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A grave warning on Iran from 'the decision maker'

It is hardly that simple.

Iran does not develop nukes for internal recreation, but for external purposes, so it is the world business to deal with it.

students and practitioners of diplomacy always recognize nuclear weapons as an inherently defensive weapon. now that doesn't mean iranians aren't entitled to dropping the bombs on jewish heads because the jews' crimes and offenses are already numerous. so it is jews' own sense of insecurity and guilt that projects a bellicose purpose onto the iranians who are developing a purely defensive military technology.
students and practitioners of diplomacy always recognize nuclear weapons as an inherently defensive weapon. now that doesn't mean iranians aren't entitled to dropping the bombs on jewish heads because the jews' crimes and offenses are already numerous. so it is jews' own sense of insecurity and guilt that projects a bellicose purpose onto the iranians who are developing a purely defensive military technology.

Iran's foreign policy and objectives are hardly defensive, bot aggressively offensive. No doubt Iran will use its nukes to promote its aspirations on the expense of Israel and perhaps even on the expense of its existence.
You completely ignore from the refusal of most of Israel's neighbours, particularly Iran, to live in peace with it.

a jewish state founded on stolen land, a state of a historically rootless race, that is crime in and by itself. i am saying there should be decriminalizing of actions taken against a race of inherent criminality.

Iran's foreign policy and objectives are hardly defensive, bot aggressively offensive. No doubt Iran will use its nukes to promote its aspirations on the expense of Israel and perhaps even on the expense of its existence.

i can in good conscience neither approve of israel's existence nor disapprove any action taken against its criminal existence, either by arabs or persians.
a jewish state founded on stolen land, a state of a historically rootless race, that is crime in and by itself. i am saying there should be decriminalizing of actions taken against a race of inherent criminality.

i can in good conscience neither approve of israel's existence nor disapprove any action taken against its criminal existence, either by arabs or persians.

Thank you for supporting my argument that the problem is with Israel's neighbours.

I deeply apologise that Israel is not ready to commit suicide and destroy itself for the pleasure of anti-Semite such as you.
Nobody knows what Israel can and cannot do except of very few people.

But of course like always there are certain possibilities and capabilities of both countries we can discuss , right ? :azn:

So , Iran's nuclear program is set back a couple of years in case of bombardment however the knowledge will still be there , what is the guarantee that it wont resume after the initial shock ? None!

Iran's foreign policy and objectives are hardly defensive, bot aggressively offensive. No doubt Iran will use its nukes to promote its aspirations on the expense of Israel and perhaps even on the expense of its existence.

Cut this bull **** ... We all know how peaceful Tel Aviv is in these matters ... Samson's options and nuclear ambiguity anyone ?
If Israel attacks Iran,besides the fact that this time it can't make the world cry for it again and can't play the victim role as always,Iran will get out of NPT,kick out IAEA inspectors and this time,actually starts making the bomb.U.S knows this very well,that's why they have hold Israel's collar so tight.Israel knows only language of force,so we should speak with her with the same language.
Although it does lead to a new question:

Why do Sunni nations fear a nuclear Iran more than a nuclear Israel?

A very deep and ancient rivalry ! Not for this thread though ...
But of course like always there are certain possibilities and capabilities of both countries we can discuss , right ? :azn:

So , Iran's nuclear program is set back a couple of years in case of bombardment however the knowledge will still be there , what is the guarantee that it wont resume after the initial shock ? None!

Cut this bull **** ... We all know how peaceful Tel Aviv is in these matters ... Samson's options and nuclear ambiguity anyone ?

Israel's nuclear ambiguity is exactly the opposite of offensive. Iran without nukes already threaten to destroy Israel and change the Middle East.

There is a strong possibility that military attack will do the job. After Israel will prove Iran it can destroy its nuclear programme Iran will think twice about resuming its nuclear programme which could be destroyed as many times as necessary.
Iran should stop worrying about Israel and Palestinian issues ... even Hamas has made statements against Assad.

Although I never preach to anybody about nukes, I would advise Iran to be cautious because the western nations and Israel will be forced to take some kind of action.
Israel's nuclear ambiguity is exactly the opposite of offensive. Iran without nukes already threaten to destroy Israel and change the Middle East.

There is a strong possibility that military attack will do the job. After Israel will prove Iran it can destroy its nuclear programme Iran will think twice about resuming its nuclear programme which could be destroyed as many times as necessary.
That's it,Netanyahu is paying all Jews all over the world to repeat this lie again and again.
Iran never has threatened to destroy Israel.Bring me one single credible proof that Iran has threatened to 'destroy' Israel or attack it.
Now before you start bragging about that'wiping off from the planet' thing,let me tell you that it's a different thing than destroying or attacking.
Israel too wants to wipe the current government and system in Iran off,the same way,Iran wants the Israeli government gone,the same way U.S wanted Soviet Union gone.The world is not stupid to believe every lie you spread.It is Israel who is threatening to attack Iran everyday.
That's it,Netanyahu is paying all Jews all over the world to repeat this lie again and again.
Iran never has threatened to destroy Israel.Bring me one single credible proof that Iran has threatened to 'destroy' Israel or attack it.
Now before you start bragging about that'wiping off from the planet' thing,let me tell you that it's a different thing than destroying or attacking.
Israel too wants to wipe the current government and system in Iran off,the same way,Iran wants the Israeli government gone,the same way U.S wanted Soviet Union gone.The world is not stupid to believe every lie you spread.It is Israel who is threatening to attack Iran everyday.

Iran is not saying we are against the regime (like the US was against Communism in Russia), but Iran says we are against the existence of a country which is a nation state for the Jewish people. On the other hand, Israel never threatened to eliminate Iran and in the past had good relations with it.

Iran is not threatening to attack Israel, it is already has been attacking Israel since the 1980's through its terror proxy Hizbualla and in terror attacks against Israelis and Jews around the world.

But you know that already, so stop with the pretending.

Unlike with its Arab neighbours and Palestinians, Israel never had any conflict with Iran, Iran's threats and terrorism ignited Israel to make every effort to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
It is hardly that simple.

Iran does not develop nukes for internal recreation, but for external purposes, so it is the world business to deal with it.

So do you think that USA nuked japan for recreation ? they build these bombs for recreation, israel is a nuclear state for recreation ? if your answer is yes hen IRAN have all rights for this sort of recreation,
So do you think that USA nuked japan for recreation ? they build these bombs for recreation, israel is a nuclear state for recreation ? if your answer is yes hen IRAN have all rights for this sort of recreation,

You just agreed with my point.

The US is a responsible nuclear weapons state and so is Israel. They will never threaten to use nukes just to exert influence, like Iran already does in the Middle East. The US used nukes during WWII when the lives of hundred of thousands of soldiers were at stake and it was in 1945! The US did not use nukes since then. How long will it take Iran to use nukes against Israel? No even 45 days!

And you want Israel to accept that it will be attacked and not try to prevent it? Forget it!
India never threatened to destroy Pakistan completely, in fact it has a no-first use policy regarding its nuclear weapons. BTW, Pakistan never made such promise so India should be more worried than Pakistan from using nuclear weapons against it...

Iran's regime constantly threats Israel with elimination, this regime with nukes will only destabilise the region even more. Unlike Iran, Israel never threatened to destroy it or attack it without any provocation.

LOl India from the day 1 is against Pakistan and we have seen indian aggression just after the nuke tests they did in 1998, which resulted in Pakistan going nuke :)

Where as israel, is doing all sort of aggression against Palestine people(muslims) and IRAN have all the rights to go nuke and that is the only solution to this problem.

BTW if israel is so much peace loving nation and have nukes then why its afraid of others having same things.. also why israel is afraid of other countries to get that as well ? shame on israel double standards...

You just agreed with my point.

The US is a responsible nuclear weapons state and so is Israel. They will never threaten to use nukes just to exert influence, like Iran already does in the Middle East. The US used nukes during WWII when the lives of hundred of thousands of soldiers were at stake and it was in 1945! The US did not use nukes since then. How long will it take Iran to use nukes against Israel? No even 45 days!

And you want Israel to accept that it will be attacked and not try to prevent it? Forget it!

come on how much you have been drinking today? US is responsible Nuke state? who told you this ? US IS THE ONLY COUNTRY EVER USED THAT NUKES TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE IN THE PAST....

ISRAEL on the other hand responsible of killing innocent people in Palestine on daily basis... how the world still things ISRAEL having this power making world safe..?
You just agreed with my point.

The US is a responsible nuclear weapons state and so is Israel. They will never threaten to use nukes just to exert influence, like Iran already does in the Middle East. The US used nukes during WWII when the lives of hundred of thousands of soldiers were at stake and it was in 1945! The US did not use nukes since then. How long will it take Iran to use nukes against Israel? No even 45 days!

And you want Israel to accept that it will be attacked and not try to prevent it? Forget it!

first of all, no mere possession of nuclear weapons can be criminalized - only its use may be penalized in international law. second, no use of nuclear weapons against rootless races can be criminalized.

of course, no one is stopping the jews from using nukes on its neighbors. the jewish state already occupies a realm of criminality that no one expects any decency from it. but an iranian or egyptian bomb can ensure that this will be the last crime the jews will ever be allowed to commit.
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