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20 litres of aftershave lotion used to brew liquor

aik sharab haram ooper say do numbery haram. we do both . off course we are the nation destined to fight ghazwa e hind under the leadership of great men of principle like NS, zardari, fazl ur rahman, achakzae, raisani, farooq sattar and the list goes on. oh i forgot to mention bilawal:pakistan:
Brewing all this alcohol, Pakistani nation must have built quite an aptitude for chemical engineering by now. Its high time HEC focused on giving them formal training in this discipline.
I hate to admit it, but it is true:
Manufacturing Milk without any milk; Manufacturing tomato ketchup with any tomatoes; Edible oil extraction from dead animals etc. are few great achievement of these 'alternate scientists'
In this particular case, culprits used methyl alcohol, used in aftershaves, which is poisonous, I think confused it with ethyl alcohol, lead to destructive results.
Drinking is not a crime first thing ................ please do refer the Holy Quran and do educate me if you find any punishment for drinking, it is prohibited but no punishment has been defined
Punishments are divine not material, but with clear warning that its an "Umm-ul-khabais". Crimes drive from it. Like murders, rapes and torture.

Second I hate the hypocrisy in our society, they do it but deny it ............. come on please.
Its not hypocrisy, its a norm that keep the drunk in hiding rather than dangling in the streets. Have you ever see a drunk making " ghul ghapara".
Consumption of liquor is already legal for the christian community. So all those folks plungering into sadness over the tragedy and having a passion to come up with solution, they should raise some funds or help financially to all those who cant afford branded daaru so that next time they dont have to drink something desi which continuous to prove fatal, again and again.
We have regular tragedies like this in India. The ONLY solution is to make booze cheaper. Right now every government, from center to state, looks at it as a luxury item that should be taxed like a milch cow till the udder is dry and not a drop more can be squeezed out. Leading to stupid prices. Out of reach of poor folk. Lets face it. One way or the other people will drink. I'd rather they drink proper clean booze than poison tharra.
We have regular tragedies like this in India. The ONLY solution is to make booze cheaper. Right now every government, from center to state, looks at it as a luxury item that should be taxed like a milch cow till the udder is dry and not a drop more can be squeezed out. Leading to stupid prices. Out of reach of poor folk. Lets face it. One way or the other people will drink. I'd rather they drink proper clean booze than poison tharra.
Making booze easily available and that too at cheap rates is no solution actually it will add to the complexities. If not killing themselves they will be killing others, Pakistani law enforcement setup isn't not even adequately equipped to provide basic security and legalizing booze will turn Pakistani roads and public places into one apocalyptic arena-----------Drunk fights, Drunk driving, Road rages, rapes, murders I mean you name it all crimes will see a huge spike. The best way out is to act smart in your own personal capacities and if someone isn't even wise to investigate what they are drinking/consuming then sorry to say but they are better off dead.
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Methyl Alcohol (Methanol) contamination is probably most common reason for such toxicities. Those who survive might end up losing eye sight.
yes that is always the big issue with home brew.

even when you brew mampoer or witblitz; the first 5% is methanol; you have to let that go; going blind is easy - complete liver failure is the major issue of no recovery.

best is to give availability to alcohol.
Idiots..., making alcohol is simpler than making haleem.
Raw Material (Corn, berries, dates, oranges, apples, peach, Rice, etc) Sugar and yeast for fermentation.
Arabs tribes used to make alcohol from dates.
The U.S. has extensive experience, good and bad, at regulating alcohol. For a few years there was actually a constitutional amendment in effect banning consumption. But we discovered that banning it was a very, very bad idea as it encouraged both poor quality bootleg production and organized crime, so the amendment was reversed.

Much more sensible and workable has been regulation of the marketplace in alcohol, the places where it can be publicly consumed, and education and social efforts against drunkenness.

Consider that quite a few Muslim Pakistani politicians were openly fond of alcohol and that furthermore there is a good bit of popular Muslim literature about the joys of wine. (Arabian Nights comes to mind.) So just because "it's forbidden!" did not mean that Muslims were forbidden from making their own choices.
lolz....... he has tested this for sure....biggest tun of the century

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