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Russia Today Declares 9/11 Was An Inside Job!

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Hi Smart guy,

These building have sealed windows----the glass on these windows is also very high strength---because it has to bear higher wind speeds----so it takes a lots of pressure build up from inside to blow out like that---which can be caused by compression---( ie top floors pancaking or due to fire---).

If explosives were used---then the speed would a much much higher.
Hi Smart guy,

These building have sealed windows----the glass on these windows is also very high strength---because it has to bear higher wind speeds----so it takes a lots of pressure build up from inside to blow out like that---which can be caused by compression---( ie top floors pancaking or due to fire---).

If explosives were used---then the speed would a much much higher.

Smart guy :D thnx bro
May be you are right bro but i still consider it an inside job

Well if RT says so, it HAS to be true. HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!

Just like your FOX news :enjoy:

A few years ago---an overhead bridge caught fire in los angeles area----and it burnt and it burnt---the concrete caught fire as well and then there were explosions---explosions like there were explosives used---.

The engineers came to a unique realization----the concrete may look dry from outside---but it is wet inside and close to the core----some engineers believe that in the core of Hoover dam---the cement may never dry----.

So---what happened here was that the as the cement got heated and and caught fire----the moisture inside also got heated-----as the moisture heated---it created steam----and the steam wanted to escape---thru fissures it caused mini explosion and the concrete rocks were flying as if an explosive has been used.

Another thnig that has come out----that during the fire on the twin towers----it got so hot that the water molecules seperated ---H2O seperated to H and O---we know that Oxygen helps in burning----but the Hydrogen is an extremely combustible and explosive gas----which just totally changes the scenario.

We have also learnt that there is always moisture inside of the concrete pillars----we also know that during fires---it gets so hot that concrete catches on fire and starts burning----metal catches on fire and starts burning---and both these fires become extremely explosive when they come in contact with moisture / water.

Actually concrete firs are just explosive by nature----the concrete burns and then just wants to explode and shatter----concrete by its very chemical design abosrbs moisture from the air as well---also there is seepage from cracks on the surface that may lead to cavities inside of the concrete structure---.

So---basically---any concrete stucture fire is extremely dangerous and maybe explosive as well.
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