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A Second Iranian Revolution?

Maybe that's why Iran's the country most sanctioned by the west, and why every single armed terrorist grouplet killing Iranians is being backed by western regimes. Maybe that's why the west threw its full weight behind Saddam when Baathist Iraq invaded Iran in 1980. Maybe that's why the USA regime entered the Iran-Iraq war on behalf of Baghdad in 1988 and attacked the Iranian Navy, in addition to shooting down a civilian Iranian airliner. Maybe that's why every oppositionist organization advocating overthrow of the Islamic Repubilc is generously funded by the west. Maybe that's why the most massive propaganda campaign in history, directed againt the Islamic Republic of Iran, is being conducted by the west.

That's a pretty strange way of "staying quiet". And it makes Iran's opposition to the USA regime so "bogus" that it generates this much aggression from the latter.

The truth is that several of Zahedan's police stations and military bases were fired at by armed elements, hence why security forces returned fire. Just days before the riots, western-backed sectarianist terrorist outfit Jeish al-Zolm published a video documenting how they've replenshed their arsenals, announcing upcoming terrorist operations in Iran's Sistan va Baluchestan province. The area has been the site of terrorist attacks before and this time's no exception.

A government which permits the construction of grand mosques in Zahedan...:


...will not open fire on worshippers. Especially when there's no reason whatsoever to resort to such an action.

Also, the assault on the police station happens to be documented. Follow the link below to watch images of armed outlaws shooting at the police:

What you may be saying is true. But secretly the West Don't want the Shia Ulama out of power in Iran.
What you may be saying is true. But secretly the West Don't want the Shia Ulama out of power in Iran.

If my reminders are true, it means "regime change" in Iran is high on the west's agenda. If it weren't, they wouldn't be resorting to all those hostile measures. They won't be acting contrary to their objectives in such a way.
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If my reminders are true, it means "regime change" in Iran is high on the west's agenda. If it weren't, they wouldn't be resorting to all those hostile measures. They won't be acting contrary to their objectives in such a way.
West is only anti-Iran because Iran is an enemy of Israel and does not recognize Israel's legitimacy.

Otherwise the West is aware of the Sunni/Shia rift.
You're right but that is the develop of protests, it's not the origin of protests.

I think Iran people who started to protest was in fact due to porverty and low incomes. But it's more nice protest asking freedom than money, it happens everywhere.

Food inflation are punishing Iranian poor people, and the most of Iran poor people are non-Persian and non-shiite, i.e: the most of people who protest.

Then in fact it's not a hijab, internet of freedom related protests, it's a economic protest, like almost all big protest in this world.

By the way, here is a video where Khamenei talks about Israeli government that because of being so oppressive, it won't last, people put the videos of Khamenei own security forces killing people, and showing the hypocrisy:

Rich kids of Tehran upload pics of them drinking Western alcoholic beverages to Instagram.

But if a poor man destillate homemade alcohol (with the risk for the health) is punished with 40 lashes.

Anyway, without hunger there is no revolution.

The dumb politic of how Iran handled the increase of food prices, is the source of protests.

Indeed! because most of these reach kids of Tehran are the kids of the top corrupt people in the regime, either IRGC top guys, ministers, or parliament members etc.
By the way, here is a video where Khamenei talks about Israeli government that because of being so oppressive, it won't last, people put the videos of Khamenei own security forces killing people, and showing the hypocrisy:

Indeed! because most of these reach kids of Tehran are the kids of the top corrupt people in the regime, either IRGC top guys, ministers, or parliament members etc.

It happened protests every weekend next to Bibi house in Israel months ago, do you imagine the same next to Khamenei house? Not a living soul would remain in a pair of days.

Anyway, like I said firstly I think main problem is economic of poor Iranian people. It's not freedom or justice.

GCC rich elite people are worst more hypocrite than Iranian elite, but GCC common people doesnt care, because they have acceptable living standards.

Hijab and worst ways of woman oppresion also happens in GCC, but in the same way, no one cares, because their money incomes are ok to live.
It happened protests every weekend next to Bibi house in Israel months ago, do you imagine the same next to Khamenei house? Not a living soul would remain in a pair of days.

Anyway, like I said firstly I think main problem is economic of poor Iranian people. It's not freedom or justice.

GCC rich elite people are worst more hypocrite than Iranian elite, but GCC common people doesnt care, because they have acceptable living standards.

Hijab and worst ways of woman oppresion also happens in GCC, but in the same way, no one cares, because their money incomes are ok to live.

I agree with your assessment for economy part but, the issue with Iran also is that unlike GCC which is friendly with west, so people as well as the elite would benefit, in Iran they created this fake hostility against the west which suppresses Iran's potentials but the top elite enjoys the western luxury and benefits. People see these hypocrisy and become mad. The economy is in tight control of a bunch of corrupt people and only them and their relatives enjoy them. They blame sanction for lack of medicine and other necessities but have enough money to buy paintball guns and shotguns from US to kill/injure protestors or teargas and other anti-riot equipment from UK.
By the way, here is a video where Khamenei talks about Israeli government that because of being so oppressive, it won't last, people put the videos of Khamenei own security forces killing people, and showing the hypocrisy:

The zionist regime won't last because it's oppressing a peoples whose land it is illegitimately occupying.

Iranian security forces on the other hand are defending their physical integrity against rabid rioters and terrorists sponsored by that same zionist regime.

Indeed! because most of these reach kids of Tehran are the kids of the top corrupt people in the regime, either IRGC top guys, ministers, or parliament members etc.

Name a top IRGC commander whose offspring belong to the wealthy corrupt clique. There are none. What the sons of IRGC top commanders do, is to enlist for military duties in hot conflicts, as sardar Hajizadeh's son in Syria.

I agree with your assessment for economy part but, the issue with Iran also is that unlike GCC which is friendly with west, so people as well as the elite would benefit, in Iran they created this fake hostility against the west which suppresses Iran's potentials but the top elite enjoys the western luxury and benefits. People see these hypocrisy and become mad. The economy is in tight control of a bunch of corrupt people and only them and their relatives enjoy them. They blame sanction for lack of medicine and other necessities but have enough money to buy paintball guns and shotguns from US to kill/injure protestors or teargas and other anti-riot equipment from UK.

Amazing how you won't realize the blatant opening self-contradiction in your rant. So is Iran unfriendly with the west, as opposed to the PGCC, or is the antagonism "faked"? Make up your mind, because this attempt at a rhetoric spin just didn't cut it.

The correct spelling is PGCC by the way, to an Iranian there's no such thing as "the Gulf", unless we're talking about one of thse oppositionists on Saudi payroll who'd willingly sell their country to the highest bidder.

Also, could you remind us of how many among Iran's upper tier officials have actually been sanctioned by the regimes in Washington, London and so on?

There's no hypocrisy whatsoever, those elites in Iran who have personal connections to the west, mostly belong to the reformist and moderates camps, i.e. the very same factions which happen to oppose the Islamic Revolution's principled anti-imperialist orientation and are sparing no effort to try and bring about normalization of ties, complete with submission to the western imperial yoke i.e. a return to the conditions that prevailed during the ousted monarchy.

It's the revolutionary factions who're standing in their way and upholding Iranian self-determination and independence, a priceless asset western- and zionist-funded oppositionists won't understand or learn to appreciate.

It happened protests every weekend next to Bibi house in Israel months ago, do you imagine the same next to Khamenei house? Not a living soul would remain in a pair of days.

The worst insults and death wishes have been shouted by zionist- / NATO-manipulated goons and nothing happened to them.
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It happened protests every weekend next to Bibi house in Israel months ago, do you imagine the same next to Khamenei house? Not a living soul would remain in a pair of days.

And 100% agreed with that assessment, the brutality of this regime has not been seen anywhere else. There was a time I thought Israeli regime is worse but the recent events proved me wrong. You cannot find anywhere else beating someone like this:

and then running over his body with motorcycle, and shooting at his face directly. And this is just one instance that was filmed, there are thousands of cases where they did it without anyone filming it.
It happened protests every weekend next to Bibi house in Israel months ago, do you imagine the same next to Khamenei house? Not a living soul would remain in a pair of days.

Anyway, like I said firstly I think main problem is economic of poor Iranian people. It's not freedom or justice.

GCC rich elite people are worst more hypocrite than Iranian elite, but GCC common people doesnt care, because they have acceptable living standards.

Hijab and worst ways of woman oppresion also happens in GCC, but in the same way, no one cares, because their money incomes are ok to live.
Really bibi? your example is him?

so here you are:

Endless Trip to Hell': Israel Jails Hundreds of Palestinian Boys a Year. These Are Their Testimonies​

They’re seized in the dead of night, blindfolded and cuffed, abused and manipulated to confess to crimes they didn't commit. Every year Israel arrests almost 1,000 Palestinian youngsters, some of them not yet 13​
Really bibi? your example is him?

so here you are:

Endless Trip to Hell': Israel Jails Hundreds of Palestinian Boys a Year. These Are Their Testimonies​

They’re seized in the dead of night, blindfolded and cuffed, abused and manipulated to confess to crimes they didn't commit. Every year Israel arrests almost 1,000 Palestinian youngsters, some of them not yet 13​

You don't need to be protesting in front of Netanyahu's residence to be jailed or shot in Occupied Palestine. Being a native Palestinian is more than enough.

And 100% agreed with that assessment, the brutality of this regime has not been seen anywhere else. There was a time I thought Israeli regime is worse but the recent events proved me wrong. You cannot find anywhere else beating someone like this:

and then running over his body with motorcycle, and shooting at his face directly. And this is just one instance that was filmed, there are thousands of cases where they did it without anyone filming it.

So President Assad's no longer "the worst"? Wasn't it Gaddafi just a couple of months earlier? How about Saddam, was he not holding that grim title before Gaddafi? In 2022 however, Tel Aviv and Washington need oceans of Iranian blood to flow, eh?

How come whenever the criminal USA regime and its zionist masters set out to wreck a nation-state and kill hundreds of thousands of its people in the process (in Iran's case, it would amount to several millions actually), the targeted country's leadership turns into the "new new Hitler" and its government into the "worst regime the world has ever seen"? That's many "worst regimes ever" succeeding each other in relatively short order.

Interestingly, they didn't seem to be in that unenviable position when NATO was busy annihilating some other nation, but will be slapped with those same labels the very moment zionists and Yanks turn their attention onto them. Isn't it a bit strange that the "worst regime" would always be the one which Washington and Tel Aviv are actively seeking to destroy through military aggression, terrorism or incitement of armed conflict at a given moment in time?

Were you told all users here are this dull, uninformed and manipulable?
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Really bibi? your example is him?

so here you are:

Endless Trip to Hell': Israel Jails Hundreds of Palestinian Boys a Year. These Are Their Testimonies​

They’re seized in the dead of night, blindfolded and cuffed, abused and manipulated to confess to crimes they didn't commit. Every year Israel arrests almost 1,000 Palestinian youngsters, some of them not yet 13​
I'm comparing protests to a Israeli ruler with protests to a Iran ruler.

In Israel you can protest next to house of the "Supreme Leader" every weekend and no one touch you.

In Iran you can not say the name of the supreme leader in vain anywhere, you can't criticise him anywhere, much less say a word against him next to his house.

You are talking about Israeli prisioners, I guess Iran jails must be paradise.

I agree with your assessment for economy part but, the issue with Iran also is that unlike GCC which is friendly with west, so people as well as the elite would benefit, in Iran they created this fake hostility against the west which suppresses Iran's potentials but the top elite enjoys the western luxury and benefits. People see these hypocrisy and become mad. The economy is in tight control of a bunch of corrupt people and only them and their relatives enjoy them. They blame sanction for lack of medicine and other necessities but have enough money to buy paintball guns and shotguns from US to kill/injure protestors or teargas and other anti-riot equipment from UK.

Moreover Iran Deal 2015 showed publicly all the false narrative of Iran about "Great Satan" (the way they named USA).

They were very happy of sit down next to Great Satan in the same table to get money and lift sanctions.

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In Iran you can not say the name of the supreme leader in vain anywhere, you can't criticise him anywhere, much less say a word against him next to his house.

Verily, you ought to refrain from commenting on topics you aren't sufficiently in the know about.

As said, the worst insults and death wishes were chanted against Iran's Supreme Leader by individuals who got away with it. They weren't arrested nor otherwise prosecuted. Because such measures are essentially reserved for those resorting to violence and/or for ringleaders in the violent unrest.

You are talking about Israeli prisioners, I guess Iran jails must be paradise.

The "BBC"... No comment.

Moreover Iran Deal 2015 showed publicly all the false narrative of Iran about "Great Satan" (the way they named USA).

They were very happy of sit down next to Great Satan in the same table to get money and lift sanctions.


Nice baseless rhetoric. Except that:

1) If the animosity between Iran and the USA regime amounted to a "false narrative", then Washington wouldn't have sanctioned Iran so massively in the first place.

2) The JCPOA was no grand bargain at all. In other terms, it was never supposed to lead to a normalization of ties between Islamic Iran and the USA regime. It's not uncommon for enemies to sit at the negotiating table to address very case-specific topics. The USSR and the USA negotiated and signed treaties on arms control, does this mean their mutual enmity was bogus? No it doesn't, and the exact same applies to Iran and the USA in the context of the JCPOA.

3) You wouldn't realize that the JCPOA was a result of the Islamic Republic's highly pluralistic and democratic nature, with the liberal faction getting into power during the presidency of Rohani and pushing for negotiations with Washington, as well as for large scale concessions to reach a deal. The revolutionary camp and the Supreme Leader never believed in the USA's sincerity, but had to respect Rohani's popular mandate all the while of foreseeing that Washington wouldn't respect their end of any deal, which in turn would delegitimize the policy of the liberals.

Negotiations after President Raisi's election were more of a formality, with Iran firmly insisting on her rights, requesting the inclusion of new verification mechanisms and guarantees that the USA regime would not tear up the deal again. While the Raisi cabinet announced that Iran will be able to do without a renewal of the JCPOA and that a plan B is in place in case Washington refused to accept Iran's legitimate conditions.

So as it appears quite clearly from the above, there's nothing "fake" about Islamic Iran's principled Resistance to American imperialism, JCPOA or no JCPOA.

Which cannot really be said of a country such as Spain, a classic vassal of Washington and Tel Aviv, deprived of independence and sovereignty. Reduced to mobilizing its diplomatic apparatus and dispatching military forces in support of the USA's illegal wars of aggression thousands of miles away.

Reduced furthermore to passing bills in order to offer Spanish citizenship to the descendants of Sephardic Jews in atonment of a "500 year old sin" (i.e. the expulsion of Jews from Spain consecutive to the Reconquista).


Whilst of course, the Native Americans subjected to genocide around the same period, or Andalusian Moslems expelled more than a hundred years later, will not be benefiting from this kind of Spanish generosity.

This is what's left of a former global power: a second-tier client regime of its former Anglo-Saxon rivals, a subject of zionist political overlordship. Spain can only dream of the independence enjoyed by Iran vis à vis the zio-American empire, let alone of mustering enough political will, bravery and prowess to successfully stand up to the latter like the Islamic Republic has been doing for forty three years in a row.
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I'm comparing protests to a Israeli ruler with protests to a Iran ruler.

In Israel you can protest next to house of the "Supreme Leader" every weekend and no one touch you.

In Iran you can not say the name of the supreme leader in vain anywhere, you can't criticise him anywhere, much less say a word against him next to his house.

You are talking about Israeli prisioners, I guess Iran jails must be paradise.

Moreover Iran Deal 2015 showed publicly all the false narrative of Iran about "Great Satan" (the way they named USA).

They were very happy of sit down next to Great Satan in the same table to get money and lift sanctions.

Well Iranian rulers had a revolution and then asked people to participate in a referendum ,within 2 months after revolution, to vote to the political system. We had 3 elections in the row to write constitution, people voted to those whom wrote the first draft, people voted to the draft a then finally to the final text.
In your so-called democracy aka isreal lands were taken and occupied, people were displaced through genocide and force to establish this apartheid regime which despite what they've done no sanction or pressure would be imposed on them. israel rulers receive military and economical aids annually from western countries and happily continue settlements.
So these 2 in noway could be compared esp when we know the very same isreal and its democratic allies like KSA are involved in terrorists attack within Iran and spreading lies and misinformation.
On nuclear deal, it wasn't the first time we negotiated with the US .. we did it in Iraq too on the request of Iraqi people ... sitting next to great satan doesn't mean any approval .. does it? we even negotiated with Saddam.
They imposed sanctions on 85 millions people and IR wanted to remove them but again their actions proved one more time that their given nickname is right, but the bigger picture is Iran needed time to work on its nuclear and missile program and we've done it. now the satan could do nothing.
Verily, you ought to refrain from commenting on topics you lack sufficient information on.

As said, the worst insults and death wishes were chanted against Iran's Supreme Leader by individuals who got away with it. They weren't arrested nor otherwise prosecuted. For such measures are essentially reserved for those resorting to violence and/or for ringleaders in the violent unrest.

The "BBC"... No comment.

Nice baseless rhetoric. Except that:

1) If the animosity between Iran and the USA regime amounted to a "false narrative", then Washington wouldn't have sanctioned Iran so massively in the first place.

2) The JCPOA was no grand bargain at all. In other terms, it was never supposed to lead to a normalization of ties between Islamic Iran and the USA regime. It's not uncommon for enemies to sit at the negotiating table to address very case-specific topics. The USSR and the USA negotiated and signed treaties on arms control, does this mean their mutual enmity was bogus? No it doesn't, and the exact same applies to Iran and the USA in the context of the JCPOA.

3) You wouldn't realize that the JCPOA was a result of the Islamic Republic's highly pluralistic and democratic nature, with the liberal faction getting into power during the presidency of Rohani and pushing for negotiations with Washington, as well as for large scale concessions to reach a deal. The revolutionary camp and the Supreme Leader never believed in the USA's sincerity, but had to respect Rohani's popular mandate all the while of foreseeing that Washington wouldn't respect their end of any deal, which in turn would delegitimize the policy of the liberals.

Negotiations after President Raisi's election were more of a formality, with Iran firmly insisting on her rights, requesting the inclusion of new verification mechanisms and guarantees that the USA regime would not tear up the deal again. While the Raisi cabinet announced that Iran will be able to do without a renewal of the JCPOA and that a plan B is in place in case Washington refused to accept Iran's legitimate conditions.

So as it appears quite clearly from the above, there's nothing "fake" about Islamic Iran's principled Resistance to American imperialism, JCPOA or no JCPOA.

Which cannot really be said of a country such as Spain, a classic vassal of Washington and Tel Aviv, deprived of independence and sovereignty. Reduced to mobilizing its diplomatic apparatus and dispatching military forces in support of the USA's illegal wars of aggression thousands of miles away.

Reduced furthermore to passing bills in order to offer Spanish citizenship to the descendants of Sephardic Jews in atonment of a "500 year old sin" (i.e. the expulsion of Jews from Spain consecutive to the Reconquista).


Whilst of course, the Native Americans subjected to genocide around the same period, or Andalusian Moslems expelled more than a hundred years later, will not be benefiting from this kind of Spanish generosity.

This is what's left of a former global power: a second-tier client regime of its former Anglo-Saxon rivals, a subject of zionist political overlordship. Spain can only dream of the independence enjoyed by Iran vis à vis the oppressive zio-American empire, let alone of mustering enough political will, bravery and prowess ever again to successfully stand up to the latter like the Islamic Republic has been doing for forty three years in a row.
You can appreciate the "Islamic Republic's highly pluralistic and democratic nature" here:



It's easy, Iran regime encourage fanatism and hate against USA in Iranian people, but when they can get money from USA, then they forget their "ideology" :lol:,

Spain as country is not a vassal of anyone. Spain as state is so corrupt as any other Western state. I dont work for the Spanish state, and nobody ask to Spanish people about the decisions you are complaining, it's just the decisions of a small ruling clique.

Here my thread about how power works in European states: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/how-usa-dominates-european-rulers.754361/
You can appreciate the "Islamic Republic's highly pluralistic and democratic nature" here:



It's easy, Iran regime encourage fanatism and hate against USA in Iranian people, but when they can get money from USA, then they forget their "ideology" :lol:,

Spain as country is not a vassal of anyone. Spain as state is so corrupt as any other Western state. I dont work for the Spanish state, and nobody ask to Spanish people about the decisions you are complaining, it's just the decisions of a small ruling clique.

Here my thread about how power works in European states: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/how-usa-dominates-european-rulers.754361/
It is not Iranian government that encourage fanatism and hate against USA but the US's policy towards Iranians that makes Iranian to dislike "the US government" Iranian don't hate American people:

U.S. Wrestlers Find They Have Passionate Fans in Iran


“They gave us roses at the airport, brought our bags, everyone wanted to take selfies with us,” Mr. Snyder said. “This was the best tournament I have ever participated in, even better than the Olympics in Rio.”​
Later on Saturday, during a sightseeing trip, the wrestling team took to the landmark Milad Tower in Tehran, and excited Iranians took pictures of the team.​
Iran’s wrestling federation sent a former wrestler to the hotel to protect the team members in case someone might not be a fan. But there, as during the event in Kermanshah, all of the Iranians they met were all smiles. It was hard to believe, someone said, that Iran is anti-American.​
The problem lies in the US not Iranians and even didn't start by Mullah, back in 1953 prime minister Dr Mosadegh extended his hands to American to help him against British colonial power instead they help the England. A coup was orchestrated by MI6 & CIA toppled first elected democratic government of Iran just due to nationalization of oil industry and funny part is back then there was no nuclear or missile program let alone regional activity.
American problem is Iran's independence.

And it was not new for example:

“Iran’s sympathetic response to the American tragedy has been exceptional for a country under US economic siege for two decades. Only hours after the Sept. 11 attack, President Muhammad Khatami condemned it, as did Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Other officials have sent sympathetic messages, including one from the mayor of Tehran to the mayor of New York – the first public official contact between Iran and the US since the 1979 Iranian revolution. […]​
More important, 60,000 spectators observed a minute of silence during a soccer match in Iran’s Azadi Stadium, and hundreds of young Iranians held a candle-lit vigil in Tehran.”​
Iran's Gov was one of very first whom condemned it and offered its condolence and stated its readiness to help the US to punish terrorists behind it ..in short Iranian allied troops took over Kabul putting an end to Taliban ... later on we helped Afghans to form their government. Within 4~5 months after war on Afghanistan, Bush made a speech regarding "Axis of Evil" and occupied one member of this exclusive honorable club aka Iraq base on false and fabricated allegations after a year. (2003)​
So neither Iranian people nor Iranian government hate the US we just trying to defend ourselves against these maniacs , for instance it's output of American policy and sanctions:

Imagine your clothes feeling like razor cuts into your skin; food feeling like nails down your throat; and the slightest touch causing your skin to fall off. These are the symptoms of the debilitating skin disorder called Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) or ‘Butterfly Children’ syndrome because the patient’s skin is said to be as fragile as a butterfly’s wings.​
The Iranian ambassador, in a tweet posted on Monday, said that a Swedish firm that produces medical supplies continues to refuse selling bandages to Iran for its butterfly children "under the pretext of cruel US sanctions".​
The post continues to say that these innocent angels are suffering and dying on a daily basis in front of the eyes of those claiming to be defending human rights. “Isn’t this the gross violation of children’s rights and a crime against humanity?”​
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