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A confused Pakistani

Pakistan was made "state of pakistan" in 1947

later renamed "Islamic republic"...probably the biggest mistake in 1956

i met a guy from turkey in Pakistan this july in abbottabad.
He told me it will take atleast 2 decades for pakistani to become as liberal as turkey/turkish people are now

he was in pakistan for about 2-3 weeks before i met him

2 decades? Make that at least 100 years.
the mullahs come here and talk about pakistan :lol:

remember who gave you nuke, now buggar off

The big difference between us and Pakistanis, is that our problems are caused by the regime, while in Pakistan it's the people. Perhaps 100 years was to generous; make that at least 200 years.

The only reason you guys have a nuke, is because of Dutch knowledge, which Abdul Khan did steal.
The only reason you guys have a nuke, is because of Dutch knowledge, which Abdul Khan did steal.

the mullahs are so proud announcing this

all your bullying nature lies our giving you the nuke, without nuke you are nothing, not even a spec of dust, so be thank ful we gave you the nuke
Interesting to see how Pakistani opinion divides up, even in a reasonably well-informed (saying well-educated might be construed as inflammatory) forum. The neo-patriotic fringe elements who show up here, the Internet Muslims, are really very discouraging, as they know that they have nothing backing them other than muscular enthusiasm. The result - insults to everyone who opposes them. That takes care of you, old man, aka VCheng; get lost, this discussion doesn't concern you, and besides, we have screwdrivers with bigger balls than yours, you Mullah, aka Surenas. And remember, everybody, we may talk like imbeciles, but we have the Bomb!
Interesting to see how Pakistani opinion divides up, even in a reasonably well-informed (saying well-educated might be construed as inflammatory) forum. The neo-patriotic fringe elements who show up here, the Internet Muslims, are really very discouraging, as they know that they have nothing backing them other than muscular enthusiasm. The result - insults to everyone who opposes them. That takes care of you, old man, aka VCheng; get lost, this discussion doesn't concern you, and besides, we have screwdrivers with bigger balls than yours, you Mullah, aka Surenas. And remember, everybody, we may talk like imbeciles, but we have the Bomb!

The saddest part is the truck load of conspiracy theories thrown up.
from liberal facism, zionists , RAW , Mossad.. etc etc etc.

It seems the only thing these people are good at, is passing fatwas.. that is all that they will ever be good at.
They would murder their families, their kith and kin.. but have a fatwa or a conspiracy as an excuse.
woe be with the people(I wont say nation) that embrace such idiocy and revel in it.
The big difference between us and Pakistanis, is that our problems are caused by the regime, while in Pakistan it's the people. Perhaps 100 years was to generous; make that at least 200 years.

Good point.
The big difference between us and Pakistanis, is that our problems are caused by the regime, while in Pakistan it's the people. Perhaps 100 years was to generous; make that at least 200 years.

The only reason you guys have a nuke, is because of Dutch knowledge, which Abdul Khan did steal.

That is an interesting comment,
While I do not support the following.. your view echoes that of my great grandfather who was the editor of an urdu daily in Lucknow and very close friends with Nehru.
Till the end he stayed with India, and would always say that he does not oppose the idea of Pakistan..but rather than it would take a 100 years to groom the people of the area that is Pakistan to be able to handle independence.

It may not be true for the majority of the population, but definitely those that have come to define it.
And you may have all the silent , left of the right of the middle majority.. or whatever.
But your loudest voice is all that is heard,felt and followed.. and right now, its fatwa, boom , bang bang.
i met a guy from turkey in Pakistan this july in abbottabad.
He told me it will take atleast 2 decades for pakistani to become as liberal as turkey/turkish people are now
It's not an automatic thing; that's only if Pakistan's people and leaders both have the guts to change course.
"your loudest voice is all that is heard,felt and followed.. and right now, its fatwa, boom , bang bang"

Maybe if talented secularists started issuing their own fatwas...like the French route. Their route out of religious bigotry was through the likes of Voltaire and Zola.
It's not an automatic thing; that's only if Pakistan's people and leaders both have the guts to change course.

...and as of now, there is no evidence either of desire or guts to do that.
This piece is worth a read:

from: TheNews Blog » A Confused Pakistani
Yes this thing is now getting slow and people are turning back to Islam still few years back elite of Pakistan were going crazy after western culture but things have slowed down now and people slowly are coming back to Islam and trying to follow it some are trying to follow it completely other some parts but a good thing and this trend will grow
It breaks my heart reading articles and comments like this. I miss the Pakistan of the old days which was extremist free. It seemed back then people were less angry and frustrated then now. Now we have self proclaimed mullahs being backed by oil dollars opening up madrasahs were kids get free meals and brainwash them into thinking in such a hateful way.
With no intention to find fault or troll , my views as an unbiased outsider are as follows. This has more to do with geographical and linguistic proximity with Pakistan than the history or my former profession.

Pakistan as I see has no Pakistanis left who live in Pakistan . The old school men who formed Pakistan have all but gone. They are left on the You Tube or in archives. They are spoken of in passing not to emulate but to take advantage of as it suits the speaker. Today, people who live in Pakistan are Shia, Sunnis, Brelvis, Qaidanis, Baluchis, Mohajirs, Pashtuns and so many more sub divisions but no Pakistanis.

Those living abroad appear to me more sensitive &patriotic than those who live in the land. The Non Residents carry happy images of Pakistan and appear to disbelieve that things either are as wrong as that or cannot be set right by the institutions that existed when they lived back home. Sadly they cannot.

This applies in equal measure to India where strong national institutions serve as a bulwark to save the nation from repeated onslaughts. This is what is lacking in Pak.

Next, with all due respect Pak seems to have learnt nothing from Dec 16 , 1971. The same mistakes are being repeated.The nation it appears needs someone to gang up against and speak ill of. After the Bengali Babu it’s the Baluchis turn.

The killing of Bugti has led to the same polarization in that state as the language & election issue led to the fiasco in EP. Everyone who matters seems to be actively contributing to alienating the baluch in one way or another. It appears as though the intention is to see where the break point is. Bugti’s killing had created a martyr who has the ability to rally the aggrieved. The implications of what can happen seem to be missed.

It surprised me to know a few days ago that there still are regions in Pak where the old colonial system of placing an Agent exists – he runs the region directly on instructions of the Center. If after 65 years the nation has not been integrated into one unit when will it ever be ?

Technology & money have changed the perceptions of ppl, their aspirations are much more than those of our parents generation. Every one blames someone else for the mess and makes little or no effort to clean up. The SC at times intervenes to attempt to correct some Macro issues. The micro ones that impact ppl in their daily lives go unattended. Its like attempting to pass current through a wire with very high resistivity – it does not pass through.

Its not for me to suggest solutions as this can only come from the ppl who live in the land. The only thing to note is that time is running out. Tradition and the PA cannot save the nation forever.
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