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A grave warning on Iran from 'the decision maker'

And your words look like another Indian who sold his soul to Israel.
To me given the recent tumultous times in the middle east, an attack on Iran by Israel would seem only a natural finale to a plan that many can say that US put in motion a few years back. A clear victorious division of Sudan, then a masterstroke via the Arab spring (many think that middle east with new Egypt is a more unfriendly place for US but that is the fun - the Chinese gains in these nations over the last years have been severely reversed and the Chinese duplicity has too been exposed. It may be a less unfriendly place but it is really what suits the US best now) and one look at Syria, the mess that erdogan put turkey in (not just the extremism encouragement) but also sitting on the wrong side of Assad and the pro Assad Syrians is I think a bonus that U.S. would not have expected. So when China adapted to the world, US changed it from how the Chinese thought it is. Got wrong footed to say the least. So every pawn will be worth fighting for like what is happening in Syria currently and what happened in Lybia last. Unfortunately for Iran, they I believe also are part of this changing scenery. The excuse (might as well be true, why speulate?), of the nuclear capability attainment provides the perfect door opener too). what the Iranians are thinking is wrong. The Israelis, all they need to do is to give Iran a bloody nose. The Iranian compulsive rhetoric and the nature of the governing regime will make it a necessity for them to respond disproportionately and will make the rest of the plan work on autopilot. Strange that the Iranians cannot see that even when US and Europe (minus Germany) maynot support Israel's first agression, but they will not stannd by and watch a disproportionate response being meted out back from Iran. And that will be the problem. Each escalation will seem to be from Iran (probably will be too) and the response will get progressively easier for Israel and its allies. Odds are stacked too heavily against the Iranians. Iran too knows that China supports its allies with encouragement paid in full in US Dallahs!! And Russia will not be able to do anything beyond a point. Nobody is ready to risk with Iran what US will be ready to risk with Israel. I still think that Iran is collateral damage. The pieces were originally not set for Iran!!

in my opinion, currently Iran should withdraw and remain to fight another day. there could be better opportunities in future (if they really have to fight this war!!)
indians love their Anglo masters
And your words look like another Indian who sold his soul to Israel.

I never sold my soul to anyone ..I am the King of my Feelings..no one can intercept my soul....

I love Israel ...I love Jewish People...I love their History...I love their culture.....and I love their Techbology too....

Long live Israel long live Jewish peoples..

In case of Iran Just a Persian named state is awesome but nothing to compared to Israel

oh man...Just a small thing

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