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Abdul Hamid The great Warrior



New Recruit

Dec 14, 2009
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The citation for the Param Vir Chakra awarded to him reads:
4 GRENADIERS (NO 2639985)

At 0800 hours on 10 September 1965 Pakistan forces launched an attack with a regiment of Patton tanks on a vital area ahead of village Cheema on the Bhikkiwind road in the Khem Karam Sector. Intense artillery shelling preceded the attack. The enemy tanks penetrated the forward position by 0900 hours. Realising the grave situation, Company Quarter Master Havildar Abdul Hamid who was commander of an RCL gun detachment moved out to a flanking position with his gun mounted on a jeep, under intense enemy shelling and tank fire. Taking an advantageous position, he knocked out the leading enemy tank and then swiftly changing his position, he sent another tank up in flames. By this time the enemy tanks in the area spotted him and brought his jeep under concentrated machine-gun and high explosive fire. Undeterred, Company Quarter Master Havildar Abdul Hamid kept on firing on yet another enemy tank with his recoilless gun. While doing so, he was mortally wounded by an enemy high explosive shell.

Havildar Abdul Hamid’s brave action inspired his comrades to put up a gallant fight and to beat back the heavy tank assault by the enemy. His complete disregard for his personal safety during the operation and his sustained acts of bravery in the face of constant enemy fire were a shining example not only to his unit but also to the whole division and were in the highest traditions of the Indian Army.
Are you telling us that a Tank can be destroyed by a Machine gun fire? weird if so!
Quarter Master Havildar Abdul Hamid who was commander of an RCL gun detachment

BTW Mr God, What is the Purpose of posting this here
Are you telling us that a Tank can be destroyed by a Machine gun fire? weird if so!

A recoilless gun or recoilless rifle (RCL) is a lightweight weapon that fires a heavier projectile than would be practical to fire from a recoiling weapon of comparable size. Technically, only devices that use a rifled barrel are recoilless rifles. Smoothbore variants are recoilless guns. This distinction is often lost, and both are often called recoilless rifles.

Normally used for anti-tank roles, the first effective system of this kind was developed during World War II by William Kroeger and Clarence Musser.

Recoilless rifles are capable of firing artillery-type shells at a range and velocity comparable to that of a normal light cannon, although they are typically used to fire larger shells at lower velocities and ranges. The near complete lack of recoil allows some versions to be shoulder-fired, but the majority are mounted on light tripods and are intended to be easily carried by a soldier. A few, such as the British 120mm L4 MoBAT and L6 Wombat could only practically be transported by jeep or truck, or mounted on an armoured personnel carrier.

BTW Mr God, What is the Purpose of posting this here

Some people think that Indians never hounoured the bravery of Indian muslims and the Indian muslims never fought for India.
Some people think that Indians never hounoured the bravery of Indian muslims and the Indian muslims never fought for India.

Did someone expressed such feelings?
Did someone expressed such feelings?

dont remember the thread but yeah many of your end belive that if you guys wage a war Indian muslims and Indians low castes are gonna part with you :smitten:
dont remember the thread but yeah many of your end belive that if you guys wage a war Indian muslims and Indians low castes are gonna part with you :smitten:

IT is Idiotic , That is why we created a new nation , we do not expect or NEED any assistance from anyone from India , we do not believe in Proxy wars.

If we fought a war with you we have the "Balls" to sustain it on our own ....:pakistan:
^^Mr. Blackblood,Thats what you think , but i have seen a thread here in defence.pk regarding how Sikhs in India help Pakistan incase of an Indo-Pak war
India's highest gelentry award winner

Param Vir Abdul Hameed

"His citation gives him credit for three tanks destroyed; in fact he had destroyed no less than 7 enemy tanks [1]. This is because the citation for Abdul Hamid's PVC was sent on the evening on 9 September 1965 but he destroyed 3 more tanks on the next day, plus the seventh one which also killed him."


Captain Haneef Uddin


"Cutting across the snowy peaks to push for the enemy-held heights, Haneef soldiered on despite artillery bombardment. Outgunned and outnumbered, he and his unit fought to the end. His body was not recovered from the perilous ridges of Turtuk, until the war was over. "As a soldier Haneef served his country with pride and dedication. There cannot be a greater statement on his valour than his death which came fighting the enemy.

India's gallantry award Vir Chakra was awarded to Captain Hanif-u-din on 15 August 1999 for the bravery and courage in the Kargil war."
IT is Idiotic , That is why we created a new nation , we do not expect or NEED any assistance from anyone from India , we do not believe in Proxy wars.

If we fought a war with you we have the "Balls" to sustain it on our own ....:pakistan:

I agree with you. Pakistanis are very patriotic, capable and determined and i respect that. :yahoo:

You have patriotic muslims/hindus/sikhs and we have patriotic muslims/hindus/sikhs/Buddhists/jews/jain/parsis/atheist it is simple like that.:yahoo:
IT is Idiotic , That is why we created a new nation , we do not expect or NEED any assistance from anyone from India , we do not believe in Proxy wars.

If we fought a war with you we have the "Balls" to sustain it on our own ....:pakistan:

O'really?? where have you been from past 30 years or so?? or did you make best buds with ostriches cause you seem to have missed out on militancy in Punjab, on going militancy in J&k to name the bloodiest ones. :pop:
O'really?? where have you been from past 30 years or so?? or did you make best buds with ostriches cause you seem to have missed out on militancy in Punjab, on going militancy in J&k to name the bloodiest ones. :pop:

There is a difference of opinion here , Punjab Operation blue star or Sikh holocaust , was your internal problem , Freedom movement in J&K is 100% legitimate we have supported it and we will keep supporting it loud and clear that is why i do not call it a Proxy.

But your infiltration in Bangladesh and now in Baluchistan is on its peak and guess what " you are starting something that we will END!!" remember that .. enough is enough and your propaganda whether it is your BS media or your so called " democratic" means has been exposed to us and we are ready for that NOW:pakistan::pakistan:
There is a difference of opinion here , Punjab Operation blue star or Sikh holocaust , was your internal problem , Freedom movement in J&K is 100% legitimate we have supported it and we will keep supporting it loud and clear that is why i do not call it a Proxy.

But your infiltration in Bangladesh and now in Baluchistan is on its peak and guess what " you are starting something that we will END!!" remember that .. enough is enough and your propaganda whether it is your BS media or your so called " democratic" means has been exposed to us and we are ready for that NOW:pakistan::pakistan:

HAHAHA yeah good luck living your lies.. Im not here to educate you on the factual occurrences of our history.

Read stuff on the internet other than the ones your media creates and your leaders want you to believe.. read the third country sources.. Indians can be wrong entire world can't be!!! :flame:
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