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apparently you dont understand english.
Probably better than you do.

you claim that the objects surviving is not that unlikely - well please prove the positive and give me its probability, you already claim to know how statistically likely it was for anything to survive.

then do 1-"your answer" and you have the answer to your question, that will tell you how unlikely it was!!
The fact that there are plenty of photos with debris and aircraft parts proved my point.

the passport was pretty much in perfect condition - so to ensure we are comparing apples with apples i ask for something similar, a fragment of a plane and a completely in tact passport are hardly the same.
We can also demand that if a page from a book numbered 100 survived, we need to see another page from another book also numbered 100 that also survived. Else there is a 'conspiracy' that this page survived. You cannot be this deceptive to people. But then again, of course you can because you already made up your mind to distort statistics to 'prove' your point.

also, please refer to me a link that says human remains from passengers within the plane were found, that is of interest to me
You gotta be kidding me...:blink:...You really are that incompetent with keywords searches?
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PRduqmHuldE?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PRduqmHuldE?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

me thinks its a waste of time talking any sense to this so called gambit ,he is more than likely a paid shill ,so no point talking any sense to him:hitwall:on my part i will just keep waking my :pakistan: up from the deciet and lies of the zionist:sniper:

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The fact that there are plenty of photos with debris and aircraft parts proved my point.

i dont dispute this - but there was nothing like a jumper from the plane? or a coat from the plane?

why did a wallet not survive from the plane crash?

thats what makes it a FAIR EXPERIMENT - comparing like for like

We can also demand that if a page from a book numbered 100 survived, we need to see another page from another book also numbered 100 that also survived. Else there is a 'conspiracy' that this page survived. You cannot be this deceptive to people. But then again, of course you can because you already made up your mind to distort statistics to 'prove' your point.

ridiculous remark, just something that is fairly similar.

You gotta be kidding me......You really are that incompetent with keywords searches?

couldn't find anything, you claimed it exists so just show me where it is, why are you running away?

also, note how when you realise the onus is on you to prove something you go quiet!
Originally Posted by mr42O
Got a shock

- Why did you get interested you for 11 September-attack?

- We sat at a friend who suddenly said that the WTC towers were blown up, "says Ove. -. At first we were shocked. But he said it, is a talented and wise man who can rely on.

No names? Why not? An anonymous source should be another red flag for critical thinkers. Obviously you do not belong in this category.

Yepp and how many times USA and your media have talked about anonymous source ? USA attacked iraq because of there source who was a taxi driver lol
Yepp and how many times USA and your media have talked about anonymous source ? USA attacked iraq because of there source who was a taxi driver lol

So why not USA once for all let any one who wants to find out what happend give them free hands ? Why have many ppl who dout 9/11 have been visted by CIA/FBI ?

So why not USA once for all let any one who wants to find out what happend give them free hands ? Why have many ppl who dout 9/11 have been visted by CIA/FBI ?


This thread is going from crazy to delusional to clinical paranoia,

420 if the CIA was harrasing every one that posted nut job theories about 9/11 you wouldnt be sitting nice and Cosy in Norway slanging off at the US when ever you feel like it. You would be in a cell in Egypt with a bag over your head and a car battery attached to your privates.
i dont dispute this - but there was nothing like a jumper from the plane? or a coat from the plane?

why did a wallet not survive from the plane crash?

thats what makes it a FAIR EXPERIMENT - comparing like for like

ridiculous remark, just something that is fairly similar.
As you wish...

A sign from Heaven
On September 11 2002, one year Anniversary of the death of our son, we were informed that the Recovery team at Ground Zero have found the ATM Bank card of Waleed and that it will be mailed to us in Northridge. When we received it, we found it in good condition.
In a handful of confetti, none will be exactly the other if we examine each one of them close enough. If I toss this handful of confetti into the air and a piece felled into my shirt pocket, I can examine this piece and proclaim that it was a sign from God that this unique piece of confetti out of one hundred felled into my pocket.

This is why we should doubt your claim that you work with statistics every day. The fact that a hijacker's passport survived is what galled you. A passport is no different than a bank card or any other item in that it has no greater statistical odds of survival in a fire than each other. So instead of God, you have no choice but to distort statistics and claim that it was planted. By your argument, every criminal convictions must be overturned because it is soooo convenient that the police found DNA or fingerprint at the crime scene that linked a person to the crime scene.

couldn't find anything, you claimed it exists so just show me where it is, why are you running away?

also, note how when you realise the onus is on you to prove something you go quiet!
Then you are incompetent...And if you are that incompetent, you cannot be working with statistics as you claimed and have no business discussing this subject.

Terror Attack - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice
I fell in with a group of young women, administrative assistants at 2 World Trade Center. One was still crying. She was about to enter the World Trade Center when the first plane hit. "Arms, legs. Parts of people. They were falling on my head," she said. Her friend put an arm around her, saying only "shhh," and the whole block went silent for a moment.
Yepp and how many times USA and your media have talked about anonymous source ? USA attacked iraq because of there source who was a taxi driver lol
Did you do the homework assignment I gave you? Or is it too technically difficult for you?
Then kindly educate us on why thermite isn't used by experts doing controlled demolitions. Have you used thermite? Tell us how much thermite is needed to cut through a 1/2 meter structural steel I-beam.

Didn't think so.

go to youtube
lack of evidence ,have you seen the new video footage of building 7 how is it possible for a 47 story building to fall on its on footprint when theres hardly any damage to it ,its called control demolition ,any fool can see that .:sniper:

There was plenty of damage something in the order of 25&#37; structure was damaged or 'scooped out'. The NIST did a full investigation and explained exactly what happened, whatever you or anyone else says is irrelevant, unless you personally were apart of the investigation.

This explains the collapse of wtc 7:

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released its long-awaited report on the collapse of World Trade 7 following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. "Our take-home message today is that the reason for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 is no longer a mystery," NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder told journalists at this morning's press conference in Gaithersburg, Md. "WTC 7 collapsed because of fires fueled by office furnishings. It did not collapse from explosives or from diesel fuel fires."

After 7 hours of uncontrolled fires, a steel girder on Floor 13 lost its connection to one of the 81 columns supporting the building. Floor 13 collapsed, beginning a cascade of floor failures to Floor 5. Column 79, no longer supported by a girder, buckled, triggering a rapid succession of structural failures that moved from east to west. All 23 central columns, followed by the exterior columns, failed in what's known as a "progressive collapse"--that is, local damage that spreads from one structural element to another, eventually resulting in the collapse of the entire structure.

"Even without the structural damage, WTC 7 would have collapsed from fires."

According to NIST, there was one primary reason for the building's failure: In an unusual design, the columns near the visible kinks were carrying exceptionally large loads, roughly 2000 sq. ft. of floor area for each floor. "What our preliminary analysis has shown is that if you take out just one column on one of the lower floors," Sunder notes, "it could cause a vertical progression of collapse so that the entire section comes down.

A key factor in the collapse, NIST concluded, was the failure of structural "connections that were designed to resist gravity loads, but not thermally induced lateral loads." According to Sunder: "For the first time we have shown that fire can induce a progressive collapse."

World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest - Popular Mechanics

say this to all the profs at my university that studyied wtc and found out sir that in no way wtc could collaps soo fast and with such pinpoint collapsing methods like controaled demolition . more and more people are finding out the truth you sir ignor it beacuse the way you where brought up to belive that the goverment loves and cares for you. tell me you would be still here when the cuban missel chrises your goverment had no seconds thoughts to nuke one of its own major cities . ww3? you would be here defending without knowing the truth ? correct?

How would your professor know? And the controlled demolition theory is just rediculous beyond words.

Do you have any idea what goes into a demolition? It takes months to prepare a building for demolition, this includes stripping out walls and floorboards as well as cutting through pipes for the hundred or thousands of holes that are needed for the dynamite charges, each stick of dynamite also have a charge wire, which is then connected to other sticks of dynamite, the end result is miles of charge wire. Do you really think that no one noticed this? Or anything else involved with a demolition? :lol:

them towers didnt fall, they imploded from top to bottom disintegrated in to dust even before they touched the ground at free fall speed defies gravity .

Building implode from the bottom down not the opposite. The dust is also very normal, remember the wtc was not stripped and gutted and the windows were not removed like they are in demolitions, so the dust is simply sheetrock and other materials and since the windows were not removed the compressed air made for a dramatic collapse.

I also happen to know an explosives export that worked 25 years for the FBI, if explosives were used there would be no survivors. First off the shock wave would turn your organs into soup; even if by a miracle you were to survive the shockwave you would either get your limbs blown off from the explosives or the debris would kill you. Moral of the story is, there were survivors.


molten metal found?

Wrong, it was aluminum from the aircraft, and yes aircraft do melt:

thats what you dont get, some of them simply do not have a rational debunking, to insist there is an unchallengeable refutation is a lit

FYI none of your claims have any factual evidence to back them up and, no loose change doesn't count.

take for example the passport surviving - that was completely against the odds - but the very fact that you insist there is a "debunking" of it proves paranoia, you do not want to admit that there were some unexplainable against the odd's events - probably because you are afraid where it will lead to?

I hope you know that there were drivers licenses found from passengers. Now to 'rationally debunk' you about the passports, both aircraft hit the wtc at extremely high rates of speed, it took milliseconds from the time of impact to the time the aircraft debris exited the other sides of the buildings. The energy as well as the shockwave from the explosion expelled debris including passports, to put it in simple terms no passport, wallet, or ID will sustain major damage if it's exposed to a brief fire. Moreover, items such as passports, ID's ect, are usually stored in lugguage which would protect the items from outside forces.

So why not USA once for all let any one who wants to find out what happend give them free hands ? Why have many ppl who dout 9/11 have been visted by CIA/FBI ?


This is just sad.

go to youtube

How low can people stoop when they source loose change and other youtube armatures? All of the claims from that garbage documentary(loose change) which, btw, was created by teenagers has been debunked. Crap claims such as there was no debris from flight 93 are just wrong, other claims such as the wreckage from the engines was inconsistent has also been debunked. Do you really think that some teenagers magically figured out the truth? Sad how people take their trash as facts.
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hellow pdlt3 da,

da, is think you should think about WTC and how it was made to withstand a attack

da,you should even know that steel dosenot loses to 700 degreese and becomes manubel,
da, and how controal demolition is show by collum after collum colapsing on each other .there is no way that it could comedown so fast eaither.

da, if WTC was so fire hazordus why built it in the first place ? a mere accident could make it crumbel too the floor

da, i read in you previous posts that kenetic energy had structural damage to WTC and thus makeing it eaiser for it to fall. i disagree beacuse you have the rest of the structure intact
hi there my name is as you know usa DOG should have been pig may be next time:usflag:, i belieive 9/11 was done by us,i feel ashamed to be an american fat slob:pakistan:

welcome to :pdf: and once mods see you its:wave::mod:
hellow pdlt3 da,

da, is think you should think about WTC and how it was made to withstand a attack

da,you should even know that steel dosenot loses to 700 degreese and becomes manubel,
da, and how controal demolition is show by collum after collum colapsing on each other .there is no way that it could comedown so fast eaither.

An average home fire reaches over 1,100 F, the WTC was fueled by a multitude of extremely combustible materials that would be absent in a home fire, even if some of the combustibles that were burning in the wtc would be found in a home, it would still lack the sheer volume of, for example, thousands of pounds of rubber, foam, fuel, wood, plastic and so one.

Upon impact the WTC's columns were either destroyed or badly damaged, this is fact, and as a result the load of the building transferred to other columns, thus those columns that were not taken out were exceeding their load capacity. Now lets bring the fires in to the picture, we know that the fire should have reached at least 1, 100 degrees--at the very minimum, this is not enough to melt steel which melts at 2750 F. However, with some of the column supports taken out we know that other columns took the burden of the weight; factor in a fire of 1650 F or even less and those columns will start to deform and warp due to the heat and weight them are supporting. In other words the beams do not need to 'melt' as some people put it, once they are hot enough they will start to sag. I posted the following illustration many times but I will post it again to remind people:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

The next picture is when the structure actually started collapsing:

I have yet to find one conspiracy theorist that can challenge this.

da, if WTC was so fire hazordus why built it in the first place ? a mere accident could make it crumbel too the floor

It is a building and like all other buildings it will burn especially when a jetliners flies into it. The wtc did have fire retardant applied to the beams but much of it was sheered off by the explosion and debris.

da, i read in you previous posts that kenetic energy had structural damage to WTC and thus makeing it eaiser for it to fall. i disagree beacuse you have the rest of the structure intact

It does not matter if the rest of the structure was intact, what matters is the force from the initial collapse. In other words, when the floors above the impact zone gave way they build up kinetic force, so much so that beams bent 180 degrees and rivets snapped. The floors could not withstand 10-20-30 and more stories collapsing and building kinetic force, the end result was rivets, welds, and beams either broke or bent causing that floor to buckle, and on went the process, after each floor collapsed the force became greater. The WTC exceeded what it was designed for, when certain things exceed their limits they fail.
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