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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

I have decided not to take part in such argument anymore as there is no solution.
Just sometimes will ask few questions though.
However, just wondering if the aim of Pakistan Army was to killing Hindus, then I'm wondering still why there are some 17 million Hindus live in Bangladesh and also lots of Hindus live in sindh too?
Do you know the condition of Hindus in the province sindh?
If it's ethnic cleansing, then why they spared the Hindus of sindh?
Maybe because not every Hindu was killed? And the Hindu Bengalis lived in East Pakistan and not the West?
I "support" (however you have defined it) Pakistan during 1971 or any other time?

I don't support/sympathise with either side, but I can empathise with certain realities and reactions of both.

In time of war, esp civil war.... bad stuff inevitably happens on both sides. @Arefin007 and others have posted the direct counterpoint from the other side ( pro-pakistan bengali during 1971) and the atrocities meted out to them just like this shorisrip account. You think any sides hands are clean here? Do you still "support" Bangladesh after reading that stuff? If you do....then apply the standard you are trying with me on yourself first.

There is also much to be said about actions of some being extrapolated to actions of all...that too across time and space.

Should we say all Bangladeshis enjoy murdering their own military people because of Pilkhana?....or all BD people were behind murdering their country founder?....or all Bangladeshis condone Gulshan style ppl?....or all BD people are like what their army did in the atrocities of CHT?.

If you isolate/delineate the blame for your side and generalise/spread as entire country for others (like in this case saying "Pakistan", many other cases you say "India"....or "Burma" and "China" more recently)....then you are a hypocrite....so don't be shocked when you are treated as such.

Macbeth started out as relatively good guy too, but he insulated himself to such a degree with only his inner demons, justifying each and everything he did but never trying to apply the process for others....and in the end he became the very thing he swore to destroy....you might want to try learn something from that.

@django @Joe Shearer @Aung Zaya @Hell hound @Zibago @Desert Fox

Very well argued, @Nilgiri, as always. The thing is, you cannot break every occurrence in history down to the level of the atoms that constituted it. You cannot now take into account the standing of every individual Pakistani, every individual Bangladeshi (at that time, East Pakistani) and every individual Indian, and their personal thoughts, feelings and emotions. That is only a superbly argued defence. The facts remain as they are, ugly and unsuitable for gilding. At this point of time, we can only acknowledge them mutely - no point getting into a frenzy about them, that can happen only by forcing ourselves to repeat those extreme emotions - and try to move on. You and I both know that some Bangladeshis behaved like animals; that does not mean that all Bangladeshis are animals, or that all Bangladeshis behave like animals. You and I both know that some Pakistanis behaved like animals; that, similarly, does not mean that all Pakistanis, etc., etc.

I was curious to know why I'd been tagged, so went back and read the last two pages. There were absurdities, there were crudities, there were the usual swines - why is it that a large percentage of these turn out to be right wing Indians? just go back a few posts and you will what I mean - and there were hugely embarrassed individuals asking that things be taken on board, and that we should all move on.

As to that, as to moving on, I know where I was during that period - a helpless onlooker. I just erased a very emotion-laden paragraph because it doesn't help to pick at old scabs; let the past stay there. I don't know where you were, and I'm not asking. It doesn't matter any more. Not at the individual level, that you raised with such consummate and such misplaced skill. It wasn't about intellect at the time, it was raw emotion. And it's all gone, all the emotion, and that is why we can look at it through the deliberately abstracted vision of a Sarmila Bose, whose mother Krishna was so much a part of the volunteer movement at the camps. And so we get these fine arguments about the impossibility of defining a nation as a bloc.

If we are to move on, how do we do that other than by moving on?

" 'What is truth?' said jesting Pilate, and would not pause for an answer."

Ah right, exactly what Sarmila Bose (who is magnitudes more credible on the issue than BDees that have pole vaulted across oceans and blah blah from there...or actually any BeeDee that has ego-wormed its way into a Pakistan Defence forum in first place) wrote right?

Your numbers are propaganda lies from the onset (certainly no authentic survey was done...like ever, you just picked up from the Indian war propaganda claims to use to found as your friggin national ethos....because thats all your are and ever will be....a bunch of hand-me-down hollow ego twerps, just look at the extended history). So any further discussion on it being "(so called) hindu specific" or whatever is of the same quality as the BD swamp water and street floods in Dhaka (which makes it bottom 5 liveable "city" in the world).

Pakistan army definitely put down a huge number of BD (so called) muslims as well (since religion matters this much to your identity all of a sudden)...its amusing you make out the "resistance" was by BD muslims and the "target" were BD hindus....but pak army somehow skewed their policy against the latter instead of those actually mounting the resistance? All sides of that argument hold at the same time?....erm ok...we've seen similar attempted logic somewhere before havent we @Desert Fox ? (cept the forces that be regarding that one silence all discussion more effectively compared to BD who dont even register anywhere in the world arena in first place). Yay for fake genocide numbers, so called details of the fake genocide and creating atmosphere for it to never be questioned/analysed....the phenomenon is always alive and well for people who feel "wronged" and "bullied" coz of feelz...waaaah.

It's up to you. If you keep justifying your hatred of a whole country with these pieces, then it is difficult to read your passages here without outrage, or at the least, resentment.

The answer to your question is 'yes'. Since you have been to Bangladesh so many times, you will have noticed that the Bangladeshi Hindu is a cowed, subservient minority, even the intellectually advanced fraction of the remnants who stayed back as doctors, teachers, lawyers. And they were considered to be the evil geniuses of the Agartala Conspiracy Case, and were deliberately hunted down in very specific campaigns. There is no doubt about this among those who were involved in the hunting down, and it is all on record. Do not insult me or anybody else by asking for citations; when you can quote a publicity seeker from a family that numbers Sugato Bose as her elder sibling and Sumantra as her younger, I can make this glancing allusion with legitimacy, without anything more than a reminder of Anthony Mascarenhas. You want credibility? You will get credibility; ask her mother. She was there in the camps, she was there meeting the bedraggled remains that crawled out, and she knows who were whipped and beaten, and the difference between them and those others who were whipped and inflamed with the need for immediate revenge. The difference was as stark as has been said; the Hindu minority that came across, 90% or more from the villages, almost none surviving the pogroms in the towns or the cities, whether it was the Razakar or the sepoy at the other end, had no fight left in them. It was the Muslims who fought, who found their way out of those camps and into the waiting hands of the Mukti Bahini, and their laughable .303 rifles and home-made bombs.

Do not misuse your intellect.

I have decided not to take part in such argument anymore as there is no solution.
Just sometimes will ask few questions though.
However, just wondering if the aim of Pakistan Army was to killing Hindus, then I'm wondering still why there are some 17 million Hindus live in Bangladesh and also lots of Hindus live in sindh too?
Do you know the condition of Hindus in the province sindh?
If it's ethnic cleansing, then why they spared the Hindus of sindh?

Because not all Hindus were cleansed. Because there was not enough time.

One of the biggest arguments that we have against the 3 million number is that it was stupid; nobody could have raped, and murdered those numbers with the available strength that was supposed to be doing the raping and killing. Of the 10 million that came across the borders, out of a population of between 65 to 70 million, the vast bulk were Hindus; all of them left the camps and it is believed that the overwhelming bulk returned to Bangladesh. It is those that have bred those who live there now, just as the entire population grew from 65 to 160 million.

Bangladesh happened in hot blood, mostly, leaving aside the Tikka Khans; Sindh is on-going, and as cold-blooded as is possible.

Maybe because not every Hindu was killed? And the Hindu Bengalis lived in East Pakistan and not the West?


Please read below.

I am quite sick of these uber-intellects and their rationalisation of the past.
Very well argued, @Nilgiri, as always. The thing is, you cannot break every occurrence in history down to the level of the atoms that constituted it. You cannot now take into account the standing of every individual Pakistani, every individual Bangladeshi (at that time, East Pakistani) and every individual Indian, and their personal thoughts, feelings and emotions. That is only a superbly argued defence. The facts remain as they are, ugly and unsuitable for gilding. At this point of time, we can only acknowledge them mutely - no point getting into a frenzy about them, that can happen only by forcing ourselves to repeat those extreme emotions - and try to move on. You and I both know that some Bangladeshis behaved like animals; that does not mean that all Bangladeshis are animals, or that all Bangladeshis behave like animals. You and I both know that some Pakistanis behaved like animals; that, similarly, does not mean that all Pakistanis, etc., etc.

I was curious to know why I'd been tagged, so went back and read the last two pages. There were absurdities, there were crudities, there were the usual swines - why is it that a large percentage of these turn out to be right wing Indians? just go back a few posts and you will what I mean - and there were hugely embarrassed individuals asking that things be taken on board, and that we should all move on.

As to that, as to moving on, I know where I was during that period - a helpless onlooker. I just erased a very emotion-laden paragraph because it doesn't help to pick at old scabs; let the past stay there. I don't know where you were, and I'm not asking. It doesn't matter any more. Not at the individual level, that you raised with such consummate and such misplaced skill. It wasn't about intellect at the time, it was raw emotion. And it's all gone, all the emotion, and that is why we can look at it through the deliberately abstracted vision of a Sarmila Bose, whose mother Krishna was so much a part of the volunteer movement at the camps. And so we get these fine arguments about the impossibility of defining a nation as a bloc.

If we are to move on, how do we do that other than by moving on?

" 'What is truth?' said jesting Pilate, and would not pause for an answer."

It's up to you. If you keep justifying your hatred of a whole country with these pieces, then it is difficult to read your passages here without outrage, or at the least, resentment.

The answer to your question is 'yes'. Since you have been to Bangladesh so many times, you will have noticed that the Bangladeshi Hindu is a cowed, subservient minority, even the intellectually advanced fraction of the remnants who stayed back as doctors, teachers, lawyers. And they were considered to be the evil geniuses of the Agartala Conspiracy Case, and were deliberately hunted down in very specific campaigns. There is no doubt about this among those who were involved in the hunting down, and it is all on record. Do not insult me or anybody else by asking for citations; when you can quote a publicity seeker from a family that numbers Sugato Bose as her elder sibling and Sumantra as her younger, I can make this glancing allusion with legitimacy, without anything more than a reminder of Anthony Mascarenhas. You want credibility? You will get credibility; ask her mother. She was there in the camps, she was there meeting the bedraggled remains that crawled out, and she knows who were whipped and beaten, and the difference between them and those others who were whipped and inflamed with the need for immediate revenge. The difference was as stark as has been said; the Hindu minority that came across, 90% or more from the villages, almost none surviving the pogroms in the towns or the cities, whether it was the Razakar or the sepoy at the other end, had no fight left in them. It was the Muslims who fought, who found their way out of those camps and into the waiting hands of the Mukti Bahini, and their laughable .303 rifles and home-made bombs.

Do not misuse your intellect.

Because not all Hindus were cleansed. Because there was not enough time.

One of the biggest arguments that we have against the 3 million number is that it was stupid; nobody could have raped, and murdered those numbers with the available strength that was supposed to be doing the raping and killing. Of the 10 million that came across the borders, out of a population of between 65 to 70 million, the vast bulk were Hindus; all of them left the camps and it is believed that the overwhelming bulk returned to Bangladesh. It is those that have bred those who live there now, just as the entire population grew from 65 to 160 million.

Bangladesh happened in hot blood, mostly, leaving aside the Tikka Khans; Sindh is on-going, and as cold-blooded as is possible.


Please read below.

I am quite sick of these uber-intellects and their rationalisation of the past.
Excellent post sir. Curious, have you read Sarmilla Bose's book yourself? I would like to discuss it with you via e-mail if possible.
Excellent post sir. Curious, have you read Sarmilla Bose's book yourself? I would like to discuss it with you via e-mail if possible.

Yes, certainly. It is sad that Sarat Bose's grand-daughter should have made these claims, in the light of Sarat Bose and Kiron Shankar Roy getting together with Suhrawardy Sahib and tried for an independent Bengal in 1947 itself. Jinnah had in exasperation washed his hands of it; a very alarmed Hindu upper-class and middle-class revolted and brought in Nehru and Patel to quell the 'revolt'.

You might like to tag @SoulSpokesman in that discussion; you can ask him to take part in that e-mail discussion too. He knows that part of events rather well. You must disregard the extreme right-wing smokescreen that he puts up, mainly to amuse himself at our expense.
Maybe because not every Hindu was killed? And the Hindu Bengalis lived in East Pakistan and not the West?
I am asking for the statistics of the so called genocide. And that's all.
From now I will just ask for statistics and evidence. And will not add any opinion of mine thanks.
@ muktizuddher Chetan dharira ( cult members of 1971) , keep whining about 1971, just don't mix up Islam with it. Don't blame Islam or any Islamic leaders based on children of h.o pseudo intellectuals like humaun Azad's, Jafor Iqbal, shariar murgi bastared kabir or sh!ts like them.

Without concrete evidence don't tag Maulana sahabs as rapist or killers, don't promote your w.h.o.r.e mongering pseudo secularism hindutva over Bangladeshi Islamic culture and heritage.
Keep whining spreading lies, claim that the death numbers were not 3 million but 30 million we have no fucking time to pay attention, just don't use your lies against our religion and religious leaders without concrete evidences.

Now after Jamat e Islami the hindutva bastareds targeted other Islamic party leaders like hefajot e Islam, and after finishing the deobandis, the bastareds will catch salafi/able hadeeth leader and so on......
Leave Islam and Islamic leaders alone and then keep whining, if you spreading your bullshit against our religion then the fate will be too much disastrous.
So stop tagging Islamic leaders based on writing some pseudo intellectuals bastard like humaun Azad, jafar Iqbal and Shahriar bastard kabir bla bla bla.. We have no problem both 3 millions or 3 billions.
Stop promoting pseudo secularism ( hindutva) over our Islamic culture and heritage, Muslims have their limits of tolerance.
If you guys declared holy war against Islam, then it's mandatory fir all Muslims to fight and die to protect Islam.

So don't provoke Muslims by degrading Islam, spare the deobandis and all other Islamic leaders and stop spreading hindutva propaganda, and keep whining. Leave us alone.
Bangladesh Government need to counter this anti Islamic bastards from spreading such malignity as soon as possible, otherwise everyone has limits if tolerance. I believe govt will soon counter them. Now let's see what happen after next election.
Don't target Islamic leaders without concrete evidences, and ten start masterbation and get pleasure on dead body numbers.
I am really too much disturbed by the new style of endless whine in every February, March and December.
Why don't you let Bangladeshi Muslims in peace? If you really want a prosperous Bangladesh then stop deviding us that's all.
Every years those months come and old chetona vomiting starts.
Why can't you take action against the country Pakistan in human rights court ( if you really can prove them guilty) instead of those endless barking everythime?

Just nonsense. Moderators should not allow such provoking whining I believe. It only divide Bangladesh even in this forum.
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Oh, this guy?? Na, i just put him in ignore list after the mockery about 71. i was already annoyed about him after watching his itching for BD military. Still there's no need to argue anymore as i already mentioned the reasons.

Can you believe this chaddi clad charal? When did I mock 71 or have itching for BD military. Mockery was thrown in general for jobless people like you digging 1 year old news and randomly posting. All members were annoyed with that thread. And itching is for bdmilitary(.)com website. People with some brain will put argument before believing anything coming out of that. This brainless charal ronin is recruited by some morons with 50 taka per hour to eat others brain.
Can you believe this chaddi clad charal? When did I mock 71 or have itching for BD military. Mockery was thrown in general for jobless people like you digging 1 year old news and randomly posting. All members were annoyed with that thread. And itching is for bdmilitary(.)com website. People with some brain will put argument before believing anything coming out of that. This brainless charal ronin is recruited by some morons with 50 taka per hour to eat others brain.
I was surprised too when he claimed that he put you in ignore list.
I never had any idea that he is such short and ill tempered!
I was very shocked, I had no idea that he is some sort of extremely intolerant chetona nonsense.
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@ muktizuddher Chetan dharira ( cult members of 1971) , keep whining about 1971, just don't mix up Islam with it. Don't blame Islam or any Islamic leaders based on children of h.o pseudo intellectuals like humaun Azad's, Jafor Iqbal, shariar murgi bastared kabir or sh!ts like them.

Without concrete evidence don't tag Maulana sahabs as rapist or killers, don't promote your w.h.o.r.e mongering pseudo secularism hindutva over Bangladeshi Islamic culture and heritage.
Keep whining spreading lies, claim that the death numbers were not 3 million but 30 million we have no fucking time to pay attention, just don't use your lies against our religion and religious leaders without concrete evidences.

Now after Jamat e Islami the hindutva bastareds targeted other Islamic party leaders like hefajot e Islam, and after finishing the deobandis, the bastareds will catch salafi/able hadeeth leader and so on......
Leave Islam and Islamic leaders alone and then keep whining, if you spreading your bullshit against our religion then the fate will be too much disastrous.
So stop tagging Islamic leaders based on writing some pseudo intellectuals bastard like humaun Azad, jafar Iqbal and Shahriar bastard kabir bla bla bla.. We have no problem both 3 millions or 3 billions.
Stop promoting pseudo secularism ( hindutva) over our Islamic culture and heritage, Muslims have their limits of tolerance.
If you guys declared holy war against Islam, then it's mandatory fir all Muslims to fight and die to protect Islam.

So don't provoke Muslims by degrading Islam, spare the deobandis and all other Islamic leaders and stop spreading hindutva propaganda, and keep whining. Leave us alone.
Bangladesh Government need to counter this anti Islamic bastards from spreading such malignity as soon as possible, otherwise everyone has limits if tolerance. I believe govt will soon counter them. Now let's see what happen after next election.
Don't target Islamic leaders without concrete evidences, and ten start masterbation and get pleasure on dead body numbers.
I am really too much disturbed by the new style of endless whine in every February, March and December.
Why don't you let Bangladeshi Muslims in peace? If you really want a prosperous Bangladesh then stop deviding us that's all.
Every years those months come and old chetona vomiting starts.
Why can't you take action against the country Pakistan in human rights court ( if you really can prove them guilty) instead of those endless barking everythime?

Just nonsense. Moderators should not allow such provoking whining I believe. It only divide Bangladesh even in this forum.
I am asking for the statistics of the so called genocide. And that's all.
From now I will just ask for statistics and evidence. And will not add any opinion of mine thanks.
That was a quick 180 :lol:
That was a quick 180 :lol:
Nah not that it is just some final hit. It's warning that no one under bangladeshi flag is necessarily patriot.
They need to prove themselves as patriot, otherwise they will be automatically labeled as anti bangladeshi.
I will not try to prove again that it was civil war not mukti zuddho .
I just want to make sure my fight will only against them who are anti islamic .
Now more attempt from me to prove that why we never needed that war , we had better ways bla bla bla.... simply no advocating to so called brotherhood as a counter of chetona thugs . Even I will not ask for statistics too as they can make it 3 billion so calledholy martyr. I will let the dogs bark . They may bark until bangladesh change it's stance
To their ( chetona thug's ) master land India .

They can whine every single hour I have no problem.
Just they must not offend Islamic leaders , that's all .

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In time of war, esp civil war.... bad stuff inevitably happens on both sides. @Arefin007 and others have posted the direct counterpoint from the other side ( pro-pakistan bengali during 1971) and the atrocities meted out to them just like this shorisrip account. You think any sides hands are clean here? Do you still "support" Bangladesh after reading that stuff? If you do....then apply the standard you are trying with me on yourself first.
Please no more '71, its really boring and stuff and arguing with HSPs is just waste of time. Do assignments, listen to music and play games no more political stuff it really gets me knackered
@Arefin007 what happened to your family brother? How can I read your posts? I can't check your profile so don't for your post! Or there is another way? Just can you post the link here so that I can read?
I want to know the incident!
Nothing mate, just hostilities from the majority towards the pro union segment. You know Saidpur? Some pretty harrowing accounts from there at the end of the war. Indian army took them in I suppose. Mukti Bahini weren't angels them all, especially that sub-militia what was it called, Qadir Bahini or something. Anything who thinks otherwise is naive

Anyways don't wanna go over the '71 thingy again pal. Hope you dont mind :cheers:
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Nothing mate, just hostilities from the majority towards the pro union segment. You know Saidpur? Some pretty harrowing accounts from there at the end of the war. Indian army took them in I suppose. Mukti Bahini weren't angels them all, especially that sub-militia what was it called, Qadir Bahini or something. Anything who thinks otherwise is naive
Oh I am extremely sorry for your family my brother.
Just the bitter thing is now majority and winners are Festing on victims corps . But don't worry brother , you are muslim , have faith on allah rahmanur rahim. The jalims who tortured your family will be burning in jahannam habiah as the judgment of Allah is great .
Anyways pal don't wanna hash up that '71 stuff anymore. Hope you dont mind
No no brother, no mind . No more discussion with you about 71 as it will only increase your grief.
I pray from my heart that may Allah bless you and your family my friend, and also keep you and your family safe .
It's a prayer from the heart for your muslim brother my friend.
Fe amanillah.

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Oh I am extremely sorry for your family my brother.
Just the bitter thing is now majority and winners are Festing on victims corps . But don't worry brother , you are muslim , have faith on allah rahmanur rahim. The jalims who tortured your family will be burning in jahannam habiah as the judgment of Allah is great .

No no brother, no mind . No more discussion with you about 71 as it will only increase your grief.
I pray from my heart that may Allah bless you and your family my friend, and also keep you and your family safe .
It's a prayer from the heart for your muslim brother my friend.
Fe amanillah.

Barakallaho feekum. Thanks for your prayer brother. We didnt bear much of the brunt, but rather the Bihari populace. I genuinely feel bad for them
Barakallaho feekum. Thanks for your prayer brother. We didnt bear much of the brunt, but rather the Bihari populace. I genuinely feel bad for them
My pleasure brother , and I know that how brutally the poor biharis were tortured by those brutal mukti thugs .
When day by day found and knew the reality , I was changing totally, from an extreme brain washed animal (by chetona machine ) to a human being.
I told before that I was a chetona cultist almost 10 years ago , because I thought it was the best way that serve the victims.
As like many others I also believed that only Bengalis are victims ( of those genocide hoax) . You know propaganda machine works very well to wash a teenager brain completely.
Then slowly reality started unveiling to me , and my regrets for my past feelings increased sky high.

In 2007-08 I was praying that jamat leaders must be hanged
But later when they hanged my tear dropped for those poor political victims.
And do you know why I am too much offensive too chetona cultist bastards now ?
Because I took it as the penance of my past vicious thinking about my Muslim brothers ( rajakars/volunteers).

Thanks to Allah that he started unveiling the reality to me almost 8-10 years ago.
Now I always pray that maybe one day Allah will show the reality too to most of my country fellows . Amin.
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@ muktizuddher Chetan dharira ( cult members of 1971) , keep whining about 1971, just don't mix up Islam with it. Don't blame Islam or any Islamic leaders based on children of h.o pseudo intellectuals like humaun Azad's, Jafor Iqbal, shariar murgi bastared kabir or sh!ts like them.

Without concrete evidence don't tag Maulana sahabs as rapist or killers, don't promote your w.h.o.r.e mongering pseudo secularism hindutva over Bangladeshi Islamic culture and heritage.

Keep whining spreading lies, claim that the death numbers were not 3 million but 30 million we have no fucking time to pay attention, just don't use your lies against our religion and religious leaders without concrete evidences.

Now after Jamat e Islami the hindutva bastareds targeted other Islamic party leaders like hefajot e Islam, and after finishing the deobandis, the bastareds will catch salafi/able hadeeth leader and so on......

Leave Islam and Islamic leaders alone and then keep whining, if you spreading your bullshit against our religion then the fate will be too much disastrous.

So stop tagging Islamic leaders based on writing some pseudo intellectuals bastard like humaun Azad, jafar Iqbal and Shahriar bastard kabir bla bla bla.. We have no problem both 3 millions or 3 billions.

Stop promoting pseudo secularism ( hindutva) over our Islamic culture and heritage, Muslims have their limits of tolerance.

If you guys declared holy war against Islam, then it's mandatory fir all Muslims to fight and die to protect Islam.

So don't provoke Muslims by degrading Islam, spare the deobandis and all other Islamic leaders and stop spreading hindutva propaganda, and keep whining. Leave us alone.

Bangladesh Government need to counter this anti Islamic bastards from spreading such malignity as soon as possible, otherwise everyone has limits if tolerance. I believe govt will soon counter them. Now let's see what happen after next election.

Don't target Islamic leaders without concrete evidences, and ten start masterbation and get pleasure on dead body numbers.

I am really too much disturbed by the new style of endless whine in every February, March and December.

Why don't you let Bangladeshi Muslims in peace? If you really want a prosperous Bangladesh then stop deviding us that's all.

Every years those months come and old chetona vomiting starts.

Why can't you take action against the country Pakistan in human rights court ( if you really can prove them guilty) instead of those endless barking everythime?

Just nonsense. Moderators should not allow such provoking whining I believe. It only divide Bangladesh even in this forum.

Nah not that it is just some final hit. It's warning that no one under bangladeshi flag is necessarily patriot.

They need to prove themselves as patriot, otherwise they will be automatically labeled as anti bangladeshi.

I will not try to prove again that it was civil war not mukti zuddho .

I just want to make sure my fight will only against them who are anti islamic .

Now more attempt from me to prove that why we never needed that war , we had better ways bla bla bla.... simply no advocating to so called brotherhood as a counter of chetona thugs . Even I will not ask for statistics too as they can make it 3 billion so calledholy martyr. I will let the dogs bark . They may bark until bangladesh change it's stance

To their ( chetona thug's ) master land India .

They can whine every single hour I have no problem.

Just they must not offend Islamic leaders , that's all .


Your "Islamic" leaders are not prophets nor are they gods. They are ordinary humans and as such they will be rightfully criticized for any awful policy decision that they have done. Ignoring the killings and rapes of 71, regardless of the numbers the fact is we separated. Why should we forget 71? The actual founding of a country? Americans teach children the American revolution against the British that occurred in 1776. Mexican children are taught their revolution against Spain in 1810. The same goes for other Latin American countries in that century. The same also occurs for African and Asian countries that rebelled against their colonial masters in the 20th century. Do they also form a cult when they teach and discuss their independence movements?

In most cases of these revolutions there was no case of genocide or mass killings right before their revolts. Just anger and frustration on the policies of the government that ruled them. Fact is, as East Pakistan we did not prosper. Despite forming the majority of what was then the population of a united Pakistan, West Pakistan had more political representation, government services, and more funding. We will not forget the poor response to the deadly cyclone of 1970, or Mujib’s snub on his right to be the prime minister of Pakistan. As well as the protests of 1952. Even if we ignore the killings of 1971, these factors should tell you that separation was inevitable.

Additionally, your claims of pseudo-secularism is equally similar to the actual Hinduvata enthusiasts who accuse Indian secularists of being Islamists. When this country was founded, it was done so as a secular state. Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians are all have equal rights under our government. This in turn also makes Bangladesh a country for believers and non-believers. Whether you believe in Allah, Brahma, Jesus as the son of God, or the teachings of the Buddha does not make you more special than anyone else. The laws can protect the teachings of Buddha, Muhammad, or Jesus. But, not modern day people like Ahmad Shafi. I will happily and rightfully criticize whatever views he and his followers believe in. As well as other people like them.
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