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2 Former COAS and later Presidents of Pakistan were Muhajirs still MQM goons talk crap about Army.

Lolz didn't answer my question, kept on ranting and now I'm a dumb troll. From doubting I live in Karachi to trying to make a relation of cleanliness of streets by an overpass. If people who worship a drunkard in London are those who have a better understanding and are intelligent I can see why Muhajirs never settled in.
No one in Karachi is Dumb enough not to Acknowledge Karachi Based development during Musharraf's Era all thanks to MQM and their Mayor even Staunch MQM Haters as well all still Praise Mustafa Kamal whether they like MQM or not. So try again because you are making fool out of yourself here as you are TOO Dumb for a Karachiite so Try and RESEARCH on those Words I mentioned above or otherwise Keep TROLLING which it seems you are Quite good at. This website Receive lots of new Trolls every now and then and they come and go every other day here especially Indians.

BTW I forgot to ask you Do you know what this Word TROLL Means???
No one in Karachi is Dumb enough not to Acknowledge Karachi Based development during Musharraf's Era all thanks to MQM and their Mayor even Staunch MQM Haters as well all still Praise Mustafa Kamal whether they like MQM or not. So try again because you are making fool out of yourself here as you are TOO Dumb for a Karachiite so Try and RESEARCH on those Words I mentioned above or otherwise Keep TROLLING which it seems you are Quite good at. This website Receive lots of new Trolls every now and then and they come and go every other day here especially Indians.

BTW I forgot to ask you Do you know what this Word TROLL Means???

No need to rant, you still didn't answer my questions, yes I do know what a troll is, I really find your attitude annoying, first you hide behind the MQM mask spewing crap about Punjabis, then you hide behind the Muhajir mask hoping for sympathy, now you're on the Karachiite mask hoping to blend in. If you're slandering me of being an Indian I hope you know better.
Btw, who told Kamal to resign his seat from the Senate?. "Punjabi" tyrants or Fat Toad and Co.? Go ahead tell me?.
No One is degrading anyone around here. I mentioned the Word IN KARACHI for the reason because most of Kashmiri and Punjabi Muhajirs have Shifted to Punjab not Karachi and they dont Choose to be called Muhajir then its there Problem I am Accomodating the Groups that have Regional Similarities. As for Domicile they carry Urban Sindh Domicile Mostly because they are settled in Karachi Mostly and in Urban Sindh Domicile they cant get much space in Bureaucracy because only 7.6% total Seats are available to them in Bureaucracy and despite of Large numbers of Eligible Candidate they cant do much in Bureaucracy with such Numbers anyways because their Domicile cant even Earn them an Interview despite of how much Qualified and Capable they are.
Those PM, CJs and COAS Started their Career before imposition of Quota system that is before 1973 Recruits that is why were able to earn those spots now a days situation is quite different and they are now Confined to Private Sector only because most Doors to Bureaucracy has been Closed already.
I Prefer to move Abroad then Punjab as if I have to relocate then why dont I relocate to better Place.
Comes out the truth and tells who started the hate, this is how I see it.
Comes out the truth and tells who started the hate, this is how I see it.
At First it was Ayub Khan who started the HATE due to his Defeat in Karachi in the hands of Fatima Jinnah whom he Declared Indian Agent(Remember the Pattern now) Bhutto was the one who later Carry on went one Step Ahead Imposing Quota System because Karachiite Rejected him in Favor of Jamat as most Karachiite used to prefer Pakistan Identity over their Individual ethnic Identity Back then.
This country doesnt need your certificate for its presence and existence.

Anyone not agreeing with that subconsciously would have ignored that. The fact that it hit the spot means you know its true.
No need to rant, you still didn't answer my questions, yes I do know what a troll is, I really find your attitude annoying, first you hide behind the MQM mask spewing crap about Punjabis, then you hide behind the Muhajir mask hoping for sympathy, now you're on the Karachiite mask hoping to blend in. If you're slandering me of being an Indian I hope you know better.
Btw, who told Kamal to resign his seat from the Senate?. "Punjabi" tyrants or Fat Toad and Co.? Go ahead tell me?.
If you know what Troll is then why dont you Answered???

I just need to know What Troll actually Is from you only of all people.
If you know what Troll is then why dont you Answered???

I just need to know What Troll actually Is from you only of all people.

Still didn't answer my question, btw you asked me if I know what a troll is, not to define it. But since you probably meant define a troll: A person, group or am organization which gives baseless accusations which are unproductive and often mislead masses, for e.g: Altaf Hussain and MQM Rabta Committee.
Btw who told Kamal to resign from his seat in the Senate?.
At First it was Ayub Khan who started the HATE due to his Defeat in Karachi in the hands of Fatima Jinnah whom he Declared Indian Agent(Remember the Pattern now) Bhutto was the one who later Carry on went one Step Ahead Imposing Quota System because Karachiite Rejected him in Favor of Jamat as most Karachiite used to prefer Pakistan Identity over their Individual ethnic Identity Back then.
You cannot justify the killings of MQM based on the theories, the superiority complex of some Urdu speaking people snow balled. Now the effect goes to head so the hate comes in so killing is justified & crime is justified. Thinking I will rather live outside the country than to accept Punjabis or live in Punjab. Unless you see the positives in others, you will continue to dwell on negativity. This is the dilemma of persons who think that speaking salees Urdu makes them superior than others so they must get the best jobs, look down upon others and should rule everybody! Just look at these reasons for anger from outside in. Let go the hate and move on or move to some other country where there are no Punjabis, Pathans, Sindhis just you.
@Gazi bro you are just obsessed with punjabis nothing else dude you guys are brainwashed by your leaders of your ethnic group you will never see any such party of punjabis brainwashing them that they are feeding whole country and rest are just chilling and collecting bhatta and else i only see you guys from karachi who always come up with big mouth of feeding whole country we are this we are that like there is nothing out side karachi rest of pakistan is a village and all are illiterate eating all of your income making there province etc , come on dude be realistic talk with facts and figures instead of conspiracy theories
Those 52% are MARGINALIZE as well as LONG AS they have Urban Sindh Domicile otherwise they can apply using their other region Domicile and apply with Confidence. Most of them are New Comers and are mostly belongs to Most deprived Regions of Pakistan like FATA, Sareiki Areas of Punjab, Coastal Areas of Sindh and Most especially Coastal Areas of Baluchistan(People from Baluch Coastal Areas are not New Comer to the most extent though) so they have very Little Interest in Bureaucracy and EASILY fall for Popular Political Rhetorics as well. Its like why would a Pashtun Truck Driver or Tea Cafe owner Care for Earning Bureaucracy Position anyways as it is quite irrelevant for him on the first place.

Among them who are Educated tend to Live in MQM Dominated Areas and Found Supporting MQM as well for same reasons because they are also Getting Deprived as well.

1. Every Karachiite with Urban Sindh Domicile is SUFFERING actually but since Muhajirs are most Qualified of them all are Suffering more heavily that is why among Karachiite Muhajirs are More Vocal on this issue.
2. For those 52% Their Standards of Education comes to play on that scenario as Bureaucracy also have ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA as well and among them those who are Relatively well educated to Fulfills Eligibility Criteria with Urban Sindh Domicile are Facing same scenario and scores of them Supports MQM for the same reasons even today.
OK they should have called themselves Hindustani then how would That Sound to you then????

Buddy Like I said Muhajir is just a TERM that is use for those people who have RETAIN their Migrant Elder's native Cultures and they also have many GOOD REASONS for Retaining them as well so stop making a big deal out of it and Learn to accept that because Diversity is a biggest GIFT of Karachi City as well as Biggest CURSE. This is what makes Karachi a part from rest of Pakistan Except for Quetta because it is also very Diverse City in Pakistan as well where as all other Cities are almost HOMOGENOUS dominated by One Group of Cultures with very little TRACES of Diversity in them.

Dear, that's clearly wrong assumption that they are not educated. No most of them are Punjabi's, pathans and saraki, sidhdi comes on fourth. This is I would say discrimination from you to other groups thinking you guys are comes can qualify but they don't.

Also, this estimate is from 1989, I am sure figure would much different today, and pathans would have increase in number.

Mahajir is a temporary term, and you are still using it after 70 years, sorry this victim card is not going to work anymore.

It's good to be optimistic, but if you are saying educated beings lives in MQM area you are wrong. I spend 15 months in Karachi and I can point on multiple non-mqm area where majority is educated. In fact, other than 7-8 places today's Karachi majority is educated.
Dear, that's clearly wrong assumption that they are not educated. No most of them are Punjabi's, pathans and saraki, sidhdi comes on fourth. This is I would say discrimination from you to other groups thinking you guys are comes can qualify but they don't.
I said Most of them because Karachi mostly receive Unskilled Labours type people instead of Educated ones. Educated once in whole Pakistan Prefer to move Abroad over moving to Karachi and this is true with Karachiite as well.
Also, this estimate is from 1989, I am sure figure would much different today, and pathans would have increase in number.
Correction they werent from 1989 but 1998. The figures may have changed but in both ways. There would be large number of people who got Integrated in Karachi Settled Areas with high literacy where MQM is stronger as well as large number of people who are still living in Ghettos. So it works both ways.
Mahajir is a temporary term, and you are still using it after 70 years, sorry this victim card is not going to work anymore.
The issue isnt about the term the issue is about Identification and they want to keep their Identification separate on the basis of Their CULTURAL just like there are separate identity of Sindhis, Baluchis, Pashtuns and Punjabis. They were the pioneers of so Called Pakistan Identity that people mostly from Central Punjab emphisize but stopped following after seeing that their efforts have only being Backfired on them by so called National Leader by introducing Systematic Discrimination.
It's good to be optimistic, but if you are saying educated beings lives in MQM area you are wrong. I spend 15 months in Karachi and I can point on multiple non-mqm area where majority is educated. In fact, other than 7-8 places today's Karachi majority is educated.
Only educated non MQM area in Karachi is DHA and that too happen to be RECENTLY cast away from MQM otherwise it was also MQM's stronghold few years ago. You were in Karachi did you care to Visit Karachi Central District(Nazimabad, FB Area etc)????Its Largest and most LITERATE District of Karachi.

Still didn't answer my question, btw you asked me if I know what a troll is, not to define it. But since you probably meant define a troll: A person, group or am organization which gives baseless accusations which are unproductive and often mislead masses, for e.g: Altaf Hussain and MQM Rabta Committee.
Btw who told Kamal to resign from his seat in the Senate?.
I was wrong about you I have to admit. Your are Less dumber then I thought. Sorry for using Dumbests of Dumb for you next time I would resort to Word DUMB Only.

The topic is About Discrimination and you are discussing MQM and their Performance in Karachi by reading the last part which says UNPRODUCTIVE and often Misleading discussion. If you want to discus your points then Make a Thread of your own. This thread belongs to someone else for other specific Reasons so spare it.

You cannot justify the killings of MQM based on the theories, the superiority complex of some Urdu speaking people snow balled. Now the effect goes to head so the hate comes in so killing is justified & crime is justified
The killing isnt ONE Way either it was Started as a REACTION from Sohrab Goth Operation which turned out to be Failure due to INTELLIGENCE LEAK around 1986 and caused AliGarh Massacre. Then another happened in Hyderabad Called Pakka Qila Massacre in which LEA under Provincial Govt. was Involved as well in 1991 and those two incidents were more then enough to turned them VIOLENT and ORGANIZED as well.
Thinking I will rather live outside the country than to accept Punjabis or live in Punjab. Unless you see the positives in others, you will continue to dwell on negativity. This is the dilemma of persons who think that speaking salees Urdu makes them superior than others so they must get the best jobs, look down upon others and should rule everybody! Just look at these reasons for anger from outside in. Let go the hate and move on or move to some other country where there are no Punjabis, Pathans, Sindhis just you.
Wow Now you are getting too Judgmental here I said in the sense of relocating to some better Place Available to me. It wasnt suppose to be an insult for Punjab. There are lot of people in Punjab who move Abroad instead of Karachi should started saying that they Hate Karachi and living under Urdu Speakers and MQM's Influence????Everyone Looks for better Opportunity in AVAILABLE OPTIONS. If a person have Options Available to move Outside the country then why it becomes a Problem that he is not considering inside Pakistan Offer???Grow up buddy.
The fact that they are called Muhajirs is fact enough that this country never was, is or ever will be one.
I disagree with that statement, because the so called Mohajirs themselves hid behind this Mohajir card, which until late 1970s and the arrival of Altaf Hussain at Karachi University never existed. He fed them this BS just like Bhutto did with the Jahils of Sindh.
Ask anyone who lived in Karachi during 1960s and 70s and they'll tell you that there was more incrimination against the rising mullahs than Mohajirs.
I mean, if you want to purposefully remain stuck in your caste/ethnic/racial background, and add your views on politics on that, then i am sorry but it is your lack of sight than the nation that is at fault here.

These skinny kids these days who follow Altaf Hussain (even though Altaf Hussain ran away to london long before most of these were born) what kind of Mohajir are they, when they were born and bred in Pakistan?
Like i have stated many times, My grandparents were migrants from India, yet i never recall telling me any SoB story about being a Mohajir.
They came and settled. The so called Urdu speakers came and settled mostly in Karachi. So why do they get to call themselves mohajir, meanwhile i don't?

If you being a Punjabi only vote for a Punjabi
If you being a Sindhi only vote for a Bhutto
If you being a Mohajir/Urdu Speaker vote only for the Mohajir party
If you being a Balochi vote for the Baloch cause
If you being a Pathan vote for IK.......then i am sorry, but that is not the Land of Pakistan's fault.....but your own ignorance that you haven't been able to go past prejudices, which maybe were fed to you by your grandparents and then parents.

Unfortunately, race and ethnicity is the easiest way to gain in politics as you can always blame the others for your own ills. This is similar to a Islamist blaming CIA/RAW/MOSSAD for the ills that their nation faces.
I disagree with that statement, because the so called Mohajirs themselves hid behind this Mohajir card, which until late 1970s and the arrival of Altaf Hussain at Karachi University never existed. He fed them this BS just like Bhutto did with the Jahils of Sindh.
Ask anyone who lived in Karachi during 1960s and 70s and they'll tell you that there was more incrimination against the rising mullahs than Mohajirs.
I mean, if you want to purposefully remain stuck in your caste/ethnic/racial background, and add your views on politics on that, then i am sorry but it is your lack of sight than the nation that is at fault here.

These skinny kids these days who follow Altaf Hussain (even though Altaf Hussain ran away to london long before most of these were born) what kind of Mohajir are they, when they were born and bred in Pakistan?
Like i have stated many times, My grandparents were migrants from India, yet i never recall telling me any SoB story about being a Mohajir.
They came and settled. The so called Urdu speakers came and settled mostly in Karachi. So why do they get to call themselves mohajir, meanwhile i don't?

If you being a Punjabi only vote for a Punjabi
If you being a Sindhi only vote for a Bhutto
If you being a Mohajir/Urdu Speaker vote only for the Mohajir party
If you being a Balochi vote for the Baloch cause
If you being a Pathan vote for IK.......then i am sorry, but that is not the Land of Pakistan's fault.....but your own ignorance that you haven't been able to go past prejudices, which maybe were fed to you by your grandparents and then parents.

Unfortunately, race and ethnicity is the easiest way to gain in politics as you can always blame the others for your own ills. This is similar to a Islamist blaming CIA/RAW/MOSSAD for the ills that their nation faces.

And any Karachi settler will tell you that the Mohajir card is real.. the only difference is that before Mohajir came up they were referred to has being Indians or coming from India. Ayub Khan is the person who started this with his resettling efforts under Gohar Ayub.. every Urdu Speaker bar a few in the bureaucracy voted for Fatima Jinnah which had pissed him off royally so he wanted to marginalize the community.. The Pathan-Bihari wars of the 60s are proof enough...
It further exacerbated under Bhutto who tried the same but had to pull back after protests in the 70s since he realised that a lot of his base were the educated class which consisted of the migrant families.

Come the 80s under Zia, the community was divided between PPP and JI but Zia played the MQM card to bring down the PPP and other nationalist parties under the impetus of the Bus murder incident. That led to this unassuming APMSO member known as the fat pig rising up.
Ironically, these very mohajirs have run for the military as their savoir an yet decry military operations against themselves.. with the 90's operation using similar tactics as were used in East Pakistan.. which included terrorizing the population using tactics of targeted killings and rape. They also are the first to suck up to the military in times of dictatorships and get their business leadership abilities shining through them.
The current issue is the communities loss of pole position as the leading educated class and after losing dominance in that group feels "marginalized".

This harks back to the original problem of Pakistan, losing its national purpose after its core founding leadership was removed early on.
And any Karachi settler will tell you that the Mohajir card is real.. the only difference is that before Mohajir came up they were referred to has being Indians or coming from India. Ayub Khan is the person who started this with his resettling efforts under Gohar Ayub.. every Urdu Speaker bar a few in the bureaucracy voted for Fatima Jinnah which had pissed him off royally so he wanted to marginalize the community.. The Pathan-Bihari wars of the 60s are proof enough...
It further exacerbated under Bhutto who tried the same but had to pull back after protests in the 70s since he realised that a lot of his base were the educated class which consisted of the migrant families.

Come the 80s under Zia, the community was divided between PPP and JI but Zia played the MQM card to bring down the PPP and other nationalist parties under the impetus of the Bus murder incident. That led to this unassuming APMSO member known as the fat pig rising up.
Ironically, these very mohajirs have run for the military as their savoir an yet decry military operations against themselves.. with the 90's operation using similar tactics as were used in East Pakistan.. which included terrorizing the population using tactics of targeted killings and rape. They also are the first to suck up to the military in times of dictatorships and get their business leadership abilities shining through them.
The current issue is the communities loss of pole position as the leading educated class and after losing dominance in that group feels "marginalized".

This harks back to the original problem of Pakistan, losing its national purpose after its core founding leadership was removed early on.

Then is that really a Pakistan issue or the Pakistani-Mohajir or whomever you call on, issue?

My simple question is this, fine your grand parents moved and migrated. But you did not. So why are you so stuck in the past that you cannot fathom the present and see the future? It's been 67 years god dammit.
It is true that MQM has slept in bed with everyone, including the PPP. But you yourself know that their tactics had been limited to the few seats in the Sindh Assembly and a couple more in NA. I mean, how is it that a 30 year old party finds itself only in Karachi and Hyderabad? and no one else seems to give a single damn...not the Punjabis or Pathans or Balochis or even the Sindhis of the interior.
The issue is, we know very well the mafia culture they brought in. Their extortion collection is better organized than the tax collection of FBR. Their intelligence of the neighborhood is better than ISI operating in the neighborhood of Pakistan. So clearly, it is a systematic setup like no other. But here is the thing, in order to deal with the thugs, you have to be a thug yourself.
Business community in Karachi is actually having a sigh of relief since the Rangers operation began....but more specifically, the operation targeted mostly MQM...right? So why does an operation against MQM lead to a better peace in the city? it happened in the 1990s as well, so that is a two out of two instances.......clearly not the usual 'correlation does not mean causation' type scenarios.
It is only after AH had introduced the thuggery in his ranks that likes of TTP/JI/PPP started doing the same.

Oscar, if you are caught stealing/murdering in the united states of America, do you play the discrimination against Pakistanis card....discrimination against the Muslims card....discrimination against Punjabi/Mohajir (whatever you associate with)....or do you simply acknowledge that what you did was wrong?

Isaac Newton, lived during the time of jahiliat in Europe, yet he made some remarkable discoveries. He was once asked, or as they say, how were you able to think all of this? And Newton replied....'if i have seen further than the others is because i have stood on the shoulders of giants.'

AH clearly isn't one of those Giants.....well physically maybe.
I disagree with that statement, because the so called Mohajirs themselves hid behind this Mohajir card, which until late 1970s and the arrival of Altaf Hussain at Karachi University never existed. He fed them this BS just like Bhutto did with the Jahils of Sindh.
Ask anyone who lived in Karachi during 1960s and 70s and they'll tell you that there was more incrimination against the rising mullahs than Mohajirs.
I mean, if you want to purposefully remain stuck in your caste/ethnic/racial background, and add your views on politics on that, then i am sorry but it is your lack of sight than the nation that is at fault here.

These skinny kids these days who follow Altaf Hussain (even though Altaf Hussain ran away to london long before most of these were born) what kind of Mohajir are they, when they were born and bred in Pakistan?
Like i have stated many times, My grandparents were migrants from India, yet i never recall telling me any SoB story about being a Mohajir.
They came and settled. The so called Urdu speakers came and settled mostly in Karachi. So why do they get to call themselves mohajir, meanwhile i don't?

If you being a Punjabi only vote for a Punjabi
If you being a Sindhi only vote for a Bhutto
If you being a Mohajir/Urdu Speaker vote only for the Mohajir party
If you being a Balochi vote for the Baloch cause
If you being a Pathan vote for IK.......then i am sorry, but that is not the Land of Pakistan's fault.....but your own ignorance that you haven't been able to go past prejudices, which maybe were fed to you by your grandparents and then parents.

Unfortunately, race and ethnicity is the easiest way to gain in politics as you can always blame the others for your own ills. This is similar to a Islamist blaming CIA/RAW/MOSSAD for the ills that their nation faces.

I know for others it might be true, but Pathans and Punjabis are different. Punjab gave victory to Bhuttos (sindhi), choudharies (Punjabis), Sharifs (who are not Punjabi), and Imran Khan (mix breed).

For Pathans it is even more immpredictable, they never vote for same party in next elections. They have given victory to PPP, PML-N, JUI, ANP and PTI so they keep changing.
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