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A Second Iranian Revolution?

I'm comparing protests to a Israeli ruler with protests to a Iran ruler.

In Israel you can protest next to house of the "Supreme Leader" every weekend and no one touch you.

In Iran you can not say the name of the supreme leader in vain anywhere, you can't criticise him anywhere, much less say a word against him next to his house.

You are talking about Israeli prisioners, I guess Iran jails must be paradise.

Moreover Iran Deal 2015 showed publicly all the false narrative of Iran about "Great Satan" (the way they named USA).

They were very happy of sit down next to Great Satan in the same table to get money and lift sanctions.


Not if your Palestinian, it's a apartheid state with a far right government now
You can appreciate the "Islamic Republic's highly pluralistic and democratic nature" here:



It's easy, Iran regime encourage fanatism and hate against USA in Iranian people,

What you conveniently left out, is that the liberal faction (reformists & moderates) seek to bring about 'normalization' of ties with the west. It's a pluralistic polity.

but when they can get money from USA, then they forget their "ideology" :lol:,

With the JCPOA, Iran did not stand to receive any money from Washington. So you're wrong.

Spain as country is not a vassal of anyone. Spain as state is so corrupt as any other Western state. I dont work for the Spanish state, and nobody ask to Spanish people about the decisions you are complaining, it's just the decisions of a small ruling clique.

Here my thread about how power works in European states: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/how-usa-dominates-european-rulers.754361/

That ruling clique are vassals to the USA regime and to the zionists. When I speak of Spain in this context, I'm referring of the Spanish state, obviously.

In sum, Iran is enjoying independence and standing up to the imperial bullies of our time, whereas Spain is subjected to their yoke. Rather than spending this amount of time in Iranian threads trying to demean Iran, focus on Spain's predicament like Iranians did for their own country in 1979.
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Lemme tell u bro, the anger we have against the west their colonialism and terror, they will pretty much butchered if we have chance , its just matter of time to put water on their terror.
Iran is like Egypt, in the sense that there is no replacement for the existing system. For Egypt it is the military regime. Iran it's the IRGC/Basij/Supreme Leader. Revolution is not likely in Iran but protests here and there will happen.
What is happening in Iran is exactly what is happening in Iraq

But the good news

Their truth will come out and society will bury them for decades

It is true that it is painful and with some losses

But tell you from experience

The profits will be great

The community will be aware and understand the plots

Those who claim to love Iran, its interest and progress will be rejected

In Iraq we needed Couble Years

I hope that it will be quick in Iran and that they learn from what happened in Iraq and how the enemy exploits people's emotions against their interests and for destructive political ends.
West is only anti-Iran because Iran is an enemy of Israel and does not recognize Israel's legitimacy.

Otherwise the West is aware of the Sunni/Shia rift.

And why is Iran against Israel in the eyes of Sunnis like you? Politics?

Yes, Israel is one reason, but normally West (Europe) tried to maintain good relations with Iran too, just like Arab countries.

But at the end, good relations with Islamic countries is not possible. There comes a spot, where Human Rights collide with Islamic Rulings.

West cannot tolerate Forced Hijab, and that is the reason of tensions between Iran and the West (and this is bigger issue that Israel issue). Here directly PEOPLE on both sides are involved (which in case of Israel, there are maximum Governments are involved).

And these protests didn't even start from the western side, but these were started by Iranian people/women themselves. And it is natural that western people will join this struggle.

Just look at football world cup. Qatar is almost no threat to Israel. But still there is a clash of human rights and Islamic values.
And why is Iran against Israel in the eyes of Sunnis like you? Politics?

Yes, Israel is one reason, but normally West (Europe) tried to maintain good relations with Iran too, just like Arab countries.

But at the end, good relations with Islamic countries is not possible. There comes a spot, where Human Rights collide with Islamic Rulings.

West cannot tolerate Forced Hijab, and that is the reason of tensions between Iran and the West (and this is bigger issue that Israel issue). Here directly PEOPLE on both sides are involved (which in case of Israel, there are maximum Governments are involved).

And these protests didn't even start from the western side, but these were started by Iranian people/women themselves. And it is natural that western people will join this struggle.

Just look at football world cup. Qatar is almost no threat to Israel. But still there is a clash of human rights and Islamic values.
I agree with you that the Western values do not align with Islamic values.

2)Culture of nudity/lewdness
3)Culture of guns and school shootings

Sunnis such as myself couldn't give a damn for the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

It is a lost cause and I advise the Iranian Shia clergy to forget the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. it is not worth being sanctioned or becoming an outcast over it.

USA supports Israel, and USA is too strong to stand up too.
And why is Iran against Israel in the eyes of Sunnis like you? Politics?

Yes, Israel is one reason, but normally West (Europe) tried to maintain good relations with Iran too, just like Arab countries.

But at the end, good relations with Islamic countries is not possible. There comes a spot, where Human Rights collide with Islamic Rulings.

West cannot tolerate Forced Hijab, and that is the reason of tensions between Iran and the West (and this is bigger issue that Israel issue). Here directly PEOPLE on both sides are involved (which in case of Israel, there are maximum Governments are involved).

And these protests didn't even start from the western side, but these were started by Iranian people/women themselves. And it is natural that western people will join this struggle.

Just look at football world cup. Qatar is almost no threat to Israel. But still there is a clash of human rights and Islamic values.
I think that "human rights" are only of very secondary consideration,at best,to the west when it comes to the middle east and access to,and control of its resources.
After all the west was not concerned with human rights in iran during the reign of pahlavi.
Probably the most blatant examples of this sort of hypocrisy in the present day would be the wests,not just ignoring the repeated israeli violations of the palestinians human rights stretching back over decades,but its active collusion with the israelis to stifle any criticism of its policies and to defend it from any repercussions in international forums.
Another rather unpleasant example would be the wests support,both military and political, for the saudis invasion of yemen.
When it came to the breakdown of euro-iranian relations,this had nothing to do with human rights and any "clash of civilizations",rather it had everything to do with the europeans making the decision to tow the us/israeli line on rejecting irans right to the nuclear fuel cycle.
In fact I have little doubt that if by some miracle the jcpoa were reactivated,you would see the europeans only too eager to attempt to try and regain some of the hundreds of billions of lost euros in trade that they threw away back in the early 2010s.
I think that "human rights" are only of very secondary consideration,at best,to the west when it comes to the middle east and access to,and control of its resources.

you are mixing western governments with western people.
Yes, it may be that USA or England tried to get hands to Irans resources, but neither all European/Western countries did it, nor all the western people did it. Nevertheless, all of them are unanimous against the human rights issues in Islamic countries, and this battle is very much real on the level of PEOPLE.
That is why the western people have immediately joined the struggle from Iranian women against Hijab today.

Probably the most blatant examples of this sort of hypocrisy in the present day would be the wests,not just ignoring the repeated israeli violations of the palestinians human rights stretching back over decades,but its active collusion with the israelis to stifle any criticism of its policies and to defend it from any repercussions in international forums.
There is already opposition present among the western people against Israeli occupation today. Not all western people support Trump policies or Israel's policiies regarding this issue.

You see, Muslims didn't accept the Existence of Israeli State and want to destroy it at every cost.

But Muslims are also hypocrite. These same Muslims accept Nagorno-Karabakh a part of Azerbaijan, although it were Armenians who were living in that area for thousands of years.

But then came colonial powers like Iran and Turkey and Russia, who made Nagorno-Karabakh a part of Azerbaijan. But the struggle of Armenians in Nogorno-Karabakh continued.

Not only England was a colonial power, but Iran/Turkey/Russia were also colonial powers along with Azerbaijan.

When UN was formed, then not all got IDEAL justice. It is perhaps impossible to provide with ideal justice to all in this non-ideal world.

Anyhow, we live in a modern world after the rules of UN and we accept it.

Thus, all Muslims accepted US decision regarding Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan. But when it comes to UN decision regarding the existence of the State of Israel, then these same Muslims don't accept it,

Hell, even Palestinians themselves accepted Nagorno-Karabakh to be a part of Azerbaijan, but they (or at least Palestinian Jihadists don't accept the existence of the State of Israel).

It is nothing else than double standards by Muslims.
I agree with you that the Western values do not align with Islamic values.

2)Culture of nudity/lewdness

Dear Sir,

LGBT and culture are both natural, and they were a part of many cultures before today's western culture.

Moreover, it is sad that Muslims today don't know the 1300 years history of Muslim Slavery, where Hijab was reserved only for free Muslim women, while it was prohibited for slave women to take Hijab. Furthermore, the breasts of slave women were also kept naked.

I wish that Muslim masses come to know about this real history of Islamic slavery, which has been kept hidden from them by Mullahs very successfully.

3)Culture of guns and school shooting
Come on. Don't show injustice.
There are many Western countries who don't have this culture and they are the most peaceful countries in the world.
It is the same that we start blaming Islam for what Taliban do when they attack schools, especially girl schools.

Sunnis such as myself couldn't give a damn for the Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

It is a lost cause and I advise the Iranian Shia clergy to forget the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. it is not worth being sanctioned or becoming an outcast over it.

USA supports Israel, and USA is too strong to stand up too.

It is not that US Government support Israel, but it is that the western people support the existence of the state o Israel in the light of US resolutions, which may themselves be wrong.
As I wrote before, it is similar that Nagorno-Karabakh had Armenian people for thousands of year, but then UN called it a part of Azerbaijan due to the steps taken by colonial powers like Iran, Turkey and Russia. And all Muslims today happily accepted this wrong UN resolution upon Nagorno-Karabakh and other parts of Armenia and made them a part of Azerbaijan.
Dear Sir,

LGBT and culture are both natural, and they were a part of many cultures before today's western culture.

Moreover, it is sad that Muslims today don't know the 1300 years history of Muslim Slavery, where Hijab was reserved only for free Muslim women, while it was prohibited for slave women to take Hijab. Furthermore, the breasts of slave women were also kept naked.

I wish that Muslim masses come to know about this real history of Islamic slavery, which has been kept hidden from them by Mullahs very successfully.

Come on. Don't show injustice.
There are many Western countries who don't have this culture and they are the most peaceful countries in the world.
It is the same that we start blaming Islam for what Taliban do when they attack schools, especially girl schools.

It is not that US Government support Israel, but it is that the western people support the existence of the state o Israel in the light of US resolutions, which may themselves be wrong.
As I wrote before, it is similar that Nagorno-Karabakh had Armenian people for thousands of year, but then UN called it a part of Azerbaijan due to the steps taken by colonial powers like Iran, Turkey and Russia. And all Muslims today happily accepted this wrong UN resolution upon Nagorno-Karabakh and other parts of Armenia and made them a part of Azerbaijan.
Are you stupid?

In the West they allow all immorality under the guise of liberalism.

You don't sound like an Iranian, and if you are, you probably one of those liberal messed up ones.
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