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31 killed as militants attack Pakistan army checkpost

Did you again forget this Mr troll hiding behind elite membership. No official figures means that ISPR has no data at all. It is qouting figures from 1947 for all we know. This was not the ethnic makeup in 2007. I know it. Hassan Askari and Steven P Cohen have entire institutes and have done full research in this regard. Just because you disagree stop imposing your rubbish. You have made 4 posts with the same information. It is getting annoying now.

I've directly posted a table from the Information Brief released by ISPR and you are quoting me Daily Times (a tabloid for Allah sakes !!) and Stephen Cohen according to some studies done before these figures were actually released. Einstein must have made the "human stupidity is infinite" looking at people like you.

Go through the Information Brief and also ask @Xeric sir whose blog also I've linked here. There is nothing wrong in accepting the truth even if an Indian is telling that.

You do understand that you are painting your Army as a bunch of liars here just to make a point to me ? And you call yourself a nationalist..:laugh:
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I don't remember even ONE Karachiite within the ISI hierarchy. :blink:

Neither do i,but whats the point you are making?

People can blame Army and ISI for dragging them in the Afghan war but USSR was too big and Brutal an oppressor and conqueror who had conquered Pakistan after Afghanistan..
It was the Genius of ISI and PA that they were defeated and got rid of...If somebody thinks that they had taken on USSR on their own,they should learn from Chechen and Central Asian nations..
With all their Tribal traditions and arrogance and being martial races,they couldn't hold back the onslaught of USSR.

One more thing will prove the point i was making..You are wazir? and from tribal area..or so i have learned on this forum,os you may be uneasy about me mentioning Tribal areas in context of terrorism and such.
But @Pushtoon is from Charsadda and yet he is hyper about me dissing whoever among the tribal is supporting Terrorists and involved in Arms/Drug trade..
Goes to show the point i was making that a Pushtoon wont see if the opther pushtoon is right or wrong..But since he is Pushtoon he will support other pushtoon regardless of they area mass murderer or Terrorists..
People can blame Army and ISI for dragging them in the Afghan war but USSR was too big and Brutal an oppressor and conqueror who had conquered Pakistan after Afghanistan..

That's a myth. That USSR was interested in the warm waters of Arabian Sea is a myth and it has been busted many times by Pakistanis themselves here, most notably @T-Faz
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Well, these Tribals were used by Pakistan State for Kashmir and Afghan Jihad. Freedom of Kashmiris or Infidels attacking Afghanistan, all these were the reasons given to them and they went to fight for Islam and their Muslim brothers.

They were supplied with Kalshnikovs, RPGs etc by Pakistan state funded by US, KSA. Mujaahidens came from Afghanistan to Pakistan and vice versa via porous border between the two countries. They were part of their friend circle as they both considered Islam as bondage.

USSR was the infidel, India was the infidel and now US is the infidel for them. They attacked USSR and India and now US.

Same Pakistani Army and ISI who recruited them, provided them weapons and missions to defeat USSR and fight India, joined US in WoT. US attacked Taliban and thy ran to these tribal regions. It was obvious that Tribals will help Taliban as they fought with them against two infidels. But when PA and ISI allowed joined US, they were hurt. Drone strikes killed their women and
children and their so called Pakistani brothers in PA, Govt. and ISI didn't do anything to stop it.

It was betrayal.

These tribals are known for their will to fight, bravery and survive in toughest conditions. You don't go against them and kill their women and children and neither you allow other nation to do so.

Tribals are like Tigers in the wild. They live by their own rule. You can watch them in a vehicle. But the moment you step on the ground, you are encroaching their territory and they take you as threat to themselves and their families and will attack you.

If you don't tame them and teach your rules, they won't accept you and according to you.

So, it complete failure of Pakistani establishment. The responsibility goes majorly on PA, ISI and Pak. Govt.
That's a myth. That USSR was interested in the warm waters of Arabian Sea is a myth and it has been busted many times by Pakistanis themselves here, most notably @T-Faz

Ok so they were interested in the Land locked barren mountains of Afghanistan where no Train lines ever existed and no infrastructure exists..
But they wouldn't have touched Pakistan..

Who told you that Gorbachev?
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I've directly posted a table from the Information Brief released by ISPR and you are quoting me Daily Times (a tabloid for Allah sakes !!) and Stephen Cohen according to some studies done before these figures were actually released. Einstein must have made the "human stupidity is infinite" looking at people like you.

Go through the Information Brief and also ask @Xeric sir whose blog also I've linked here. There is nothing wrong in accepting the truth even if an Indian is telling that.

You do understand that you are painting your Army as a bunch of liars here just to make a point to me ? And you call yourself a nationalist..:laugh:

A brainless person with a severe mental disorder may not be able to understand that ISPR doesn't collect this kind of data about its regiments which is why there are no official estimates. Is there a reason I have to believe an Indian trolls beliefs as manifest truth?

You are taking the debate to your residence which is the gutter right with you and are simply an annoyance on this site.

You are stuck on this one thing for several days and I have to present the same proof's to explain again and again. ISPR I do not trust at all as do a lot of people in Pakistan-especially after this. Also if it is true as they state why did they never think of rectifying the issue.

Pashtuns are okay even if its 13 as you say. But what about other ethnic groups. They never thought of bringing them up? ISPR is not a promotion wing but acts rather like a problematic child that doesn't know that giving a counter-narrative against Panetta's accusations is more important than anything else.

I used to support the army heavily but I don't remember the Khakis helping me when I needed info, help or anything else. When we nationalists called a brigadier and told him about the framing of 6 Pakistanis on false charges in US the champion said it was Pakistani government's fault-I told him hook us up with someone authoritative-no response. Part of the image problem with the army is of its own making. Askari and Cohen are the most knowledgeable people on Pakistan and I trust their books which I read over and over. Sorry to say I never heard of ISPR taking a book out to present its view. The views of cohen and askari are correct rather than anyone elses.
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Ok so they were interested in the Land locked barren mountains of Afghanistan where no Train lines ever existed and no infrastructure exists..
But they wouldn't have touched Pakistan..

Who told you that Gorbachev?

A lot of their moves did not make sense. Remember at the height of cold war it was just a numbers game..how many countries under Soviet bloc vs how many under US bloc.

Anyway I dont have much to add on this topic. I dont exactly remember the sources which T-Faz quoted in his long rebuttal. Maybe he will see this mention and will hopefully address your post.

A brainless person with a severe mental disorder may not be able to understand that ISPR doesn't collect this kind of data about its regiments which is why there are no official estimates. Is there a reason I have to believe an Indian trolls beliefs as manifest truth?

Idiot there has been an official count and that is how the ISPR released the data in the first place. I am not telling this. ISPR is telling that. Does that even get into your thick head ? I'm merely quoting the Information Brief released by ISPR to counter the growing criticism of Punjabi monopoly on Army.

Sorry to say I never heard of ISPR taking a book out to present its view.

Just because the little frog in the well did not hear about it, does not make it as false. This is basically your premise. I have not heard it. So it cannot be true. :facepalm:
Anyway there is no point in keep repeating the same point even with proof again and again with a guy who basically has been caught lying but whose fragile ego prevents in owning up to the truth.

The readers can judge on the veracity of the proofs I presented.

As a parting gift this is what Stephen P Cohen (the most respected and knowledgeable writer on Pakistan) thinks of Pakistan's duplicity and backstabbing in the WOT.

In return, Islamabad played a double game regarding its participation in this struggle. Its intelligence services supported the Taliban, while only reluctantly going after the al Qaeda forces embedded in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The failure to round up the Taliban leadership was a matter of state policy: the Pakistan army still regards India as its major threat, and the Taliban are used to counterbalance Indian influence in Afghanistan

Catastrophe or a Last Chance in Pakistan?
Ok so they were interested in the Land locked barren mountains of Afghanistan where no Train lines ever existed and no infrastructure exists..
But they wouldn't have touched Pakistan..

Who told you that Gorbachev?

Who made you a think tank? Russia interfered in the ongoing conflict between two factions of communist regime of Afghanistan , later sent forces on request of Afghan communists. Afghanistan was neighbour of sovien union, there was communist governament and russia interfered in it to safegaurd its interests like it did in many communist countries of east europe. It has nothing to do with warm waters of pakistan or resources of afghanistan, infact russia didnt strike even a single bomb on pakistani soil even though they knew that mujahideen training and recruiting camps are in Pakistan...role of ISI and CIA was evident, still they refrained from punishing pakistan and bombing it to stone age.
A brainless person with a severe mental disorder may not be able to understand that ISPR doesn't collect this kind of data about its regiments which is why there are no official estimates. Is there a reason I have to believe an Indian trolls beliefs as manifest truth?

You are taking the debate to your residence which is the gutter right with you and are simply an annoyance on this site.

You are stuck on this one thing for several days and I have to present the same proof's to explain again and again. ISPR I do not trust at all as do a lot of people in Pakistan-especially after this. Also if it is true as they state why did they never think of rectifying the issue.

Pashtuns are okay even if its 13 as you say. But what about other ethnic groups. They never thought of bringing them up? ISPR is not a promotion wing but acts rather like a problematic child that doesn't know that giving a counter-narrative against Panetta's accusations is more important than anything else.

I used to support the army heavily but I don't remember the Khakis helping me when I needed info, help or anything else. When we nationalists called a brigadier and told him about the framing of 6 Pakistanis on false charges in US the champion said it was Pakistani government's fault-I told him hook us up with someone authoritative-no response. Part of the image problem with the army is of its own making. Askari and Cohen are the most knowledgeable people on Pakistan and I trust their books which I read over and over. Sorry to say I never heard of ISPR taking a book out to present its view. The views of cohen and askari are correct rather than anyone elses.

Bhaiya sultanji, you look too intelligent to have migrated from Lucknow. After reading you logic and rich educated comments over all and sundry matters, I am tempted to ask you a question. Bhai AAP non state actor V-2.0 to nahin hain? when it is a matter of Pakistani army information, you quote Cohen and say that ISPR is wrong. And when you have to get some sort of access to Pakistanis IMPLICATED IN US, you go to Pakistani army brigadier. Pls indulge with the answer.
That's a myth. That USSR was interested in the warm waters of Arabian Sea is a myth and it has been busted many times by Pakistanis themselves here, most notably @T-Faz

@Safriz That was the myth Ziaul Haq created. Afghanistan communist government introduced land reforms and there was uprising against land reforms. Unable to cope with it, Afghanistan communist government requested USSR to crush the uprising.
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Ok..so Pakistan was such a darn fool that they wanted to covert Soviets into Muslims and fought such a risky,long and expensive war....and soviet union was such a darn fool they they spent so much on Afghanistan that they lost their USSR...
Now now that makes sense...

None of you have any leg to stand on...
Pakistan should remember that whatever portion they have of Kashmir is because of these Tribals.

I may hate them for what they did to my country, in part of our Kashmir but I can't support killing of innocent women and children living in tribal belt.
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