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33 Million Gods in India and Not ONE capable of producing Oxygen! Charlie Hebdo

I am more concerned by their poor knowledge of numbers. We have 33 crore gods, not 33 million! (crore=10million).
Seriously, they reduced our numbers of Gods by 90%! That's the biggest genocide of Gods ever in the history of universe.
But would you still think that this cartoon is funny if some Chinese member on PDF drew it?
It depends on the context and past reputation of a person who draws such a thing. If the sole purpose is to degenerate a religion then it’s unacceptable.

Same cartoon drawn by a satire magazine may not be so.

Sad part is that animosity between various flags on pdf has grown to such levels that even a well meaning post is taken otherwise most of the times.

There is no set benchmark for such a post.

As I said earlier context forms a important basis to decide the reaction.
MF Hussain painted nudes of a hindu goddess yet he was not beheaded ,no one tried him under blasphemy law

No comparison

Now repeat after me

Gustakh e Rasool ki Aik Saza Sar Tan se Juda

I actually don’t know this, but have they mocked the terrorist assaults on their country?
They love to mock the dead.
MF Hussain painted nudes of a hindu goddess yet he was not beheaded ,no one tried him under blasphemy law

No comparison

Now repeat after me

Gustakh e Rasool ki Aik Saza Sar Tan se Juda

Because they couldn’t find him. People have been lynched for eating a hamburger.
now watch how the same poster will be hated and the French condemned by the Indians who were laughing and justifying the Blasphemous pictures of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

there is a little time for thought for Muslims. now instead of Laughing and praising the poster at the cost of Indians we must display a better behavior.

I know its a big ask, we condition our behavior based on how our foes conduct themselves and we copy them and we justify our acts.

on a side note:- there is a humbling moment for Indians. their 1 billion strong internet force cant shut out this version of French freedom of expression where their faith is targeted instead of Muslims.
Because they couldn’t find him. People have been lynched for eating a hamburger.

more like media have been concocting fake news

Noida Police refutes media reports claiming that the Muslim cab driver was ‘lynched to death’ and forced to chant ‘Jai Shri Ram’

remember, when 15-year old Junaid was killed in a moving train in 2017 over seat sharing? Here is what the Punjab and Haryana High Court observed:


But you know how media had reported? https://www.firstpost.com/india/mus...-accused-victim-of-carrying-beef-3740343.html

claimed Junaid was killed because of accusations of him carrying beef.

Multiple protests were held by celebrity protestors across the country under the ‘Not in my name’ banner.


See how a murder of a Muslim boy had turned communal in just few days? A bit of headline mischief by certain media houses and the ‘Hindu nationalists’ were accused of making India a dangerous place for minority Muslims.
Pakistanis like charlie hebdo now ?:pop:

How about their art work on Islam ? :lol:

No Hindu will attack them, that's the difference.
this is why I wrote earlier that a poster insulting Hindu faith must not be praised by Muslims.
by the way I disagree with your last comment. Indians have lynched people over suspected beef consumption on multiple occasions all over India.
it is great that you dont consider yourself like those Indians who have video taped and pictured themselves while lynching Muslims but please dont deny the news of Indian intolerance and use f extreme violence.
I’m going to call out some hypocrisy here. If you’re happy to cheer Charlie Hebdo for insulting Indians, Hindus and their deities, you can’t be the person to get mad when the same magazine targets Islam or Muslims. We become fanatical enough to advocate killing.

But also, this is indeed karma for those hindutva types that cheered Charlie when it targeted Muslims.
There's no backlash in India because it was published by the masters. Otherwise Muslims are killed on just the suspicion of storing beef in their refrigerators or carrying cows in a truck.

Such a pathetic bunch of people who are still slaves. I am proud to be the follower of a religion whose followers have some shame left.

Just that the pathetic people don't want a backlash from their masters, they are considering it a light joke.

Anyway, for me, it shows a pathetic behavior to insult anyone's religion.
Today I have realized that Indians really don't mind if their gods are insulted. See the reactions on this very thread where Pakistanis, and a South African, are showing some dislike, Indian Hindus are making fun of their own religion.

Tell me why a moderator must act on reports of insults where the aggrieved party doesn't have any problem?

I think action should be taken where the feelings are hurt.

Any suggestions??
There's no backlash in India because it was published by the masters. Otherwise Muslims are killed on just the suspicion of storing beef in their refrigerators or carrying cows in a truck.

Such a pathetic bunch of people who are still slaves. I am proud to be the follower of a religion whose followers have some shame left.

Just that the pathetic people don't want a backlash from their masters, they are considering it a light joke.

Anyway, for me, it shows a pathetic behavior to insult anyone's religion.

Exactly indians dont care because it is being done by their "White" masters. most people forget the founder of the RSS was jailed and groomed by the british, and swore allegience to the crown.

Had a muslim published these cartoons or even said what is depicted then they would be lynched to death.
one cartoon in how many years against another religion compared to the incessant output against Islam, and a mild one at that where no cartoon of an actual God whereas the Prophet (PBUH) was caricatured and vilified many times and deliberately done to provoke so it boosted their sales a commercial decision as much as a freedom of expression ideal, which I'd like to see Charlie Hebdo attempt on the Holocaust!

As for thsi cartoon I still condemn it, making fun of any religion or suffering is just utterly filth of the highest order and is just a cheap way to make money.
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