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22 top airforces (based on plane quality and quantity).

1) I accept I was wrong on the AEW&C issue, I wasn't aware they had entered service yet.

2) Turkey has cruise missiles too, ok? And what exactly is turkey going to do with them? Fire upon RAF Akrotiri? Waste of time with land based Rapier point missile defence systems and type 45 destroyers in the area! I would expect the UK to achieve a 100% kill rate v any Turkish cruise missile. Not to mention any F-16 operating anywhere near Cyprus would be lucky to still be alive... I cannot see any chance of an F-16 surviving Typhoons and type 45 air defence destroyers!!! The British on the other hand would be able to use their Tomahawk cruise missiles (2,000+ km range) and Storm-shadow cruise missiles (250+ km range) with deadly effect. I doubt Turkey would have any ships anywhere near Cyprus once the Royal Navy arrives and Phalanx CIWS, Sea Sparrow and ESSM do not have the ranges necessary to shoot down cruise missiles. ESSM would be the only system with any chance of taking down a cruise missile (and even then the chance is very remote)... ESSM could only engage the cruise missile during its terminal phase, allowing literally only a couple of seconds for ESSM to respond. A very tall order indeed and success rate is so low Britain wouldn't even take it into consideration. Therefore I stress again, the UKs strategic use of Cruise missiles would be deadly for Turkey as Turkey has no real defences in place.

3) Wrong, there is no standard NATO training for pilots, your statement is absurd. According to the IISS RAF pilots receive significantly more flight hours per year than their Turkish counterparts. Plus RAF pilots have lots of recent operational experience. For these two reasons alone I would back an RAF pilot any day.

4) Some British Army regiments wear red tunics, so do some of our Canadian regiments. The redcoat days are far from over ;) Anyway I agree the USA possesses the only armed force with full power projection capabilities and the ability to topple pretty much any nation on earth (with the exception of Russia and China)... however such a force is unnecessary against a 3rd rate nation like Turkey... plus our scenario only involves a fight for Cyprus, not to blitz all of Turkey lol

5) Just because you placed some text in caps doesn't make it true. Britain is superior in terms of air force, regardless of how your simple brain cannot process this information. Yes agreed Britain is superior in terms of Naval and land based power.

6) "as we saw in Exercise Anatolian Eagle" :omghaha: "as we saw" :rofl: OK, this is a good one. The RAF hasn't participated in an Anatolian Eagle exercise since 2009. The unofficial "reports" of Pakistani pilots scoring kills on RAF Typhoons were for the 2011 AE exercise, yet the RAF as we have already established were never even present! You are surely an idiot if you believe phantom reports and even more so if you quote them in an argument heheh. But sure if you want to believe that a watered down export variant of the F-16 is superior to the Typhoon then be my guess!

7) No, I am not British, but that still does not mean I shan't give voice to their armed forces being capable, same goes for the French and Russians. I am not a Turk hater, I just don't care for them - but I do eat Turkey often!

there aren't any type 45's stationed at Cyprus or close to it yet. Yes it was a Pakistani guy who shot it down but with a turkish F-16. If you think that PAF pilots are better than us (with all respects), you're an idiot. And tell what is and 3rd rated nation? I also bet you're not a real Canadian at all. You're not british. But I can say you that turkey and uk has a long history of defence agreements...etc. You can't say that I don't care. Giving turkey as a weak (!) example makes you a trolly Turk hater. You know what. I ain't give a damn about your real country. Do think that you can know it better while I'm here, i have a past in the military but you're in canada far away from your real home. You think we're fool? NEITHER YOU PUT IT INSIDE YOUR EMPTY BRAIN OR NOT; TURKEY IS MORE POWERFUL THAN RAF IN AIR BRANCH ALTHOUGH UK IS OUR ALLY. Now find yourself a girl that you can rely on.
there aren't any type 45's stationed at Cyprus or close to it yet. Yes it was a Pakistani guy who shot it down but with a turkish F-16. If you think that PAF pilots are better than us (with all respects), you're an idiot. And tell what is and 3rd rated nation? I also bet you're not a real Canadian at all. You're not british. But I can say you that turkey and uk has a long history of defence agreements...etc. You can't say that I don't care. Giving turkey as a weak (!) example makes you a trolly Turk hater. You know what. I ain't give a damn about your real country. Do think that you can know it better while I'm here, i have a past in the military but you're in canada far away from your real home. You think we're fool? NEITHER YOU PUT IT INSIDE YOUR EMPTY BRAIN OR NOT; TURKEY IS MORE POWERFUL THAN RAF IN AIR BRANCH ALTHOUGH UK IS OUR ALLY. Now find yourself a girl that you can rely on.

A pitiful attempt at a response Neptune :tdown:

You think I don't know that there are no type 45s permanently stationed at Cyprus? And why does it matter that the type 45s are not stationed at Cyprus? Dafuq you trying to get at? It would be a simple task for the Royal Navy to deploy a task force to Cyprus if a conflict emerged, having a permanent flotilla at Cyprus would be silly, expensive and not necessary anyway!

Oh Jesus Christ, did you not read my previous post? The Royal Air Force was never even present at the 2011 Anatolian Eagle exercise! Those unofficial reports of Pakistani pilots in Turkish F-16s shooting down RAF Typhoons in the 2011 Anatolian Eagle exercise were therefore bogus, fake, a hoax or whatever you want to call it. Just because you read something on the internet and it tickles your ears doesn't make it true. Its kind of ironic that you call me an idiot :omghaha:

Give reasons if you think the TuAF is more powerful is more powerful than the RAF. I would be delighted to laugh at it, good entertainment all round.

"Now find yourself a girl that you can rely on."

Nope I am not into pedophilia, and I have a woman thank you!
A pitiful attempt at a response Neptune :tdown:

You think I don't know that there are no type 45s permanently stationed at Cyprus? And why does it matter that the type 45s are not stationed at Cyprus? Dafuq you trying to get at? It would be a simple task for the Royal Navy to deploy a task force to Cyprus if a conflict emerged, having a permanent flotilla at Cyprus would be silly, expensive and not necessary anyway!

Oh Jesus Christ, did you not read my previous post? The Royal Air Force was never even present at the 2011 Anatolian Eagle exercise! Those unofficial reports of Pakistani pilots in Turkish F-16s shooting down RAF Typhoons in the 2011 Anatolian Eagle exercise were therefore bogus, fake, a hoax or whatever you want to call it. Just because you read something on the internet and it tickles your ears doesn't make it true. Its kind of ironic that you call me an idiot :omghaha:

Give reasons if you think the TuAF is more powerful is more powerful than the RAF. I would be delighted to laugh at it, good entertainment all round.

"Now find yourself a girl that you can rely on."

Nope I am not into pedophilia, and I have a woman thank you!

"Dafuq" ? So you're Arabic, huh? I didn't read it on the net. My best friends father told me who was in Konya when it occured. Seriously dude, what's your point by comparing us with UK and imagine a conflict between us that's never gonna happen. What drives you for this :)
Your ranking is still silly and appears to be based upon a purely unrealistic hypothetical scenario where entire air force A fights entire air force B in some magical air force arena. :tdown:
My rank does not makes any scenarios, it does not says that one airforce is better than another, it only ranks them based on quality and quantity of planes. Thats all.

No, the RAF played a rather vital role - the Vulcan bombing raid for example! The strategic air lift of troops, supplies and munitions to RAF Accession and the fact that 14 RAF Harriers were deployed alongside 28 FAA Harriers! 1/3rd of combat aircraft were therefore RAF... not a "very very minor role" eh? Wrong again, Argentina's air force was considered highly capable in 1982 and vastly out numbered the 14 RAF and 28 FAA subsonic harriers with around 130 available aircraft of its own many of those considered to be among the most capable air superiority fighters at the time.
Argentine had outdated jets with outdated missiles which could lock only on rear, while UK has all aspect missiles. They had very little number of anti ship missiles. Plus Argentinian planes had very little fuel remaining and force to act in hostile air defence field.

Britain maintains two military bases in Cyprus, including a large air force base (RAF Akrotiri) which is also shared by the Americans. The RAF would emerge victor in such a campaign to rid Cyprus of any Turkish presence. Typhoon is leagues ahead of Turkeys watered down F-16's, and would dominate the conflict -Turkey would only have a slight numbers advantage.
Forget about Akrotiri. Its within the range of Turkish artillery rockets T-300 and SRBM J-600. Turkish air force can also attack it safely with JSOWs, Popeyes and SLAMs.

So all u got is RN with couple dozen Harriers against 240 F16C with AMRAAMs :lol:. If AC will dare to come close to Turkish shore. Which wont happen too. And here I tell u why:

When it comes to mighty type 45 destroyers, you should keep in mind that earth is round and they cant do anything vs. low flight aircraft beyond 30 km. While F-16s can fire Harpoons and HARMs.
My rank does not makes any scenarios, it does not says that one airforce is better than another, it only ranks them based on quality and quantity of planes. Thats all.

Argentine had outdated jets with outdated missiles which could lock only on rear, while UK has all aspect missiles. They had very little number of anti ship missiles. Plus Argentinian planes had very little fuel remaining and force to act in hostile air defence field.

Forget about Akrotiri. Its within the range of Turkish artillery rockets T-300 and SRBM J-600. Turkish air force can also attack it safely with JSOWs, Popeyes and SLAMs.

So all u got is RN with couple dozen Harriers against 240 F16C with AMRAAMs :lol:. If AC will dare to come close to Turkish shore. Which wont happen too. And here I tell u why:

When it comes to mighty type 45 destroyers, you should keep in mind that earth is round and they cant do anything vs. low flight aircraft beyond 30 km. While F-16s can fire Harpoons and HARMs.

hey 500, may I ask you something? Are you thinking of reupdating the list. Because everyone updated it's country so the situation's pretty mixed up? Thx for the feed up btw. :)
You yet continue to vomit the same hogwash. Good luck with your logic (or should I say, lack thereof) and I hope it serves you well. But before I let you go, a question: Is every one who disagrees with you and calls you out on your trashy logic an Indian? Or is that just some false reality you force yourself to believe so you can sleep at night? ;)

Very typical indian, even the vocab look so alongside with IQ inferred - yes, logic and order with which one organise his thoughta accutely reflect one's general IQ level.

Yours reflects a typical low 80s standard:

1. barely able to illustrate a simple thought clearly and concisely, without making it a 3,000-word messy essay. what you think this is spellingbee?

2. when met with opposition - my first post to you which contrained no aggresive wordings, you first reaction was nasty personal attack to me before insulting the entire Chinese nation and people in a blanket manner.

Furthermore, this nasty attitude of yours, considering that was only your first 4th or 5th post in this forum for jamal's sake, reminds anyone with more than 2 brain cells that your mentality and way of doing things, that usually take decades to come into being, closely mimic some groups here in PDF. What a surprise, NO!

3. When arguing with a Chinese member (very reasoned and measured "applesause") here, your inflexibility to counter point to point, blantant abuses with strawmen, and constant pole-shifting style make you IQ AND true idendity even more apparent.

Thing is, if you post a flag of Mar, not many ppl here will be as diluted as thinking that you must be a Martian after seeing your posts, no matter how convinced you tell yourself so.

Now, you claim that you "called me out"? with that intelligence and knowledge of yours? Pualeeese! :omghaha:

For the 3rd time, the lurkers can also take a look at the gist of your sigle and the only logic, that more overseas bases = more powerful an airforce is, out of your multi essays to confirm what I have said, here we go:

To sum it up;
UK can defend its sovereign territory and project significant power around the globe.
France can defend its sovereign territory and project significant power around the globe.
China can defend its sovereign territory, but cannot project power around the globe.

It is also arguable whether China can even project air power effectively over a dispute with japan on its own door step.

So in my opinion the RAF and French Air Force are "more capable" than the PLAAF.

What does significant mean in your book? A handful of short legged basic 4th gen outdated Harriers equipped with 3rd rate fire radars and missiles? with 3 or 4 Rafale? yeah right, in front of Mali or Libyan insurgents, perhaps.

What does around mean in your book? Being able to fly several planes, little by little stop by stop, to a remote place via some overseas bases, doesn't constitute "around the global", mind you, let alone claiming upon arrival these several planes are "vastly superior" (your wording) than the entire airforces and the related ground assets of some other countries.

Following this fcuked up logic, every NATO country would be a global airforce since they share airbases. Turkey is more powerful than Russia thus. Sure!

...with its leased training site in India, Singapore airforce for instance, would be superior to Japan which has 0 overseas base...

...Royal Dutch airforce, with its oversea airbases across 3 continents in Indonesia and Surinam at flip of finger, would be much more powerful than Taiwan, Korea, India which have 0, and more powerful than Russia, too, in your logic. :hitwall: I don't think the Ruskies could sport such a luxuary...

this madness goes on and on...

Then you have "arguablely" Chinese airforce is incapable of taking on Japan at its very doorstep, argued by whom? by you? with what? :omghaha:

And the next time, please, don't tell me you have Borg ancestry, too. :lol:
@500 All of TuAFs F-4s are out of service, All of them have been cannabalized for spare parts to keep the F-4 2020 Terminator in service. This will propably put TuAF at a lower place.
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hey 500, may I ask you something? Are you thinking of reupdating the list. Because everyone updated it's country so the situation's pretty mixed up? Thx for the feed up btw. :)
Maybe I'll do. I recounted for Turkey here:


@500 All of TuAFs F-4s are out of service, All of them have been cannabalized for spare parts to keep the F-4 2020 Terminator in service. This will propably put TuAF at a lower place.
Hmm, in this case instead of updated instead updated 374/460 = 1208 points we get 330/383=1043 almost back to original 1091... and Turkey stays on 9th place after Korea.
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Maybe I'll do. I recounted for Turkey here:


Hmm, in this case instead of updated instead updated 374/460 = 1208 points we get 330/383=1043 almost back to original 1091... and Turkey stays on 9th place after Korea.

Sorry, but our Turkish friend's wrong. We never took them out of service. They're still used in bomber squadrons. But we signed the protocol of it. They will be taken out of service when the F-35's arrive :)
Right now based on equipment RSAF, InAF and IsAF are very close to each other, competing for 4th place. But India is going to open gap:

Continues procurement of Su-30MKI.
Modernization of Su-30MKI with AESA radars.

5th place maybe taken by Turkey: block 52+, Boeing-737 AEW&C, F-35.

This is my forecast for 2020:

1) USA
2) Russia
3) China
4) India
5) Turkey-Israel-KSA

Later on:

1) USA
2) China
3) Russia
4) India
5) Turkey
6) Israel-KSA

Where would Pakistan be?
please repost all forces as today many airforces induct many planes including PAF
please repost all forces as today many airforces induct many planes including PAF

How many planes PAF inducted in last six months?
And how many inducted in last One year?
How many planes PAF lost in last One year?
F16 upgrades 1.5 plane average each month + 2nd and 3rd sdrn on JF17

He has already counted 50 JF17s in his score.
So that only adds up for the F16 upg which is still not completed.

How many aircraft lost? Don't forget Kamra.
I think that the Mehran losses may be accounted for.

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