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A Momin is not stung at the same place more than once But Hey We Are Pakistanis

Russia does lack influence, but China happens to be a very good ally of the Russians.

Makes sense - so this round goes to the US and the Saudi's (PMLN)

Our generation is going through turbulent times. With the advent of social media, information is widespread and we can quickly learn of what's happening in Iraq, or in Italy or in Japan. This is the weapon of the youth which has proven to be formidable as we have seen from the Arab Spring. Change will come, and I'm sure it will come from this generation.

Socialist countries are decreasing by the day, there were quite a few when the SU was in full swing, but now there are just a handful left.
Makes sense - so this round goes to the US and the Saudi's (PMLN)

Socialist countries are decreasing by the day, there were quite a few when the SU was in full swing, but now there are just a handful left.
yes the communism as a system has lost its appeal or its power. hence the Capitalism has picked up all the war spoils and is even bordering fascism in some aspects (there is a big ho ha in the west about personal freedom and corporate greed etc).
Well, one cal always blame the usual suspects...
sad to say but this is religion of peace for you all re-branded and funded by the petro dollars. I hate to be a devils advocate but given the not so veiled threats and declaration by Saudi funded TTP to eliminate all non Sunni's from Pakistan should not all these victim communities demand a separate homeland? its pretty much in the spirit of demand for Pakistan no?
as far as the Punjabi Nawaz league is concerned it cant care less rest of Pakistan can go to hell actually even the Siraki belt can also go to hell because to remain in power it needs the Northern Punjabis to suck this godforsaken country dry before these merchants F off to their Saudi hosts.

mind you I cant less abiut what happens in Syria, oh sorry let me rephrase, I care as much about what happens in Syria as much as the Saudis care about what is happening on daily bases in karachi and Peshawar... (thats politically more correct isnt it?) I also dont care if the secular Asad and Ayatullahs of Tehran get bombed by the Saudi/ Israeli forces. .. what I DO care about is the fallout on Pakistan when after dealing with Syria all these "Muslims" will turn to Pakistan once again who have for now gone to over throw the "murderous" Asad regime (and are busy in Cannibalism and fatwa backed rape and beheading to keep themselves entertained as well) .

as long as this Punjabi' PM's Lahore and Raiwund is safe, the angry brothers can can carry on with what they please. Sheriah it seems is the best revenge
I was also reading also that the Iran-pak pipeline has been put on hold, well with Sharif he was always going to show support for the Arab states who have backed him his whole life when he was even out of power but this is a huge mistake if Pakistan gets involved in the bloody war of Syria it is very dumb thing to do in the long-run. We Indians know we did the same in Lanka and paid a heavy price for it.
I was also reading also that the Iran-pak pipeline has been put on hold, well with Sharif he was always going to show support for the Arab states who have backed him his whole life when he was even out of power but this is a huge mistake if Pakistan gets involved in the bloody war of Syria it is very dumb thing to do in the long-run. We Indians know we did the same in Lanka and paid a heavy price for it.
A lame excuse is that we were going to face sanctions and isolation had we gone ahead with that but Sadly no one bothers to check that India and China for example have gone ahead with Iranian trade without any "sanctions"

I hope the Saudis also help out Pakistan for paying the penalty of betraying and backing off from Iranian deal.
sad to say but this is religion of peace for you all re-branded and funded by the petro dollars. I hate to be a devils advocate but given the not so veiled threats and declaration by Saudi funded TTP to eliminate all non Sunni's from Pakistan should not all these victim communities demand a separate homeland? its pretty much in the spirit of demand for Pakistan no?
as far as the Punjabi Nawaz league is concerned it cant care less rest of Pakistan can go to hell actually even the Siraki belt can also go to hell because to remain in power it needs the Northern Punjabis to suck this godforsaken country dry before these merchants F off to their Saudi hosts.

mind you I cant less abiut what happens in Syria, oh sorry let me rephrase, I care as much about what happens in Syria as much as the Saudis care about what is happening on daily bases in karachi and Peshawar... (thats politically more correct isnt it?) I also dont care if the secular Asad and Ayatullahs of Tehran get bombed by the Saudi/ Israeli forces. .. what I DO care about is the fallout on Pakistan when after dealing with Syria all these "Muslims" will turn to Pakistan once again who have for now gone to over throw the "murderous" Asad regime (and are busy in Cannibalism and fatwa backed rape and beheading to keep themselves entertained as well) .

as long as this Punjabi' PM's Lahore and Raiwund is safe, the angry brothers can can carry on with what they please. Sheriah it seems is the best revenge

Well, what you are saying should be obvious to anyone who is not pretending to keep his eyes wide shut. This is also what we have already seen happening in recent history.

I am not sure the brothers are as much villainous as just bound by the rules of the game they are a part of. They are just maximizing their own outcomes with all the constraints they face from their environment.

It is unfortunate but the incentive system is really broken here. It doesn't encourage anyone to think of what is good for the country in the long term, just what is good for themselves in the short term...
I don't get it...why does Pakistan find the need to get involved into conflicts? - especially where it doesn't concern them. Involvement in Afghanistan could at least be justified as it being its neighbor. But Syria?

I wonder when on earth will they clean their own country of rabies or must the awaam be filthy rich and flash their $$ before they are given that service?
We should have learned by now, these monsters come back to bite us, Alas we have learned nothing form the past
We need to understand the complexity of the Syrian crisis - one with which the AF/PAK region can heavily relate to. This complexity encompasses the question of finding a balance between providing military assistance to the moderate people protecting themselves from the regime and making sure it does not end up at the hands of terrorist groups. The opposition to the Syrian regime is fractured and contains terrorists among them. On the other hand, the Syrian regime has and is brutally slaughtering its own population to the extent of using chemical weapons against Syrians and bombing hospitals, schools etc. As our Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has stated, “Syria’s use of chemical weapons … increases the risks that terrorist groups like Hezbollah, which has forces in Syria supporting the Assad regime, could acquire chemical weapons and use them against our interests and our people. We must do all we can to prevent Hezbollah or any terrorist group determined to strike the United States from acquiring chemical weapons, and we cannot allow terrorist groups and authoritarian regimes to mistakenly believe that they can use chemical weapons against U.S. troops or America’s friends and partners in regions without severe consequences.

It has been our posture, put forward by our leadership, that the solution to the conflict is Syria cannot reach a resolution without a negotiated political solution. All parties concerned should make serious commitments to future talks and negotiations to resolve this conflict and prevent further strife and allow the Syrian people to rebuild their country.

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
A great decision

not only do we get to sell weapons, we help Syria get rid of a filthy alewite dictator

we are on the right side of history our main allies whether it be GCC or Turkey , even Usa and Nato support this action

the idea that the tiny insignificant number of TTP could come from syria with any serious weaponry is ridiculous even if we didn't give them weaponry then why can't they bring the tonns of other weaponry to Pakistan if they were so inclined

the indians are butt hurt because they don't want Pakistan involved in international affairs and realise no one involves them in anything

some of the pakistanis are butt hurt because they are Shia and are happy to watch syria be crushed as long as a alewite dictator is allowed to rule indefinitely

once again we are on the right side of history

lets help syria get rid of a dictator, 80 percent of syrians are sunni Muslim and hate assad

lets make some money selling old inventory which we can watch in a battle situation then use the profits to improve and make new stock

lets show our allies how important we are, what we make and sell and strengthen our relationship with our main allies

At the moment the syrian regime isn't negotiating because they have the upper hand

lets tip the balance
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