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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

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Don't let Indians forget this date or what happened to them. Keep their wounds fresh - LOL - always!

I wish we had recorded Kargil and the 1965 wars as much. It would be as much entertaining to remind Indians of their level in all skirmishes and wars.

Alas for 1971, because of Indian terrorism in East Paksitan, Pakistan didn't do well in that war.

Not sure if this already post, Mods feel free to delete. It seems like National Geographic has covered 27th of Feb.
That is fake National Geographic watermark.
National Geographic didn't make any documentary on 27th. It is the same Alan Warnes film with National Geographic watermark superimposed on the video clip.
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the death of the crow really pi55sed me off.

the crow kind did not take it lightly they also went in retaliation the shot down a MiG-21 in Rajhistan within 4 days (i think it was 2nd or 3rd March) when out of nowhere Indian were crashing there planes here and there due to "mechanical faults"

then it all just stopped! no more crashes did IAF stop flying?
the crow kind did not take it lightly they also went in retaliation the shot down a MiG-21 in Rajhistan within 4 days (i think it was 2nd or 3rd March) when out of nowhere Indian were crashing there planes here and there due to "mechanical faults"

then it all just stopped! no more crashes did IAF stop flying?
Lolz. You don't give up do you?
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