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73 killed as Maoists ambush CRPF team

BJP is the West is a FACIST / RACIST.........only thing is, this sort of party is celebrated in a country like India and given a political standing where they have even been elected........that just goes to show the people of India themselves.........no wonder Moaists are doing what they are doing.......You really have changed my views here......way to go Maoists, they have my blessing now

People like you taking so much interest in maoists, proves how much love and affection you have for them!:rofl:

Again and again I have pointed out your ZH schizophrenic logic, which in itself is self-destructive for pakistan. Sure I can say Long Live and All the Best Tehreek-e-Taliban, Balochistan Liberation Army, JSQM, Balwaristan Liberation Front, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Jundullah, Blackwaters, US DRONES et al May God Give u Victory! I should also thank your favorite-The Zionists:D
That map, and the one cross referenced with BBC I put up earlier (who I may add do not work for the ISI) shows an area bigger then Pakistan put together.......

you are right the total area shown in the map provided in your link is bigger than Pakistan.

BUT your map shows the entire state hit by naxalites...which is a false projection....these states have some areas in it which are effected.

NOW if we go according to your claim : the capitals like kolkata,hyderabad, and bhibaneshwar..are also under the maoist influnce...did shoaib malik fight the naxals to make his way to Sanis'a house?? kidding.
Its not your fault...you are just seeing what you want to see.Infact I heard someone saying in this forum 25% of India is under Maoist rule...loll.
you are right the total area shown in the map provided in your link is bigger than Pakistan.

BUT your map shows the entire state hit by naxalites...which is a false projection....these states have some areas in it which are effected.

NOW if we go according to your claim : the capitals like kolkata,hyderabad, and bhibaneshwar..are also under the maoist influnce...did shoaib malik fight the naxals to make his way to Sanis'a house?? kidding.
Its not your fault...you are just seeing what you want to see.Infact I heard someone saying in this forum 25% of India is under Maoist rule...loll.

Exactly :rofl::rofl:
Lets not play big daddy here...........India going to full scale war is farcical at best...........it will go to a full scale hour over bombing of its financial institutions.....yes ok, and then Pakistan responds to this war by not damaging but destroying Indias economy and with it its future..........grow the hell up.......Your talk of war is like going to a fishing trip..........

You are oblivious to the importance that economy plays.....probably coz you dont have one at the moment.....It is a Pandora's box for Pak, at least as far as India is concerned......

Do you seriously believe that targetting of economic institutions will not lead to war?
If it was that easy... India would have created an economic blockade via sealanes for Pakistan as a first step to 26/11 or to put pressure....dont you think?

Ill ignore the rest of your "digs" as an immature attmpt to flame.....

GoP has already confronted MMS with evidence who acknowledged the need to discuss Balochistan.....why, why would India need to discuss Balochistan when it doesn;t even border India and is of no issue of India's, (bit like Pakistan saying we will discuss UP in India becaise of Maoists), .....because like Pakistan had said, they confronted him with RAW's involvement....just like any diplomacy, GoP confronted the GoI diplomatically.....not like India, hold trial by media.....that is not how Governments behave..........[/

Not with the Sharm el-Sheikh thing again....

You guys are relentless.....
Hearing "concerns" on Balochistan is NOT the same as acceptance of state sponsored terrorism....thats what a dialogue is about.....
You need to educate yourself on how diplomacy works....

All MMS did was give Pakistan a chance to air its grievances....
No evidence was provided nor was there any acknowledgement of the same.....from either side....unless I have missed this piece of news

Besides what exactly is stopping you from sharing the evidence with the world....Are you saving it for dowry? Or worried about embarassing India?....Its definitely not the latter
People like you taking so much interest in maoists, proves how much love and affection you have for them!:rofl:

Again and again I have pointed out your ZH schizophrenic logic, which in itself is self-destructive for pakistan. Sure I can say Long Live and All the Best Tehreek-e-Taliban, Balochistan Liberation Army, JSQM, Balwaristan Liberation Front, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Jundullah, Blackwaters, US DRONES et al May God Give u Victory! I should also thank your favorite-The Zionists:D

I have had no interest in Maoists in general.......although, its always good to keep an eye on your enemy, INDIA :partay:

My views have changed considerably in this thread, if you read my earlier posts, I can see that I was wrong and with Bal Thakaray type of goons and his followers are in this forum I can see why the Maoists are what they are
Too many Cooks spoil the Broth, let's hear it from the Horse's mouth.
To most people outside India the idea of South Asia’s economic juggernaut being hijacked by a ragtag band of Maoist rebels in the jungle might sound outlandish.

But Indians are increasingly aware that the Maoists represent an even greater threat to their country’s security and prosperity than the Islamist militants based over the border in Pakistan.

India consists of 28 states, divided into 626 administrative districts. In 2003, the Home Ministry said that fifty-five districts in nine states were affected by the Maoist insurgency. Last month it said that the rebels had a presence in 223 districts in 20 states.

Officials emphasise that the Naxalites do not control a third of the country and “consistent violence” is experienced in just 90 districts in 13 states. They are, however, deeply concerned at the speed with which the rebels are recruiting among those left behind by India’s economic boom.

India suffers bloodiest day of Maoist insurgency
India sets target to eliminate Maoist threat
They are conscious, too, of how Maoist rebels in neighbouring Nepal managed to overthrow the world’s last Hindu monarchy and negotiate their way into government within a decade.

Underpinning their concern is the knowledge that India’s boom has enriched a consumer class of 50-100 million people but largely failed to improve living standards for more than 800 million people living on less than $2 a day.

The latter are the Maoists’ primary recruits – poor farmers landless labourers, untouchables and tribal minorities in remote areas – although they also have long-standingenjoy support within India’s urban intellectual elite.

Experts have advised the Government to address the root causes of the problem — poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and the caste system — and to boost investment in local policing — but it appears determined to seek a military solution to the problem, throwing thousands of poorly trained paramilitary forces into unfamiliar territory to hunt down the rebels.

In the meantime, the Maoists are increasingly targeting railway lines and factories to try to cripple economic activity and extort as much as £200 million annually from businesses.

The big fear now is that the Maoists are planning to expand their activities into cities such as Mumbai and Calcutta, already teeming with tens of millions of poor, unemployed and disaffected.

If that happens, their stated goal of overthrowing the state by 2050 might not sound so ludicrous after all.

Maoists represent a greater threat to India than the Islamist militants - Times Online
control 1/3 -- i doubt it. Re-read my post. I said ''presence'' in my post.

We are just basing these claims based on what BBC, Al Jazeera English, CNN and other less-biased sources reported.

even PM Singh recognizes naxals as a grave threat to indias internal security....therefore i am surprised that despite this, naxal affected areas are seeing little relief. It seems naxals are only getting stronger and their attacks are becoming more brazen

Objectivity is the key sir objectivity is the key!:tup:

But what to do with all emotive rants of the fanboys from Pakistan, who are on this thread just to vent-out their frustration!:D
The current Indian PM is on record for voicing concern that the Maoist represent biggest threat to India, more so than the highly exaggerated Islamic Fundamentals, he claimed, but when you are in self denial than i guess these are just vote winner claims.

Internal threat: Maoists....
External Threat: Islamic Fundamentalism spewing over from Pak...

Internal Threats.....we control....
External threats....controlled by use of proxies from neighboring nations.....

Internal Threat: Indians fighting against police
External Threat: Pakistani sponsored terrorists of Pakistani origin attacking Indian civilians

One takes care of someone breaking into their house before quelling their domestic problems with their wife....hope u see the difference...
I think we know our priorites better than you.....
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I have had no interest in Maoists in general.......although, its always good to keep an eye on your enemy, INDIA :partay:

My views have changed considerably in this thread, if you read my earlier posts, I can see that I was wrong and with Bal Thakaray type of goons and his followers are in this forum I can see why the Maoists are what they are

Now we are "GOONS", when did I bash you up? or When did Bal Thakrey who cannot control Mumbai, leave alone pakistan did to you or hurt your delicate heart?:rofl:

I know pakistanis are very emotional, my advise will be best for you. i.e. to smoke POT with Taliban and leave forums to goons like us!:partay:
Now we are "GOONS", when did I bash you up? or When did Bal Thakrey who cannot control Mumbai, leave alone pakistan did to you or hurt your delicate heart?:rofl:

I know pakistanis are very emotional, my advise will be best for you. i.e. to smoke POT with Taliban and leave forums to goons like us!:partay:

what happenned..................feelings hurt are they.....well when you decie to call people ZH fans, maybe you will think again as I too can go to that thug of a lunatic Bal Thakaray and Vajpayee facists
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