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Afghan cadet trouble hounds Indian military academy

We had cadet officers from Nepal and Botswana in my batch at AFMC. Impeccable behavior. They realize they are representing their armed forces in a foreign land and the responsibility that comes with it. Not to mention the privilege and opportunity of studying at one of the premier institutes.They would also take great pride in their ceremonial uniforms on dress days and parades, going the extra yard to make sure that the boots are just that little bit shinier and the brass tags more gleaming. ;)

Thats how it is. I too have found myself doing that ' extra' in similar situations and found officers from Canada ,US , Aus, NZ, S Africa abiding with local rules & norms.

This case was a storm in a Tea Cup and handled correctly.
Ya right, shave off all the Shiks beard and take off their turban. Dont you think those are religious thingy. I dont know about Hindu symbols, as Shiks were allowed so does Hindus as well. Only problem is Muslim?? They need to pray 5 times a day. Thats not optional dude. Take it or leave it.
Sikhs are also supposed to pray everyday in the morning...........thats not optional dude...........but in military they dont do it.........................Sikh turban and beard are part of body...........

Do you see any Sikh in Military with Khanda hanging in his neck.........or in his cupborad???...........you will not find gurmukhi writings in the cupboard of armed personal belonging to Sikhism.......

what ever the world do is not against against muslims....................get over it..
1. Indian Army follows strict discipline and secularism.

Displaying of religious symbols etc. not allowed.

2. Language problem is also there as these Afghan cadets are not well versed in English.

Then why Shiks are allowed to wearing religious symbols?

Sikhs are also supposed to pray everyday in the morning...........thats not optional dude...........but in military they dont do it.........................Sikh turban and beard are part of body...........

Do you see any Sikh in Military with Khanda hanging in his neck.........or in his cupborad???...........you will not find gurmukhi writings in the cupboard of armed personal belonging to Sikhism.......

what ever the world do is not against against muslims....................get over it..

How they are part of the body? Cant you just shave them off?
Ya right, shave off all the Shiks beard and take off their turban. Dont you think those are religious thingy. I dont know about Hindu symbols, as Shiks were allowed so does Hindus as well. Only problem is Muslim?? They need to pray 5 times a day. Thats not optional dude. Take it or leave it.

Do you have any idea how many thousands of Muslims are serving in the Indian Army? They dont seem to get their religious feelings hurt now, do they?

I think its a minor clash of cultures, and the Afghani cadets just need time and practice to become more professional and get used to how things work in India. Nothing much to get worked up over.
quoting or symbols from all religions are allowed only when written together, singularly none!!
Then why Shiks are allowed to wearing religious symbols?

sikh religious symbol............try to find it in armed personals cupboard
Then why Shiks are allowed to wearing religious symbols?

Firstly, the name is Sikhs and not Shiks.

Next , what religious symbols does a Sikh soldier display ? The 5 K's ( Kesh ( Hair) , Kara, kangha ( Comb), kirpan & Kacha ( innerwear) are natural to their being. The turban is to cover the hair .
Wht the fck is that??? Are they Hindus?


Ok point well taken. But some big mouth Indians are giving lecture how India is superior in upholding secular Army

Big mouthed Guy! show me an evidence where it says muslims in Indian army are not allowed to pray???

The article was about some cadets were displaying religious symbols in their dormitory which is not allowed even for cadets from majority religion.

In India in certain places, religious symbols are not allowed to be shown as the basic idea is there should not be any discrimination or nepotism on the basis of religion..

When we were about to write our board exams, we were clearly told that if any religious connotations or symbols (like Hindu's Om or Muslims some number or Christian's cross) are found at the top of paper, will result in disqualification of the your paper. Your paper will not even be corrected.
Wht the fck is that??? Are they Hindus?

Ok point well taken. But some big mouth Indians are giving lecture how India is superior in upholding secular Army

another noob trying to make some flame..beard is not forbidden in Indian army's rule.and Turban is part of Army's regimental uniforms just like waist-sashes and khukri(weapon)..but showing religious symbol is forbidden.ever saw a trishul in any Indian army soldier's hand????not everybody is conspiring against muslims..so post your conspiracy theory somewhere else.
Wht the fck is that??? Are they Hindus?

Ok point well taken. But some big mouth Indians are giving lecture how India is superior in upholding secular Army

First of all Mind your language...and point is Indian don need any lecture on secularism from Bangladeshi.
And this is an Indian army signpost in the himalayas:


Muslims are allowed to pray as much as they want, praying is neither compulsory nor banned. It is their personal issue, and treated as such. What is not allowed is flaunting their religion, be it wearing crosses or writing islamic/hindu/any other verses. So that bangladeshi big mouth who is showing a few soldiers praying is completely missing the point. You will also see prayer halls with flags to represent almost every known religion. Try to match such a composite culture in your society or armed forces before having the nerve to fume at India.

I wonder what would happen to cadets who wrote hindu or biblical verses on the walls in the bangladeshi or pakistani training academies. Or even if they overtly prayed.
This is what happens when you try to force some alien ideology upon muslims.Indians crying for
suckularism here is really laughable. A muslim can never be secular and that goes for afghans as

There were tense moments after an Afghan cadet was asked to remove a piece of paper on which he had scribbled some religious verses and pasted it in his cabin. A top general was visiting the academy and the cabins were being inspected ahead of his visit. Army officials said cadets are discouraged from displaying religious symbols as it clashes with army’s secular outlook.
The cadet was asked to remove the paper from the wall. He, however, confronted the authorities. The paper was torn when the authorities were removing it. This enraged the cadet, leading to a virtual breakdown in discipline at the academy, army sources said.

Suckular indian army thinks that they can force dirt into Afghan brains.:lol: You are welcomed to
try indians like you have been trying in kashmir where your suckular army is known for rapes and
genocide. May be the cadet had written some suras or ayats on that piece of paper and tearing
it down logically goes against the so called suckular tradition of the IA. But logic won't work
with an army who masters of massacre and rape.

Do you have any idea how many thousands of Muslims are serving in the Indian Army? They dont seem to get their religious feelings hurt now, do they?

Having a muslim name doesn't make someone a muslim like the bollywood khans for eg. They dont
seem to get their religious feelings hurt because they are not muslims and can tolerate pagan

And why is your suckular country trying to train Afghan cadets. You stay within your borders and
train your suckular "muslims" in the army, Why bother with a muslim country. Your sinister plans
won't succeed anyway.

watch from 8:15, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian symbols in one room next to each other, only in India :tup:
perfectly shows the values of the Army regarding religion. There are many more sights like the one in the video, but I couldnt find them anymore
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