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Afghan cadet trouble hounds Indian military academy

watch from 8:15, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian symbols in one room next to each other, only in India :tup:
perfectly shows the values of the Army regarding religion. There are many more sights like the one in the video, but I couldnt find them anymore

thanx bro..i was searching for this video..
When Afghan cadets are training with Indian army on Indian soil they must adhere to the principle & rules of Indian Army, which is the world's largest voluntary army & the most secular army on earth. If they want help from India we are ready to give help but not at the cost of undermining secular credentials of Indian army.
Afghan Army should send cadets to BMA. Here the environment of an Islamic society.
Afghan Army should send cadets to BMA. Here the environment of an Islamic society.

well brother, puppet karzai can't do that. Today's Afghanistan is US's 52nd state and will do
whatever uncle sam says, even go under the training of some rouge suckular army. Only an
independent afghanistan can do that. BD army also trains lots of Palestinian cadets as well and we
can also do it for our Afghan brothers.:)
Ya right, shave off all the Shiks beard and take off their turban. Dont you think those are religious thingy. I dont know about Hindu symbols, as Shiks were allowed so does Hindus as well. Only problem is Muslim?? They need to pray 5 times a day. Thats not optional dude. Take it or leave it.

If Iam correct Afghan soldiers are not asked to shave the beards
Why are the Afghan Cadets not being trained at Indian Military Academy which is in Dehradun ?

The Chennai Academy is " Officer's Training Academy ", right ?
Bangladeshis should Stfu . They have no idea what they are talking about . If they want they can offer training to the afghans next time they meet anyone from the afghan government and ask them not to send them to India . Lets see if they listen to you or not . best of luck :tup:
shows sham secularism of india ----afghans are true muslims ---- they should have just walked out --- indian "military academy" iindeed......
BD army also trains lots of Palestinian cadets as well and we
can also do it for our Afghan brothers.:)

Your Afghan brothers would laugh at your offer.

As would your Pakistani ex-brothers.

As would your Indian once brothers.

Learn how to fight first man. We are not going to be around for you everytime.
Why are the Afghan Cadets not being trained at Indian Military Academy which is in Dehradun ?

The Chennai Academy is " Officer's Training Academy ", right ?

Both institutions impart training to Officers.

OTA, Chennai ( erstwhile OTS, Madras) is for short service commission officers ( Ladies & Gents).
This is unfortunate that people are trying to "inject" secularism in Muslim heart and minds.. and like America, if India is unable to understand that, it doesn't know how few cadets would be more than enough to roll its entire training program down the drain.
The taste of the pudding is in eating. The IA Officer Corps is unsmart, professionally deficient, not articulate, with poor leadership quality and generally lousy compared to others in SA. We know; we saw them in action. And in peace time they are no patch on our officers attending the same course in BD or India. Sorry, but that's the truth. And this may be because youth from good background or with with scholastic output prefer to serve in the private sector paying far more.
Your Afghan brothers would laugh at your offer.

As would your Pakistani ex-brothers.

As would your Indian once brothers.

Learn how to fight first man. We are not going to be around for you everytime.

sometimes I wonder would it not have been better not to intervene in 1971 and let the massacres continue ?

Atleast we would have clearly seen them as an enemy than being in a state of confusion about their intensions . They anyway continue to behave like Pakistan's eastern wing .
The taste of the pudding is in eating. The IA Officer Corps is unsmart, professionally deficient, not articulate, with poor leadership quality and generally lousy compared to others in SA. We know; we saw them in action. And in peace time they are no patch on our officers attending the same course in BD or India. Sorry, but that's the truth. And this may be because youth from good background or with with scholastic output prefer to serve in the private sector paying far more.

What does this dose of Gyan and tripe have to do with Af cadets and the subject @ hand ?

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