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1971 War - The Untold Story - EXPOSING Propanganda and the telling the truth

Salute to you!
It was an eye opener for people!

Many people died...

:pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:
This documentry really open my eyes!
Long life PAK army :pakistan::cheers:
Zaid Hamid seems to be very much obsessed with Delhi and Red Fort . We all need to contribute for a to and fro ticket + 2 days stay in Delhi along with a headset which has world radio enabled so that he can listen to Radio Pakistan - That is the closest he can get to his dreams of doing anything to India.

And funnily he does not talk about war in West Pakistan were they were badly hurt
....snip.... which means imminent chaos and self destruction in future.

Well said sir. Glad to know that Pakistan has so many WELL-WISHERS, or, that Pakistan has people who are courageous enough to reveal their true feelings towards her. It is NOT the declared enemy that one fears, my 'friends', but the 'snake in the sleeve' - glad to know that you belong in the former category.

I wish you well.

Honesty, always, shall set you free.
Zaid Hamid,

I would like to congratulate your presentation skills but facts that are twisted will remain twisted. Instead of blaming India for the formation of Bangladesh, why don't you present the following facts with clarity.

You claim is that Mujibur Rehman was a traitor and in 1966 asked for provincial autonomy. Is this a reason to call him a traitor ? I will request you to read the rational behind asking for provincial autonomy and the actions that lead to such a demand. Parts of the United Kingdom have PA and that has not made them diverge. Multiple parliaments are run in UK and they have coexisted. It is well documented that East Pakistan was not given its share of funds during annual allocation.

Next, you go on to say that RAW pumped in money and the elections in East Pakistan was the most corrupt elections in the history of Pakistan. I am lost for words how RAW managed to carry off such a great exercise to ensure majority to the so called traitor.

Fair enough that the person who won the elections was a traitor by your POV. But he had won the elections and the people have voted him to power which you debate. How can you think of stopping a democratically elected person from taking his office by the book? The problem you think you have is that a traitor cannot rule west Pakistan. So by your own admission, it was fair for him to be the leader of East Pakistan but not the west. This in essence shows your true colours.

If you think all the members elected were bought out by RAW and the partition of East Pakistan into Bangladesh was imminent, then I fail to respect the moral of your leaders. Are they so cheap or are you blowing things out of proportion ? Even if 1971 elections were rigged, the broad brush used to paint the picture of RAW as the invisible hand shows your leaders in bad light.

On 7th March 1971 by your own admission, MR declared independence. Between 7th and 25th you claim that several WP's were killed but they managed to contain the violence. Once again the internet paints a different picture of this period unlike the book you read. I would request you to use Google and search any neutral site including BBC who were considered pro Pakitan and it is glaring that the facts differ from your speech.

Your only claim to your facts is the book called "Blood in tears" that is presented and sold by people in Pakistan and you would expect the whole world to take the content of this book as sacrosanct. On one hand is your trust on the truth in this book but you ridicule every terrorist incident in India as the handiwork of RAW and military establishment and this smells of poor rational to even the die hard patriot of Pakistan. However, ignorance is omnipresent given many people believe what you say including some in this forum. Congratulation on this performance.

One more fact twisted is the number of Pakistan Army in Bangladesh. You claim that a maximum of 10000 and up to 40000 were against 4 lakh. But how come the number of PoW is recorded as 90000 by every source I have searched ? Anyway that is just a small mistake in your speech and let me not go into your claims that not a single unit of the Pakistan Army was captured by the Indian army in the 1971 war. Pakistan surrendered because of the political decision made due to the mismatch in the forces. This PoV will win a lot of applause in front of your audience but lets filter out the fiction and figure out facts. Again please use google and read an independent account of the events.

The figure of 300000 casualties inflicted by the Pakistan Army may well be exaggerated as pointed by the sources but 2000 complaints does not imply 2000 victims. Mass murder of large families may account to one single complaint. What are the chances that many people who were killed did not bother to complain about the loss as no one n the family was left to complain? So your rational of 2000 complaints as an A certification to the actions of the Army in East Pakistan does not hold ground.

Three of the source that you mention in your speech are non verifiable.
1. Statement of General Palek 1978. Links please
2. Telegraph London (you forgot to mention the date of publication)
3. Mere mention of foreign journalist does not hold ground.

About Pakistan taking revenge, please improve the lives of your countrymen by establishing a real democracy and then think about your glorious plans for the next 1000 years. BTW, the past is debatable and to my understanding the way you have presnted is biased.

Tipu Sultan was a muslim ruler and ruled Mysore but no one in India wants revenge because Tipu was a muslim. Tipu is as highly regarded as Shivaji the maratha king. A tele series on Tipu sultan was a broadcasted in India and had a huge TRP, watched by all Indians. Unlike your way of dividing people based on religion, we don't refer to our citizens as muslims / hindus. We are Indians first and that will not change.

I will give full marks to your presentation skills and nothing for the content. If you need help for your next speech, you know where to look for the sources. Please don't come up with another book written by your kid brother.
Me and you both.
We as a nation and vice versa have bad habits of following Ediots and staying content with that ediot and eventually making him a icon for others to follow.

To add to this..

We follow idiots who say things we would like to hear. This gents garbage is what ppl would like to hear as it somehow justifies all the wrongs that happen.
Me and you both.
We as a nation and vice versa have bad habits of following Ediots and staying content with that ediot and eventually making him a icon for others to follow.

I see what you did there. :)
Well said sir. Glad to know that Pakistan has so many WELL-WISHERS, or, that Pakistan has people who are courageous enough to reveal their true feelings towards her. It is NOT the declared enemy that one fears, my 'friends', but the 'snake in the sleeve' - glad to know that you belong in the former category.

I wish you well.

Honesty, always, shall set you free.

My simple point being, If pakistan is preoccupied with its internal issues, then its focus on spreading terrorism in India gets diluted.

Last 2 peaceful years in India and particularly the fall of millitancy in JnK is a solid manifestation of my opinion.

Kind of geo-political advantage, else no particular sore feelings for pakistan or its citizen.

Zaid Hamid may be a wonderful mass delusioning tool that would ensure that pakistani masses are made to believe what they should never believe in, for the sake of their very own progress and prosperity.
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