I made the original video based on initial facts that were made public. Thereafter, after more knowledge of the PAF strike became available, the video was re-edited. Many channels on social media also re-uploaded it on their own. The biggest changes I made to the final version was the removal of the JF-17 from the air-to-air segment and showed both medium range missile launches from F-16s.
The link to the re-edited version is below. Its on my small YouTube channel:
In addition, I also made a long background video which discussed the problems I faced as an amateur director who had to learn video editing on the go (this was my first ever project) and also had to remain technically correct considering my own deep knowledge about military technology in general and military aviation in particular. The link to the "background" video is below:
I did realize two more errors in the re-edited version. One was with a Mirage strike element callsign. The second was with Abhinandan's rank.
I've corrected those errors. Ill probably upload the final version one of these days.
The first half of the background video discusses the Swift Retort short film and the issues I faced. The second half is about film making in Pakistan in general.
Insha'Allah more projects planned for the future as well.
Hope everyone enjoyed the short film on Swift Retort.
Oh and thanks for the first upvote @zarwan . One of these days I think I may even make a small documentary on our army assault rifle program