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A Freedom Struggle Is Not Terrorism

Do you see some contradiction in the two statements?

Idol worship is prohibbited in islam , that is reason omer destroyed them , mehmood ghaznvi also destroyed sumanat mandur due to same reason.

Islam dont allow distruction non muslim worship places.if some body did it is wrong.
islam teaches us to respect non believers and their worship places.

I see it in pretty much all your comments.

Again, do you agree with what Omer or Gaznavi did? Was it in accordance with Islam?
Why were these countries invaded and occupied by Muslims in the first place?

What if the Muslim countries are occupied and "ruled" for hundreds of years and then still remain Muslim majority? That would be OK?

The Arabs were invited to Spain by the Spanish count Julian, whose daughter had been dishonoured by the usurper of the Visigoth throne, a general named Rodrick. He urged the Arabs to cross over, and promised to help them defeat this rodrick and avenge his slight.

The ARabs duly obliged, and Musa bin nasir sent a force under TAriq bin zyad, and the rest is history.

The invasion of Sindh is also preceded by an act of wanton rape and dishonour. Daughters of some deceased ARab merchants in Sri Lanka were being sent to Arabia by sea, when it was attacked on the coast of Sindh. The Kalif at the time protested to ruler of the area, Raja Dahir. Raja Dahir claimed they were pirates, and that he could not apprehend them. This led to an expedition under the teenage military genius, Muhammad bin Qasim, and RAja Dahir was subsequently killed in the ensuing campaign.

Please read history before commenting on thsi forum, so as to save your own reputation more than anything. I'd hate for people to start thinking, our Indian friends here like to argue from a point of ignorance.

The fact that you, today, are HIndu, is a testament to the inclusive attitudes of the muslims who ruled India. You are the living proofs of our 'moderation' and 'tolerance'.
warraich, you don't know what you are talking about. The reasons for the destruction of Somnath and other so called 'temples' are completely different, as history attests. But this discussion is for another thread.
The Arabs were invited to Spain by the Spanish count Julian, whose daughter had been dishonoured by the usurper of the Visigoth throne, a general named Rodrick. He urged the Arabs to cross over, and promised to help them defeat this rodrick and avenge his slight.

The ARabs duly obliged, and Musa bin nasir sent a force under TAriq bin zyad, and the rest is history.

So, the count did have a personal tragedy and turned a traitor that invited foreigners to occupy his country. And that is a sufficient excuse to enslave a country for 800 years! Solid logic, man.

There are leaders in Pakistan and almost every Islamic country who look up to USA. You call them traitors, I guess. Is the presence of a small number of such traitors sufficient for a country to be occupied and enslaved for hundreds of years?

Don't rapes (sanctioned by your Jirgas) occur regularly in Pakistan and the victims never get justice? A prime case for occupation, I guess. By Islamic sanction, no less.

The Arabs duly obliged part is really hilarious. :lol:

Why won't an invader oblige a traitor? I think you guys accuse some of your politicians to be stooges of the USA and traitors to their own country. What if the USA obliges them?

I will have to say that the obligation went on for more than the usual time. :lol:

The invasion of Sindh is also preceded by an act of wanton rape and dishonour. Daughters of some deceased ARab merchants in Sri Lanka were being sent to Arabia by sea, when it was attacked on the coast of Sindh. The Kalif at the time protested to ruler of the area, Raja Dahir. Raja Dahir claimed they were pirates, and that he could not apprehend them. This led to an expedition under the teenage military genius, Muhammad bin Qasim, and RAja Dahir was subsequently killed in the ensuing campaign.

So the Somali pirates are sufficient cause for Somalia to be occupied and enslaved for 700 years? Same for the countries bordering the Malacca straits?

Denmark would be justified in occupying Pakistan after their embassy bombing? USA can occupy Saudi Arabia because their people were attacked there?

Please read history before commenting on thsi forum, so as to save your own reputation more than anything. I'd hate for people to start thinking, our Indian friends here like to argue from a point of ignorance.

The fact that you, today, are HIndu, is a testament to the inclusive attitudes of the muslims who ruled India. You are the living proofs of our 'moderation' and 'tolerance'.

I replied to your contentions on the following post:


Never heard back!

That post was a small and minor list of your 'moderation' and 'tolerance'.

You may have "read" history, you have shown no stomach for truth. I have seen repeated instances of that.

I have seen other instances where people's viewed have been trashed by you because they belonged to ''Dawoodi bohra" or "Ahmedi" or "Shia" sects of Islam, in other words to one of the more than 100 other sects than your own.

Those comments themselves reeked of the 'tolerance' that you propound here!

Frankly, I have seen the same justifications trotted out with the exact same words numerous times and they all fail the test of the golden rule. It would be good to get a fresh perspective but it is highly unlikely that we will get one here.

May be it is a bit too much to ask, but can you apply the golden rule to any comment that you make while presenting such defence?

Would you like yourself and your country to be treated in the same way for similar reasons?
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I dont think their action is right .

That is good to know.

But they are still heroes to a large number of Muslims. In fact to almost all of them. What does it make them?

You country names its missiles after "Gazani"! You think they are choosing the wrong heroes?
Ghaznvi defeated perthvi that is reason we consider him hero.

Are you sure he is an Islamic hero just because he invaded and defeated a Hindu ruler? Is that all that is needed to become an Islamic hero?

I have always read that he was an Islamic hero because he was "but shikan par excellence". Even you own earlier posts mention this.

But remember no one is perfect.

Is it OK to have an imperfect Islamic hero? Can the Islamic system ever be imperfect?
Islam is perfect religion ,therefore read islam if you desire eternal success .

it is better we dont waste our time in discussion of personalities .:enjoy:

and it is exactly this notion of theological supremacy that is the root cause for the disconnect that exists between Islam and everyone else on the planet.
Islam is religion of love and peace that is reason my family waraich who were founder of hinduism and ruled india hundred of years converted to islam.

yes you are right waraich , it is clearly visible , all over the world , from taliban to Saudi Arabia
So, the count did have a personal tragedy and turned a traitor that invited foreigners to occupy his country. And that is a sufficient excuse to enslave a country for 800 years! Solid logic, man.

??? The muslim spain of Al Andalus initiated a golden age of learning, and tolerance in the Iberian Peninsula, a glorious synthesis of east and west. You obviously have no idea, what science, art, music, philosophy was produced and disseminated during that time, which directly led to the renaissance of Europe. You obviously have no idea, do you? And cannot carry out any conversation or objective reasoning outside the lets hate Pakistan and Muslims paradigm.

There are leaders in Pakistan and almost every Islamic country who look up to USA. You call them traitors, I guess. Is the presence of a small number of such traitors sufficient for a country to be occupied and enslaved for hundreds of years?

What are you on about? Don't go round playing the guessing game. You're juxtaposing views on us, that none of us hold, and then refuting them. Why don't you take over my Avatar and write my posts for me too? That should make it much easier for you.

Don't rapes (sanctioned by your Jirgas) occur regularly in Pakistan and the victims never get justice? A prime case for occupation, I guess. By Islamic sanction, no less.

Since when has the jirga system been called Islamic? Would the excesses of a local village panchayat be attributed to HInduism? Would you, for example, condemn Hinduism when a child is forced to marry a dog and copulate, ostensibly to ward off some perceived evil to the village? Why does every conversation of yours have to end in dengrating Islam or Muslims to some degree? Is this what your Bharatiya secular education has taught you?

So the Somali pirates are sufficient cause for Somalia to be occupied and enslaved for 700 years? Same for the countries bordering the Malacca straits?

Who enslaved whom? No muslim certainly did not enslave any Indian. Maybe the Europeans should have arrived and taken over a little earlier. Lets say the Spanish/Portuge(and not just in the vicinity of Goa). Then you would know what slavery is. I'm sure people like Raja Man singh would not have agreed with you.

Denmark would be justified in occupying Pakistan after their embassy bombing? USA can occupy Saudi Arabia because their people were attacked there?

You cannot use today's geopolitcal considerations and attitudes to pass judgement on what happened 1200 years ago. You have to look at the local dynamics of the time, and the pattern of settlement and invasion that characterised human flows. The muslims were not the first, nor the last to come to India. We had a perfect example in the Aryans before us, whoc certainly did enslave the local population by making them into Shudras and Dalits.


Never heard back!

That post was a small and minor list of your 'moderation' and 'tolerance'.

You may have "read" history, you have shown no stomach for truth. I have seen repeated instances of that.

I have seen other instances where people's viewed have been trashed by you because they belonged to ''Dawoodi bohra" or "Ahmedi" or "Shia" sects of Islam, in other words to one of the more than 100 other sects than your own.

I did not trash anyone for being a Shia, or Bohra. You must get yourself checked, you are spending too much time on this forum, and have started hallucinating.

Those comments themselves reeked of the 'tolerance' that you propound here!

How ironic. Getting lectured by Vindo sahb, on the subject of tolerance. That'd be like George Bush professing on becoming peacniks.
A freedom struggle is a terrorism.Terrorists getting helps from country's enemies.This is not fair war.If they want to be free.They must fight themselves.
warraich, you don't know what you are talking about. The reasons for the destruction of Somnath and other so called 'temples' are completely different, as history attests. But this discussion is for another thread.

Indeed, I look forward to the discussion on the other thread.

We can surely discuss why the temples were "so called". Who was the prosecutor, judge and the executioner rolled into one and why his word should be blindly trusted as the only true word.

We can also discuss if the same criteria can be applied to the "so called" places of worship that is covered here in this video and many more like this.


We can also discuss about the following words of deep wisdom being preached ther:

"We Muslims have been ordered to do brainwashing"

"A woman is deficient even if she does PHD. May be it is the hormones that make her emotional"


"We hit her and hit her again".


"The last day will not come till the Muslims fight the Jew and kill him".

May be we can also discuss what should be done about the Jama Masjid following the exact same logic when the Imam openly supports Bin Laden who is a sworn enemy of the country. We need to apply the exact same logic that you apply to the case of the Somnath.

Also what to do about the many seminaries that are producing jombies who can only become suicide bombers and nothing else.

May be also about the places of worship where the loudspeakers that are supposed to be used for prayers to God also blared the Kashmiri Pundits to leave the valley at the pain of death leaving their womenfolk behind.

Indeed, please do open that thread and let us discuss a sane explanation for all this. It would be a good discussion, I am sure.
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don't try to derail this thread vinod. especially not with this unabashed propoganda, a documentary that was shown on tv a while ago, with statements taken out of context to make them sound shocking and absurd.

Why was Bagwan Ganesh beheaded by his father? Because Bagwan Shiva thought that his son had slept with his wife, Devi Parvati. Was this punishment in accordance with HIndu laws? In the end, he had to resort to finding an Elephant's head in order to bring to life their dead son.

Can we say, based on the above belief, that Hindus call for the beheading of people whom they think have slept with their wives?

What percentage of the Bharati population would need to be beheaded then?
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don't try to derail this thread vinod. especially not with this unabashed propoganda, a documentary that was shown on tv a while ago, with statements taken out of context to make them sound shocking and absurd.

Why was Bagwan Ganesh beheaded by his father? Because Bagwan Shiva thought that his son had slept with his wife, Devi Parvati. Was this punishment in accordance with HIndu laws? In the end, he had to resort to finding an Elephant's head in order to bring to life their dead son.

Can we say, based on the above belief, that Hindus call for the beheading of people whom they think have slept with their wives?

What percentage of the Bharati population would need to be beheaded then?

DS, I don't want to come between you guys, but I would like to point out that you are wrong on the count of why Ganesh was beheaded. It was not because he slept with Parvati, Ganesh was told by Parvati to stand guard and not allow any one inside while she is taking bath. When Shiva was about to go inside, Ganesh has stopped him going inside, Shiva, being a temperamental guy, beheaded him, only after realizing his mistake that he had to go for an elephants head.

So, your whole premise linking it to the behavior of Hinduism is totally wrong and out of context.
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