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20 litres of aftershave lotion used to brew liquor

Punishments are divine not material, but with clear warning that its an "Umm-ul-khabais". Crimes drive from it. Like murders, rapes and torture.

Like murder rapes and torture .............. well did this ban on drinking stop any of this? Then you say no its not hypocrisy. My contention is we are a morally collapsed society ........... its hypocrisy when we chant Islamic Islamic and Islam is nowhere to be seen .................. its hypocrisy that we know its prohibited by no other but ALLAH himself but we still need man made laws for it ......... just to hide it? I am nowhere justifying that its use should be legal and public ............... my only complain is we should have known better and should have been morally strong enough to realise why not go near it.

I am sorry I couldn't watch the lengthy video you posted, time constraints.

Its not hypocrisy, its a norm that keep the drunk in hiding rather than dangling in the streets. Have you ever see a drunk making " ghul ghapara".

If that was the purpose they won't be selling it like they sell it....... Intention of the law is to ban it and not basically to prevent the "ghul ghapara" .................... by the way many sing better after a glass or two and many listen very intently to that "ghul ghapara".
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