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Adolf Hitler and the side of History never before seen.

What should seem most remarkable to any reader weaned on the Anti-German Allied hate propaganda that has filled our ‘History’ books, Movies and ‘Documentaries’ since 1945, is just how much these ‘twisted Nazi monsters’ managed to achieve in such a short period with the debilitating handicap of having no Jewish Geniuses like Albert Einstein to help them. Imagine what more they could have done had they not been so foolish as to let those hundreds of thousands of brilliant Jewish scientists seek refuge in America and Britain. Of course, the next logical question should be, that being the case, then why did the Allies not have all these magnificent devices, blessed as they were with these awesome legions of highly gifted Talmudists?

Nope. All they came up with were ever more brutal strategies, tactics and weapons of mass destruction. The vile creature known as ‘Churchill’s Rasputin’, Lord Cherwell, was one such monster. He was a Jewish immigrant to England who was awarded with a peerage for his ‘good work’.
Wikipedia says: “Frederick Alexander Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell FRS PC CH (5 April 1886 – 3 July 1957) was an English physicist who was an influential scientific adviser to the British government, particularly Winston Churchill. He advocated the wartime "area" bombing of German cities, and was a strong doubter of the existence of the Nazi "V" weapons programme. Lindemann wished to limit Germany's ability to re-arm, and was an enthusiastic backer of the Morgenthau Plan, under which Germany would be partitioned and de-industrialised. In wartime Germany, Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels presented the plan as Jewish manipulation of Allied policy, and so was able to use the plan to bolster the German resistance on the Western front. Lindemann has been described as having "an almost pathological hatred for Nazi Germany, and an almost medieval desire for revenge was a part of his character".

Despite the fact the German’s had superior delivery systems available for Biological or Chemical agents they made no plans to do so. The noble Allies, on the other hand, developed weapons grade Anthrax in secret bases on the Scottish islands and planned to drop the pathogen in hundreds of crude iron bombs manufactured in America. If anyone was planning and acting on ‘Genocidal’ intentions it was the Allies and not the Germans yet all we ever seem to see and hear is the constant blizzard of disinformation about the so-called ‘Holocaust’©. If a holocaust is a sacrifice by fire then the massive area bombing of German cities with incendiaries, including white phosphorous, resulting in the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent Women, Children and Elderly, and the deliberate targeting, by the lunatic ‘Bomber Harris’, of significant cultural sites like cathedrals and medieval timber buildings, is an obscene war crime on a scale never seen before or since and qualifies perfectly as a holocaust.

Most of the prominent leading scientists in the Manhattan Project were Jews. They included the ‘Hungarian’ Jews Theodor von Karman, Georg De Hevesy, Michael Polanyi, Leó Szilárd, Eugene Wigner, John von Neumann, and Edward Teller (later, the inventor of the Hydrogen bomb) and the ‘German’ Jews Otto Frisch and Rudolph Peierls. The ‘Italian’ Jew Emilio Segre and Enrico Fermi who was an Italian Gentile but his wife was Jewish were also included in the top hierarchy. There were many others but they were further down the list that included over 6000 scientists who were working frantically to develop a working Atomic Bomb.

Henry Morgenthau Jr, United States Secretary of Treasury, was another maniacal Jew who frothed at the mouth in his hatred of Germans. His notorious ‘Morgenthau Plan’ was nothing short of a blueprint for Germany’s deindustrialisation and return to a virtual Stone Age agrarian society. It was based purely on revenge for the Germans’ rejecting and extricating themselves from the claws of Jew controlled International Finance, nothing else.

Wikipedia says: “Germany was closed to relief shipments until December 1945. The given reasons were that they might tend to negate the policy of restricting the German standard of living. CARE package shipments to individuals remained prohibited until 5 June 1946. US troops and their families were also under orders to destroy their own excess food rather than letting German families have access to it. In 1945 the German Red Cross was dissolved, and the International Red Cross and other international relief agencies were kept from helping ethnic Germans through strict controls on supplies and on travel. The few agencies permitted to operate within Germany, such as the indigenous Caritas Verband, were not allowed to use imported supplies. When the Vatican attempted to transmit food supplies from Chile to German infants the U.S. State Department forbade it.”

It was due to Morgenthau’s sick and indulgent sadism that at least One Million Wehrmacht soldiers starved to death or died from exposure to the elements in open camps on the Rhine within sight of mountains of food and medical supplies. This is yet another War Crime committed by the Allies that has gone totally un-investigated and unpunished.
I think hitler is blamed TOO MUCH for what happened back then......

if it was not for west, then would there have been germany suffering and then war>? again, he is not innocent, but western world must find out own mistakes before demonizing others
Anyone who says Hitler is great is worthless as a human being. After Jews, who do you think he would have targeted?
Subash Chandra Bose was a freedom fighter. You may disagree with his ways but his heart was in the right place and he was only following prgmatism. Truth is at that time, only Nazis and Japanese were capable(and willing to) fight the imperial forces of Britain. Netaji saw an opportunity in that and took advantage of it. There is no records to indicate that he was himself a believer of Nazism. Indeed it would be very strange as Indians do not have anything against the Jews. I have seen many Pakistanis like you criticizing Netaji but I have no idea why. He was indeed one of the true sons of the soil. A real warrior which has not been born ever since.

Though Hitler's secret Indian Army failed, it convinced the British that they can no longer rely on the British Indian Army. That quickened India's independence.
south asians

Those South Asians than need to be educated so they can realize what a monster Hitler was. WW2 witnessed atrocities never seen before in history of mankind, and Hitler shares the blame for dehumanizing the war.
my most favrt topic....i saw many documentaries on nazi germany and most documentaries show hitler a evil...one thing the maker of documentaries forgot that how americans dropped bombs in japan and killed a lot of peoples including innocent peoples ....y not americans fought conventional war with them...and also because of ww2 hindustan seperated and become pakistan and india ....

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