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A confused Pakistani

As I thought of it, I wondered if I ever would be able to go back to the Quaid’s Pakistan. Worst as I wrote this piece

VCheng, can you please elaborate on this, because it stops my mind to see people using such terms without defining it and just "hoping" that the readers will know what i am talking about ?
Interesting to see how Pakistani opinion divides up, even in a reasonably well-informed (saying well-educated might be construed as inflammatory) forum. The neo-patriotic fringe elements who show up here, the Internet Muslims, are really very discouraging, as they know that they have nothing backing them other than muscular enthusiasm. The result - insults to everyone who opposes them. That takes care of you, old man, aka VCheng; get lost, this discussion doesn't concern you, and besides, we have screwdrivers with bigger balls than yours, you Mullah, aka Surenas. And remember, everybody, we may talk like imbeciles, but we have the Bomb!

We also have Internet Hindus here the so-called educated ones.

first one has to correct ownself and then point out.
VCheng, can you please elaborate on this, because it stops my mind to see people using such terms without defining it and just "hoping" that the readers will know what i am talking about ?

Do you want me to elaborate on the term "Quaid's Pakistan"?
Nice article-
I really liked it-

but i see exaggerated generalizations- anyway-

But then I look at Gen. Ayub regime, which lost us half the country failing to accept the mandate of the majority in East Pakistan. I look at Gen. Yahya under whose regime Muslim Bengali men were massacred and their women raped. I look at Gen Zia who whilst liberating Afghanistan ended up handing over Pakistan to Islamic Extremists and then Gen Musharraf who due to lack of his brinkmanship ended up gifting us the “War of Error”- sorry I meant “War Against Terror”

this paragraph should have been highlighted-

we have Gen Ayub- Gen Yahya and Gen Musharraf at one corner- (liberal bachichods)-
at other corner we have Gen Zia-(religious)-

every one of them Generals have given us Pakistanis a Gift-
am just wondering who has damaged Pakistan more-
Pakistani's dont want to change. They are happy in the knowledge that someone else is to blame for their sufferings and since they are with Allah - as everyone else is conspiring against Islam, Allah will punish the guilty when their time comes.

The Malala incident could have been a watershed, indeed it appeared that it would be a watershed. Then it turned out to be a storm in a teacup.
The Malala incident could have been a watershed, indeed it appeared that it would be a watershed. Then it turned out to be a storm in a teacup.

Could that be the real reason she was whisked out of the country?

I wonder.
Pakistani's dont want to change. They are happy in the knowledge that someone else is to blame for their sufferings and since they are with Allah - as everyone else is conspiring against Islam, Allah will punish the guilty when their time comes.

The Malala incident could have been a watershed, indeed it appeared that it would be a watershed. Then it turned out to be a storm in a teacup.

It is wrong to say that. Pakistanis do want to see real change, no doubt about it.

However, those who control the power want to see the status quo maintained and thus far they have the upper hand.
VCheng. Those who rule also come from the same stock. Tell me, does your Army not realize its excesses are ruining Pakistan. Does your Army not feel that the direction and assets it wanted to use for its purpose have led the nation astray. In the Pakistani Army's view it needs to be able to match India, look India in the eye and say f*ck off for it to be content, has it ever questioned that the money it uses up to be able to do so till date has led to a lot less for other equally if not more important areas like education, health?

And what now? Now when it needs more and more money to even match its previous level of defence against India?
Should they not voluntarily reduce their own budget? Maybe sign a no aggression pact with India or ask US to be a guarantor of territory against any Indian aggression? US already offered that to Pakistan once.

Do your politicians realize your country has to keep begging in front of the world every 3rd year? Do they know that unemployement is on the rise?

Dont they want to fix it?

Ok, lets talk about the mango men, do they realize that burning and killing people of other ethnicity/race/religion/sect is hurting their nation?

When everyone is busy doing their own thing, on what basis do you say that Pakistani's want change?

Or are you talking about the ones who sit at home and do nothing, and yet expect someone else to take their country in a direction they want? The Sheeples?
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