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A grave warning on Iran from 'the decision maker'

Israel's nuclear ambiguity is exactly the opposite of offensive. Iran without nukes already threaten to destroy Israel and change the Middle East.

There is a strong possibility that military attack will do the job. After Israel will prove Iran it can destroy its nuclear programme Iran will think twice about resuming its nuclear programme which could be destroyed as many times as necessary.

Nah , its nuclear ambiguity is exactly concordant with offensive foreign policy ... Silently exerting its influence without declaring itself a nuclear power ... Iran even with nukes will not attack Israel , dont we all know what happens when two nuclear powers go nuclear ? :azn:

Sorry , there's not even a remote possibility of such a thing happening since Iran's nuclear facilities are deeply underground , no amount of firepower will even put a dent in them ... This has been discussed to ad nauseam in this very forum that even MOAB cant destroy Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities ... Even if for the sake of argument , I accept that somehow you do it ... Do you really think that Tehran will watch silently and there will be no response against you ? :azn:
Nah , its nuclear ambiguity is exactly concordant with offensive foreign policy ... Silently exerting its influence without declaring itself a nuclear power ... Iran even with nukes will not attack Israel , dont we all know what happens when two nuclear powers go nuclear ? :azn:

My dear poster,

You don't have to go round and round like Julaibee to attack Israel.

Israel has not declared itself nuclear power, It doesn't want to be known as one either. That's admirable.

I wish Pakistanis had done the same, instead of exploding nukie bombs and allowing all the street thug Mullooos f@rt about it.

On your second point that "Iran will not attack Israel...". Iran already has attacked Israel by funding and arming its proxy Hizbulloo Mulloos militia with firecracker rockets and militarizing Shia group in Lebonon in other countries.

Just wanted to make sure that you are not spreading misinformation. That's all.

Israel has not declared itself nuclear power, It doesn't want to be known as one either. That's admirable.

i don't know what kind of faux historian you are, but your argument smells bad: jews' ACTUAL nuclear weapons don't hurt anybody, but iran's WORDS hurt the jews? that is how you assess threats, not based on actual military hardware but words? your logic isn't normal, human logic - it smells precisely jewish and resembles the same BS we heard from the jews and jewish press.
This is the Iranian answer to the Zionist regime and its decision makers:

Lawmaker: Iran to Destroy All Israeli Military Centers in Case of War

TEHRAN (FNA)- A member of the Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission downplayed Israel's war rhetoric against Iran as boastful and empty remarks, but meantime warned that Tehran will destroy all Israeli bases in case it comes under attack by Tel Aviv.

"We have no doubt that Zionists' claims about attacking Iran are nothing but psychological operation," Avaz Heidarpour told FNA on Tuesday.

"First of all, I should say that Iran's air-defense power will neither allow a targeted strike by the Zionist regimes' missiles nor a violation of its airspace by the Israeli aircraft.

"In addition, all the Zionist regimes' military centers will be destroyed completely on the very first day of war as they are a high priority target for Iranian missiles," the lawmaker said.

"Before the Zionists make any mistake, Iran declares very clearly that it has never guaranteed that it will leave even one Zionist settler of the occupied lands (Israel) alive" if it comes under Israeli aggression, he warned.

The remarks by the Iranian lawmaker came in response to the recent statements of the Israeli home front defense minister who claimed that Israel is prepared for a 30-day war on multiple fronts should it decide to strike Iran.

In an interview with Maariv newspaper, Matan Vilnai warned that any military engagement should be weighed carefully, and cautioned that Israel should "always coordinate" with the United States.

"The assessments are for a war that will last 30 days on a number of fronts," he said.

In similar remarks in June, the Iranian Supreme Leader's top military aide dismissed the possibility of a US or Israeli military move against Iran as "weak", but meantime cautioned that Iran's crushing reprisal for an Israeli attack would force one million Israelis to flee in the first one or two weeks of the conflict.

Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi described Israel's Jewish community as "vulnerable", and noted, "The Zionists are living in such international conditions that if they intend to launch an attack against Iran, one million Jews will flee Israel in the first one or two weeks. Jews are very vulnerable there."

In March, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei stressed Tehran's military preparedness to give a crushing response to any possible aggression against the country.

"We do not possess a nuclear weapon and we will not build one, but we will defend ourselves against any aggression, whether by the US or the Zionist regime, with the same level (of force)," Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing thousands of Iranian people in the holy city of Mashhad, the provincial capital city of Iran's Northeastern province of Khorassan Razavi.

The Leader said Washington and its allies are well aware that Iran is neither in possession nor in pursuit of nuclear weapons and the real reason behind their enmity against Iran is their thirst for the nation's oil.

Fars News Agency :: Lawmaker: Iran to Destroy All Israeli Military Centers in Case of War
It is hardly that simple.

Iran does not develop nukes for internal recreation, but for external purposes, so it is the world business to deal with it.
So why the world is keeping nukes. Thats the external purpose too. When the western world will demolish their nukes then they get the right to stop Iran nukes otherwise not.......:smokin:
To me given the recent tumultous times in the middle east, an attack on Iran by Israel would seem only a natural finale to a plan that many can say that US put in motion a few years back. A clear victorious division of Sudan, then a masterstroke via the Arab spring (many think that middle east with new Egypt is a more unfriendly place for US but that is the fun - the Chinese gains in these nations over the last years have been severely reversed and the Chinese duplicity has too been exposed. It may be a less unfriendly place but it is really what suits the US best now) and one look at Syria, the mess that erdogan put turkey in (not just the extremism encouragement) but also sitting on the wrong side of Assad and the pro Assad Syrians is I think a bonus that U.S. would not have expected. So when China adapted to the world, US changed it from how the Chinese thought it is. Got wrong footed to say the least. So every pawn will be worth fighting for like what is happening in Syria currently and what happened in Lybia last. Unfortunately for Iran, they I believe also are part of this changing scenery. The excuse (might as well be true, why speulate?), of the nuclear capability attainment provides the perfect door opener too). what the Iranians are thinking is wrong. The Israelis, all they need to do is to give Iran a bloody nose. The Iranian compulsive rhetoric and the nature of the governing regime will make it a necessity for them to respond disproportionately and will make the rest of the plan work on autopilot. Strange that the Iranians cannot see that even when US and Europe (minus Germany) maynot support Israel's first agression, but they will not stannd by and watch a disproportionate response being meted out back from Iran. And that will be the problem. Each escalation will seem to be from Iran (probably will be too) and the response will get progressively easier for Israel and its allies. Odds are stacked too heavily against the Iranians. Iran too knows that China supports its allies with encouragement paid in full in US Dallahs!! And Russia will not be able to do anything beyond a point. Nobody is ready to risk with Iran what US will be ready to risk with Israel. I still think that Iran is collateral damage. The pieces were originally not set for Iran!!

in my opinion, currently Iran should withdraw and remain to fight another day. there could be better opportunities in future (if they really have to fight this war!!)
To me given the recent tumultous times in the middle east, an attack on Iran by Israel would seem only a natural finale to a plan that many can say that US put in motion a few years back. A clear victorious division of Sudan, then a masterstroke via the Arab spring (many think that middle east with new Egypt is a more unfriendly place for US but that is the fun - the Chinese gains in these nations over the last years have been severely reversed and the Chinese duplicity has too been exposed. It may be a less unfriendly place but it is really what suits the US best now) and one look at Syria, the mess that erdogan put turkey in (not just the extremism encouragement) but also sitting on the wrong side of Assad and the pro Assad Syrians is I think a bonus that U.S. would not have expected. So when China adapted to the world, US changed it from how the Chinese thought it is. Got wrong footed to say the least. So every pawn will be worth fighting for like what is happening in Syria currently and what happened in Lybia last. Unfortunately for Iran, they I believe also are part of this changing scenery. The excuse (might as well be true, why speulate?), of the nuclear capability attainment provides the perfect door opener too). what the Iranians are thinking is wrong. The Israelis, all they need to do is to give Iran a bloody nose. The Iranian compulsive rhetoric and the nature of the governing regime will make it a necessity for them to respond disproportionately and will make the rest of the plan work on autopilot. Strange that the Iranians cannot see that even when US and Europe (minus Germany) maynot support Israel's first agression, but they will not stannd by and watch a disproportionate response being meted out back from Iran. And that will be the problem. Each escalation will seem to be from Iran (probably will be too) and the response will get progressively easier for Israel and its allies. Odds are stacked too heavily against the Iranians. Iran too knows that China supports its allies with encouragement paid in full in US Dallahs!! And Russia will not be able to do anything beyond a point. Nobody is ready to risk with Iran what US will be ready to risk with Israel. I still think that Iran is collateral damage. The pieces were originally not set for Iran!!

in my opinion, currently Iran should withdraw and remain to fight another day. there could be better opportunities in future (if they really have to fight this war!!)

wow, how fast indians suck up to their new jew/anglo-american sugar daddies! ditching even their old ones, the russians. lol, your "analysis" shows you know nothing of the sudans, the arab spring, the china-us rivalry, the russia-iran-syrian ties; it shows only indians kiss a good *** when that *** smells white and anglo-saxon and smells like a master.
wow, how fast indians suck up to their new jew/anglo-american sugar daddies! ditching even their old ones, the russians. lol, your "analysis" shows you know nothing of the sudans, the arab spring, the china-us rivalry, the russia-iran-syrian ties; it shows only indians kiss a good *** when that *** smells white and anglo-saxon and smells like a master.

LoL, you spite like a woman!!

and if you are now done with the ad hominems, would you care to rebut what I think in a fashion more like a cultured girl or will it be too much to expect from you? And by the way, were you able to comprehend that the neutrality of my post is only betrayed by a soft spot for Iran as it is today? Or are you too baffeled by the idea of Iran stepping back from this scuffle from which China could possibly profit?
This is the Iranian answer to the Zionist regime and its decision makers:

Lawmaker: Iran to Destroy All Israeli Military Centers in Case of War

TEHRAN (FNA)- A member of the Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission downplayed Israel's war rhetoric against Iran as boastful and empty remarks, but meantime warned that Tehran will destroy all Israeli bases in case it comes under attack by Tel Aviv.

"We have no doubt that Zionists' claims about attacking Iran are nothing but psychological operation," Avaz Heidarpour told FNA on Tuesday.

"First of all, I should say that Iran's air-defense power will neither allow a targeted strike by the Zionist regimes' missiles nor a violation of its airspace by the Israeli aircraft.

"In addition, all the Zionist regimes' military centers will be destroyed completely on the very first day of war as they are a high priority target for Iranian missiles," the lawmaker said.

"Before the Zionists make any mistake, Iran declares very clearly that it has never guaranteed that it will leave even one Zionist settler of the occupied lands (Israel) alive" if it comes under Israeli aggression, he warned.

The remarks by the Iranian lawmaker came in response to the recent statements of the Israeli home front defense minister who claimed that Israel is prepared for a 30-day war on multiple fronts should it decide to strike Iran.

In an interview with Maariv newspaper, Matan Vilnai warned that any military engagement should be weighed carefully, and cautioned that Israel should "always coordinate" with the United States.

"The assessments are for a war that will last 30 days on a number of fronts," he said.

In similar remarks in June, the Iranian Supreme Leader's top military aide dismissed the possibility of a US or Israeli military move against Iran as "weak", but meantime cautioned that Iran's crushing reprisal for an Israeli attack would force one million Israelis to flee in the first one or two weeks of the conflict.

Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi described Israel's Jewish community as "vulnerable", and noted, "The Zionists are living in such international conditions that if they intend to launch an attack against Iran, one million Jews will flee Israel in the first one or two weeks. Jews are very vulnerable there."

Fars News Agency :: Lawmaker: Iran to Destroy All Israeli Military Centers in Case of War

I have setted a game in Thrones and patriots that I put the ongoing scenario of Israel and Iran as well as distance too...

while playing I can able to send Israeli jets over Syira and Iraq...Syrian air defence lack of technology to shoot down the IAF jets .and they are facing civil war too..With some agreement of Iraq they allowed Israeli jets uses their air way.....And 10 out of 12 jets successfully bombed the Iranian installments.....

Now Iran prepared to tackle Israel...they know only the way of attacking israel is using their missiles only...they successfully fired 50 BMs over Israel ...out of 30 is failed to reach the Destination
Thanks to the Israeli hackers ..they hack their computer and satellites control system.....balance 20 out of 19 are successfully intercepted...thanks to Arrow BMD system....lol 2 if them falled and detonated in Palestine territory.....

This was the real Scenario of Israel vs Iran....

without help of Their allies

Now mods close the thread ...Thread explained
wow, how fast indians suck up to their new jew/anglo-american sugar daddies! ditching even their old ones, the russians. lol, your "analysis" shows you know nothing of the sudans, the arab spring, the china-us rivalry, the russia-iran-syrian ties; it shows only indians kiss a good *** when that *** smells white and anglo-saxon and smells like a master.

Are you scared of Israel and Indian peoples
Personally I am getting tired of this Iranian threats by Israel.

Every other day there is a new article in Israel stating that Iran is 6 months away from a nuclear weapon. And when that date comes, a new date has been set in the future.

It first started in 2003, then 2005, then 2007, then 2008, then 2009, then 2011, then 2012, etc.

Israel knows full well that only the US can give Iran's nuclear program a knock out blow and thus is goading the US into another war in the middle east.

But the American Generals need a respite after long series of wars in the region and are not buying Israel's claims of Iran's imminent danger.
I have setted a game in Thrones and patriots that I put the ongoing scenario of Israel and Iran as well as distance too...

while playing I can able to send Israeli jets over Syira and Iraq...Syrian air defence lack of technology to shoot down the IAF jets .and they are facing civil war too..With some agreement of Iraq they allowed Israeli jets uses their air way.....And 10 out of 12 jets successfully bombed the Iranian installments.....

Now Iran prepared to tackle Israel...they know only the way of attacking israel is using their missiles only...they successfully fired 50 BMs over Israel ...out of 30 is failed to reach the Destination
Thanks to the Israeli hackers ..they hack their computer and satellites control system.....balance 20 out of 19 are successfully intercepted...thanks to Arrow BMD system....lol 2 if them falled and detonated in Palestine territory.....

This was the real Scenario of Israel vs Iran....

without help of Their allies

Now mods close the thread ...Thread explained
Do you see lots of hollywood?Or in a worst case, Bollywood movies?
So if from 50 missiles,2 are supposed to reach Israel,can you enlighten us why Israel has pissed itself about attacking Iran and why U.S has hold Israel's collar so tight not to attack?
Do you see lots of hollywood?Or in a worst case, Bollywood movies?
So if from 50 missiles,2 are supposed to reach Israel,can you enlighten us why Israel has pissed itself about attacking Iran and why U.S has hold Israel's collar so tight not to attack?

How did you know that..I am a big fan of Hollywood .....and Iranian B grade video Clipings too

If you have guts ...can Iran starts the war aganist Israel....Israel threatens Iran,Syria Egypt also.....Can these countries spark the war ....They are feared to start the War
How did you know that..I am a big fan of Hollywood .....and Iranian B grade video Clipings too

If you have guts ...can Iran starts the war aganist Israel....Israel threatens Iran,Syria Egypt also.....Can these countries spark the war ....They are feared to start the War
Thank God you admitted that Israel is the rogue state here that someone needs to hold its collar tight, threatening everyone around her.Why should Iran threaten Israel?There is no need for it.Iran has never claimed it wants to attack Israel first,so there is no need for any guts.:smokin:
Thank God you admitted that Israel is the rogue state here that someone needs to hold its collar tight, threatening everyone around her.Why should Iran threaten Israel?There is no need for it.Iran has never claimed it wants to attack Israel first,so there is no need for any guts.:smokin:

your words are looking like

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