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n force the WTC came down at the very same rate as from top to buttom, anything in WTC canot weaken the structure beacuse it was made to withstand attacks. but froget about the structure look at recording of it ha! black boxes where destroyed i know they found some but they where sooo damaged that they could have not been used, impossible there made out of titanium and are know to be recovered always why WTC was not?
n force the WTC came down at the very same rate as from top to buttom, anything in WTC canot weaken the structure beacuse it was made to withstand attacks. but froget about the structure look at recording of it ha! black boxes where destroyed i know they found some but they where sooo damaged that they could have not been used, impossible there made out of titanium and are know to be recovered always why WTC was not?

Let us try to be logical here....

The speed of fall will increase as the floors will collapse one by one.
Two basic reasons:
1.The mass of the debris falling gradually increases as the floors go down one by one,forcing the next floor to break apart in a lesser interval of time.The first floor from the top may take more time,while the 20th from the top may not take that much.

2.We really cannot deny the effect of acceleration due to gravity here.The fall will be an accelerated motion,else we might be defying Newtonian mechanics here.....

If you think that the fall had uniform velocity,then you have to show the reasons behind it,and further more important what will it really prove???

Black boxes of all the planes were found,but in case of Flight 77,which hit Pentagon(not WTC),was so much damaged that it data recovery from the voice recorder was not possible.Rest of the data was obtained successfully.
Let us try to be logical here....

The speed of fall will increase as the floors will collapse one by one.
Two basic reasons:
1.The mass of the debris falling gradually increases as the floors go down one by one,forcing the next floor to break apart in a lesser interval of time.The first floor from the top may take more time,while the 20th from the top may not take that much.

2.We really cannot deny the effect of acceleration due to gravity here.The fall will be an accelerated motion,...
U talk of being logical while i see the ONLY logic in ur post is the word "Logic"... :)

All free falling objects fall at 9.8 metre per second square -minus- the air resistance... That's what we call as free-fall-speed, a misnomer for free-fall-acceleration...

Now with floor-after-floor hindering the free fall, if anything , the acceleration would be much-less than 9.8m/s... If we notce a free-fall or near-free fall acceleration in WTCs that'd mean the next floors were NOT offering any resistance to the falling debris... That's possible ONLY if those next floors were breaking apart BEFORE the debris hits them.... That would mean something was exploding the next-floors... that would mean controlled-demolition... That's what's called "logical-talk" :)
U talk of being logical while i see the ONLY logic in ur post is the word "Logic"... :)

All free falling objects fall at 9.8 metre per second square -minus- the air resistance... That's what we call as free-fall-speed, a misnomer for free-fall-acceleration...

Now with floor-after-floor hindering the free fall, if anything , the acceleration would be much-less than 9.8m/s... If we notce a free-fall or near-free fall acceleration in WTCs that'd mean the next floors were NOT offering any resistance to the falling debris... That's possible ONLY if those next floors were breaking apart BEFORE the debris hits them.... That would mean something was exploding the next-floors... that would mean controlled-demolition... That's what's called "logical-talk" :)

Exactly point out where did I say that the motion will be free fall???What were you thinking before posting this??

Even you admit in your argument that acceleration will indeed be there if not equal to that of acceleration due to gravity....

the acceleration would be much-less than 9.8m/s...

The effect is indeed there unless WTC towers were located somewhere deep inside outer space...
you need to come out and admit something straight up and be honest - there is nothing you know of that is similar the passport
nothing that had the same trajectory and went through the same improbable hurdles to survive.

After the first aircraft hit the first wtc tower debris from the impact rained down to litter the streets, much of that debris was paper as seen in this picture:

Your assumption that nothing can survive or that it's very unlikly for something like a passport to survive is plainly incorrect as seen in the picture above and from videos. You lost the argument long ago, but instead you keep digging yourself a deeper whole.

i said its EXTREMELY unlikely that a passport can survive an inferno, survive an explosion, go through a building and land in tact on the road side - where it was missed by everyone for a few days, then it was mysteriously found.

If it's so unlikely how did so many other peices of flamable debris from the impact zone survive and litter the streets? Was it somehow discretely placed there by men in black?

That would mean something was exploding the next-floors... that would mean controlled-demolition... That's what's called "logical-talk" :)

No that would mean you have a wild imagination.

Lets take the 500 Wood Street Building's demolition, it was 1/3rd the height of one wtc tower. It took 1,590 charges for 11 levels and two (2) months of prep work with another 7 days to place the charges. The charges that were used were shaped charges, these charges are attached directly to steel columns, meaning demolition experts would have to strip and gut much of the interior just to get to the columns, so are we supposed to believe that no one in any of the three wtc's noticed anything suspicious like the interior being gutted or explosive charges being placed everywhere around them or miles of cable being strung around the building?

500 Wood Street Building | Controlled Demolition, Inc.

After two (2) months of preparation, CDI’s 13 person crew needed seven (7) days to place 1,590 linear shaped charges totaling 595 lb. of explosives on steel columns on 11 levels of the 27-story structure

Or we also supposed to believe that the survivors that were discovered in the rubble somehow miraculously survived thousands of charges of explosives? :rofl: Are we supposed to believe that somehow the shockwave didn't effect them?

What about charge caps? There should have been thousands discovered, where are they? Why aren't they seen in photographs or video of the rubble?
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^^ man this is some logic??, the passport was from the airplane and didnt belong from the building, how can possibly the passport from the burning debris of the plane survive???
^^ man this is some logic??, the passport was from the airplane and didnt belong from the building, how can possibly the passport from the burning debris of the plane survive???

Passport were not the only personal items to survive, Identification, and credit cards also survived. Conspiracy theorists claims are getting debunked so they start questioning anything and everything about 9/11 including passports.

As stated before, after the first impact debris from the impact littered the streets--much of this debris was paper, if paper survived why shouldn’t a passport?

The passport was able to survive because it was only briefly exposed to the fire. Remember, it took only milliseconds form the time the aircraft impacted to the time aircraft debris exited the wtc, whatever fire the passport was exposed to was too brief to cause any significant damage. Moreover, the passport could have been stored in something like a pocket or briefcase which would only help protect it from the fire.

If you take something similar to a passport and quickly move it over an open fire do you expect it to burn or turn into ash? Of course not, so why do people ignorantly assume that a passport from 9/11 can not do the same?
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Passport were not the only personal items to survive, Identification, and credit cards also survived. Conspiracy theorists claims are getting debunked so they start questioning anything and everything about 9/11 including passports.

As stated before, after the first impact debris from the impact littered the streets--much of this debris was paper, if paper survived why shouldn’t a passport?

The passport was able to survive because it was only briefly exposed to the fire. Remember, it took only milliseconds form the time the aircraft impacted to the time aircraft debris exited the wtc, whatever fire the passport was exposed to was too brief to cause any significant damage. Moreover, the passport could have been stored in something like a pocket or briefcase which would only help protect it from the fire.

If you take something similar to a passport and quickly move it over an open fire do you expect it to burn or turn into ash? Of course not, so why do people ignorantly assume that a passport from 9/11 can not do the same?

By the same guy who was vaporized Body goes but Passport stays.
What eas the passport made off Diamaonds ?
the debunkers of 9/11 inside job theory have got insane, the temperature which melted the steel didnt cause the passports to damage :lol::lol:
the debunkers of 9/11 inside job theory have got insane, the temperature which melted the steel didnt cause the passports to damage :lol::lol:

The steel didn't melt professor, it lost strength and eventually buckled under the weight, steel loses about 50% of its strength at 1100°F, a normal house fire can exceed that temperature. But why am i not suprised that a 'thruther' didn't know this? Why am i not suprised that you ignorantly assumed that the steel had to melt? Why am i not suprised that thruthers still beleive that there was no wreckage or that a missle hit the pentagon? Why am i not suprised that thruthers don't know the difference between an intake compressor and a high pressure compressor? Or that Massad agents were dancing around the WTC after the aircraft impacted? I think it's clear that truthers are a joke.
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we all know 9/11 was an inside job ,my best reasercher is David Ray griffin,a christian professor,who knows more about science than you ptld sweepey will ever do

:pakistan: :sniper:
U talk of being logical while i see the ONLY logic in ur post is the word "Logic"... :)

All free falling objects fall at 9.8 metre per second square -minus- the air resistance... That's what we call as free-fall-speed, a misnomer for free-fall-acceleration...

Now with floor-after-floor hindering the free fall, if anything , the acceleration would be much-less than 9.8m/s... If we notce a free-fall or near-free fall acceleration in WTCs that'd mean the next floors were NOT offering any resistance to the falling debris... That's possible ONLY if those next floors were breaking apart BEFORE the debris hits them.... That would mean something was exploding the next-floors... that would mean controlled-demolition... That's what's called "logical-talk" :)
:lol: By this argument, there is no way a house of playing cards could fall. If there is a God, He must be laughing his divine gluteus maximus off at the scientific ignorance of His creations.
we all know 9/11 was an inside job ,my best reasercher is David Ray griffin,a christian professor,who knows more about science than you ptld sweepey will ever do

:pakistan: :sniper:

Anyone, that is ANY ONE, who believes this 9/11 inside job crap is an idiot, plain and simple. I don't care how much education you have or how many degrees you have, or how many internet articles you can cite. If you believe this crap, you do not possess the common sense of a rice farmer.
it seems you dont understand the concept of a fair experiment.

you want to compare two events and say that one event is not so unlikely because its happened elsewhere, therefore its not so much of an anomaly - that is your argument.

you need to come out and admit something straight up and be honest - there is nothing you know of that is similar the passport

nothing that had the same trajectory and went through the same improbable hurdles to survive.

when did i say small items cannot survive

i said its EXTREMELY unlikely that a passport can survive an inferno
, survive an explosion, go through a building and land in tact on the road side - where it was missed by everyone for a few days, then it was mysteriously found.

now that did not happen to the credit card did it - the credit card behaved as expected - it had no magic blessed trajectory did it - thats what you miss.
Can lightning strike and kill a man? Yes. But the odds, according to you, should be extremely unlikely. That mean if lightning struck and kill Joe Schmoe instead of John Doe standing next to him, it must be God Himself who had it in for poor Joe. By your argument, every arson evidences that incriminated a person must be suspect because it is extremely unlikely that anything could survive a house fire.

and you know it - you are scared of admitting that this was a strange occurrence
No...It is YOU who are scared. It is the muslims who are afraid of their religion associated to this attack on US.
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