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Adolf Hitler and the side of History never before seen.

Turning to Russia was a suicide and they couldn't have held Moscow for more than few weeks. Taking into consideration the hostile winter environment.
it was not a mistake but he had to do it or else give soviets the edge.but his early victories made hom soo arrogant that lead to some crazy decisions.stanlingrad was just an ego war.wich was actually the first major defeat to germany

you mean 65 war?
yea exactly
it was not a mistake but he had to do it or else give soviets the edge.but his early victories made hom soo arrogant that lead to some crazy decisions.stanlingrad was just an ego war.wich was actually the first major defeat to germany

yea exactly

65 war was an epic stupidity from both Pakistani and Indian pov.

More so from our side, because we are smaller, and thus lost more (if not big time).

Before 65 war we were on track to become S Korea
After 65 war we started our decline to the status of N Korea.
it was not a mistake but he had to do it or else give soviets the edge.but his early victories made hom soo arrogant that lead to some crazy decisions.stanlingrad was just an ego war.wich was actually the first major defeat to germany
He only got early victories because the moral of Red Army was shaken badly by their defeat by Fins. Also Germans were preparing for the war since early 30's, so an early victory was eminent for Hitler. The poor performance of other Axis partners was also a factor for his demise in Asia aka 'eastern front'.
Off course.

Pathetic leaders push their armies into war with poor planning.

Hitler's greatest blunder was initiating Operation Barbarosa whilst being at war with Britain. The decision to open two fronts doomed Germany, irrespective of the technical superiority and preparation of the Wermacht. In addition to that, the decision to go ahead with the Final Solution was not only a travesty in the Name of Humanity, but its implementation drained resources that could have gone into the war front.
65 war was an epic stupidity from both Pakistani and Indian pov.

More so from our side, because we are smaller, and thus lost more (if not big time).

Before 65 war we were on track to become S Korea
After 65 war we started our decline to the status of N Korea.
exactly sir.what i have figured from all our history is that this war changed pakistan for ever.we never recovered properly from this war till now

Hitler's greatest blunder was initiating Operation Barbarosa whilst being at war with Britain. The decision to open two fronts doomed Germany, irrespective of the technical superiority and preparation of the Wermacht. In addition to that, the decision to go ahead with the Final Solution was not only a travesty in the Name of Humanity, but its implementation drained resources that could have gone into the war front.
wich final solution exactly??
wich final solution exactly??

In the autumn of 1941, SS chief Heinrich Himmler assigned German General Odilo Globocnik (SS and police leader for the Lublin District) with the implementation of a plan to systematically liquidate the entire European Jewry. The code name Operation Reinhard thus officially started. This was the Final Solution.
Adolf Hitler despite all the negatives in Western Media, He was, is and will remain one of the finest and strict Generals in our history. This thread proves it was not Germany who started the wars but UK,US, & French who initiated before Germany could really become the world it was.
You seem to believe Russia has a positive view of Hitler, who attained the military rank of korporal.
US didn't enter WW2 untill after Pearl Harbour, after which Germany / Hitler declared war on the US (not vv!)
Germany/Hitler started WW2 with its invasion of Poland.
exactly sir.what i have figured from all our history is that this war changed pakistan for ever.we never recovered properly from this war till now

We could have. It was relatively small war.

Our real death "economically" started with Bhutto's $tupid nationalization.
You seem to believe Russia has a positive view of Hitler, who attained the military rank of korporal.
US didn't enter WW2 untill after Pearl Harbour, after which Germany / Hitler declared war on the US (not vv!)
Germany/Hitler started WW2 with its invasion of Poland.

I concur. In fact, it was the Tripartite Pact between Germany, Italy and Japan that had doomed the Axis. Japan's attack and declaration of war on the United States initiated the conflict with the U.S. Germany, as an ally of Japan, was compelled to declare war on the United States as per the alliance. Had Germany and Italy not signed the Tripartite Pact with Japan in 1940, then there is a possibility that the Germany and the United States wouldn't have warred with each other. In addition, without the moral and political support of Fascists Germany and Italy, I doubt the Japanese Empire would have followed through with the plan to attack Pearl Harbor. In fact, there is a possibility that Japan would have relinquished its possessions in China in order to reverse the oil and steel embargo that the US and the UK had enacted on her (which was a response to the Japanese invasion of China proper).
Adolf Hitler despite all the negatives in Western Media, He was, is and will remain one of the finest and strict Generals in our history. This thread proves it was not Germany who started the wars but UK,US, & French who initiated before Germany could really become the world it was.

Indeed he was a fine General, and this is exactly what lead to the collapse of Wehrmacht faster than anybody could have predicted. His constant meddling was one of the reasons why Wehrmacht Post 1942 started suffering heavy losses against the Soviets. At the end of the day he was a Corporal, not a General. If he would have let his Generals do their jobs, his defeat would have been postponed.
Defeat at the hand of the soviets was inevitable. It was just a matter of when. It is an apt example of how idiots can lead a great nation to ruin.
Hitler's greatest blunder was initiating Operation Barbarosa whilst being at war with Britain. The decision to open two fronts doomed Germany, irrespective of the technical superiority and preparation of the Wermacht. In addition to that, the decision to go ahead with the Final Solution was not only a travesty in the Name of Humanity, but its implementation drained resources that could have gone into the war front.
He really had no option here when Stalin was preparing to back stab him from the East whilst he was planning to invade Britain.

The Soviet Union posed the immediate threat and thus had to be dealt with immediately.

Stalin would have back stabbed Hitler just as he back stabbed Japan in 1945 when he invaded Japanese Manchuria despite Japan honoring the Soviet-Japanese non-aggression pact by not declaring war on the Soviet Union after Germany's invasion of the USSR.

The Soviet Union had a expansionist ideology of international communism, and Hitler understood this more than anyone else, which is why he attack the Soviet Union before Stalin attacked Germany.

BTW, if you still have any doubts regarding Soviet Intentions of invading Germany and rest of Mainland Europe than these should clear any doubts:

Soviet aggression into Europe before Hitler appeared on the political scene:

Soviet Invasion of Eastern Europe,1919-Wikipedia

Soviet Westward Offensive Toward Germany, 1919-Wikipedia

Soviet Invasion of Poland,1920-Wikipedia

Soviet support for Communist revolution within Germany post WW1:

Communist Revolution in Germany, 1918-1919-Wikipedia

Soviet actions against the local populace of the Baltic states and other countries they annexed between 1938-1941:

Forced Settlements in the Soviet Union-Wikipedia

Population Transfer in the Soviet Union-Wikipedia

Soviet Deportations from Estonia-Wikipedia

Soviet deportations from Estonia in 1940s - estonia.eu

Soviet Mass Deportations from Latvia

Soviet Russia's Persecution of Latvia, 1918-1991

Latvia 50 Years

Soviet deportations from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina-Wikipedia

Soviet Liquidation of Polish Officers - Katyn Forest Massacre


Soviet Deportations from Lithuania-Wikipedia

Here is a speech by Hitler in which he explains his reasons for invading the USSR:


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