded friends and not in Melbourne as a secular individual!
The fact that you are stuck in a TIME WARP shows your weakness.

In case, you have'nt noticed a lot has happened since last 31 years.

It is really embarrassing that you guys keep getting slapped around and yet keep on talking but no action.

This is not 1971 anymore, babydoll. THAT WAS THEN, THIS IS NOW.

Oh yeah a lot has happened.

Invasion of sovereignty - Osama raid

Drone strikes a normal situation

Taliban blasts that your weak army can't even control in their own country

PNS Mehran attack

Hell you're living in the same country that's pretty much blowing your country up every other day. :laugh:

You guys are STILL crying for Kashmir after 60+ years. And what has it gotten you? A new nation called Bangladesh and another colonial master (USA)
You are only embarrassing yourself with all this talk and NO ACTION.

Though the discussion here has gone completely off topic, this one point I feel needs elaboration.

There is a fundmental diff between the Indian & Pak approach.

Due to lack of depth & the necessity to appear as ' saviours' the PA seeks short,sharp engagements in J&K ( under the garb of it being ' disputed") which gives it political mileage at home and make it appear victorious . Eg : Kargil.

India on the other hand would like to bring into play all its resources and activate the entire western & Sea front to bring to bear what it percieves as its strength. India has the financial, industrial and military ability to sustain a long drawn war.

Now, on the point of why India does not act .

Its simple, India is achieveing more by not acting. Acting would polarise all the fissiparous elements within Pak . look at the state as it exists now :

1. The PA for the 1st time since 1947 is actively deployed and engaged ( & being engaged) on its Wester front.
2. Today the PA, PAF & PN are spending a fair percentage of their resources in defending themselves
from their own countrymen . This is happening in all cantonments - even deep in ' safer ' areas including the GHQ.
3. The image of PA has taken a beating like never before.
4. Pak is spending enormous sums on its Def budget - diverting them from other social commitments leading to
greater frustration within . Eg Balouchistan, Occupied J&K . I was surprised to read a thread here indicating the levels of
Polio in Pak.
5. The foreign policy is in shambles. Zardari got a cold shoulder on his recent trip. The diplomats in washington ought to have seen this & he shouldnt have gone in the 1st place.
6. The standing of the nation is taking a beating internationally.
7. The writ GOP ( Islamabad) hardly runs beyond the city. GOP ( Pindi) calls the shots.
8. Large areas of the western states are ungovernable. The list goes on..

Does India need to do anything ? Pak appears to be doing a fine job for India who should only wait.
8. Large areas of the western states are ungovernable. The list goes on..

Except for the tribal areas , I am not aware of any particular conflict going on in the North-West :azn:

6. The standing of the nation is taking a beating.

Really ? :azn: How did you determine that ? 35k sacrifices and still going strong unlike some who are abandoning Afghanistan !

5. The foreign policy is in shambles.

Not really , Russia , Iran and the SCO block is more closer to Pakistan than ever before ...
Except for the tribal areas , I am not aware of any particular conflict going on in the North-West :azn:

Really ? :azn: How did you determine that ? 35k sacrifices and still going strong unlike some who are abandoning Afghanistan !

Not really , Russia , Iran and the SCO block is more closer to Pakistan than ever before ...

Without getting into a one - on - one , if these suit a Pak citizen & he is agreeable its fine with India, in fact it helps.

I am C&P a part of a thread created by a Pak poster today on this forum :

Pakistan is in a parlous state. Internal security is a major problem and the Karachi shambles seems to be beyond the power of government to deal with. Balochistan is in chaos, the level of sectarian violence increases weekly and the war in the tribal areas is costing the country a fortune.
Hundreds of thousands of people have fled the fighting between militants and the army in the border region with Afghanistan. Pakistan is still host to two million Afghan refugees who can’t return to their country because it remains in ungovernable anarchy.
And all this has happened because of the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 which drove the fanatics over the border. Sure, Pakistan wasn’t a paradise before that – but it was in much better shape than it is now.
Suicide bombings were almost unknown (there was one in 1995 when an Egyptian citizen tried to drive a bomb-laden truck into the Egyptian embassy compound in Islamabad; but there were 41 last year), and you could walk the streets of Karachi in peace.
A foreigner could drive from Islamabad to Quetta with no more fear than being overcharged at a chai shop en route. Swat was paradise and Darra Adam Khel’s Afridis would welcome you with a barrage of pen gun fire.
Fishing, trekking, climbing and relaxing in the north provided income for the region and pleasure for visitors. Boat trips down the Indus and visits to historic sites throughout the country were normal tourist pastimes. But how many tourists have there been since the beginning of America’s war in Afghanistan?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/strate...es/185814-cast-off-america.html#ixzz1xBJP3irf
Where in my post , seriously did I deny that the WOT hasn't had consequences for Pakistan ? :what: Of course tourists wouldn't want to visit a previously troubled region fearing uncertainty but does that mean that situation isn't normal there ? Are you aware of the present condition in Swat , Malakand , Dir etc ? However your portrayal of the morale of the nation , image of the army and vast Western areas not being under the writ of the Govt of Pakistan is totally wrong !
Where in my post , seriously did I deny that the WOT hasn't had consequences for Pakistan ? :what: Of course tourists wouldn't want to visit a previously troubled region fearing uncertainty but does that mean that situation isn't normal there ? Are you aware of the present condition in Swat , Malakand , Dir etc ? However your portrayal of the morale of the nation , image of the army and vast Western areas not being under the writ of the Govt of Pakistan is totally wrong !

Good luck & God speed.
Oh yeah a lot has happened.

Invasion of sovereignty - Osama raid

Drone strikes a normal situation

Taliban blasts that your weak army can't even control in their own country

PNS Mehran attack

Hell you're living in the same country that's pretty much blowing your country up every other day. :laugh:

You guys are STILL crying for Kashmir after 60+ years. And what has it gotten you? A new nation called Bangladesh and another colonial master (USA)

See you are back with the usual nonsensical rants, the little break has done you no good , the Bharti Bug is still chewing your pea size brain. For all the cheap banter, one wonders why your Bharat Mata is so keen for MFN status acknowledgement from a country which in your derelict dreams had already disintegrated.
For all the cheap banter, one wonders why your Bharat Mata is so keen for MFN status acknowledgement from a country which in your derelict dreams had already disintegrated.

Because we love you, look up to you, and need your ratification to feel good about ourselves and what little we have achieved after and in spite of you, the cream, leaving us.
Because we love you, look up to you, and need your ratification to feel good about ourselves and what little we have achieved after and in spite of you, the cream, leaving us.

Yea, we love you too, but i guess we are not on the corporate ladder to embed you for if you thought you were Chocolate, you will eat your self.
See you are back with the usual nonsensical rants, the little break has done you no good , the Bharti Bug is still chewing your pea size brain. For all the cheap banter, one wonders why your Bharat Mata is so keen for MFN status acknowledgement from a country which in your derelict dreams had already disintegrated.

Better trade ties for greater stability in relations of course

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