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1962: For anyone who haven't read this...

I have seen Indians claiming they lost less soldiers and less land compared to the Chinese. lolz

some Indians still claim they won the peace. lolx

Atleast India survived in one piece....
China isn't known for its transparency. Its easy to believe that Chinese casualties outnumbered Indians. Keep in mind the Indians started pulling back, PLA advanced. Now afaik my summary, I don't know the reason for this war. Politically a success for China more so than Mao could anticipate but PLA still had to with draw from Arunachal ie South Tibet.
100% correct. The PLA ran out of supplies and especially water. They drank from dirty streams and hundreds fell sick and many died of stomach related diseases. They had to eat shoots of grass to keep themselves alive!

And the Chinese say they withdrew from areas captured in Arunachal Pradesh because they wanted to 'teach India a lesson only'. Bullshit. No bloody army will withdraw just like that without a quid pro quo especially when they considered the area as part of Southern Tibet and therefore part of China!

I wish the Indian Air Force was used in the conflict. That was the biggest mistake of the entire war. Thanks to Krishna Menon and Nehru who didn't want to 'escalate' the conflict by employing the IAF!


Pretty much everything in this post is what I tried to debunk in my original post.
you cannot educate bigots because their ignorance is not based on lack of understanding but rather on prejudice.

you cannot overcome prejudice with logic because prejudice is not based on reason.

When you add a national inferiority complex and a still damaged national psyche to the mix, you'll end up with mind boggling Indian historical revisionism in the face of overwhelming evidence. Instead of the humiliating and massive defeat that it was, India in fact won '62 because there are unsubstantiated rumors (started by Indian fanboys) of hundreds of Chinese troops dying from starvation and drinking muddy water. Even though China only lost 700 men during the entire conflict, on all fronts. And India lost thousands. No wait, I mean India lost 1300 dead with 1700 missing (another trick of Indian self-delusion - as if 1700 MIA are not actually dead and will suddenly reappear).
you cannot educate bigots because their ignorance is not based on lack of understanding but rather on prejudice.

you cannot overcome prejudice with logic because prejudice is not based on reason.

If the history of the founding of a country is fabricated, than everything else that come after it would be fabricated.

I really don't like to talk about other countries that way. But I will give you a hint about this particular country. Many members from this country is denying an event called "Aryan invasion" in its own history.
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