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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

I don't need to read anything anymore after reading Jahanara Imam's "Days of 71", "জনযুদ্ধের গণযোদ্ধা", The description of Jafor Iqbal and Hymaun Ahmed's fathers death in "একজন দূর্বল মানুষ", "জোৎস্না ও জননীর গল্প",
Okay feel free to practice their cult then . After all who am I to stop if someone want to practice intellectuals' cult .
Peace and thank you :)
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. .
I don't need to read anything anymore

The Pak Army had lined up my maternal Grandmother, her sisters and her brothers and were about to shoot them because they thought they were Hindus because they had idols as artpieces in their homes. They stopped because they recognized one of the kids. Lots of their Hindu neighbours were directly hacked to death.

Also, my paternal family had to flee to Tripura which borders their village, by digging burrows to hide before the Pak army got to them.
The Pak Army had lined up my maternal Grandmother, her sisters and her brothers and were about to shoot them because they thought they were Hindus because they had idols as artpieces in their homes. They stopped because they recognized one of the kids. Lots of their Hindu neighbours were directly hacked to death.

Also, my paternal family had to flee to Tripura which borders their village, by digging burrows to hide before the Pak army got to them.

Tell us there name and where they live so we can help them get back home @Nilgiri
. .
Her cult huh?? That women sacrificed her son she even said it out loud to her son in front of everyone "যা তোকে দেশের জন্য কোরবানি করলাম" when he asked for her permission to go to war, when he could leave all of these and go to study engineering in Illinois University (if i am not mistaken the name). She regretted saying that after this. Her husbands and younger son was tortured and later her husband died because of that torture. That women fought till her last to get justice for those Jamati son of guns. What that women and mothers like Sofia Begum (Shahid Azad's mom) sacrificed and endured like any other women back then i doubt your and my mom can do that. Oh!! I forgot it's futile telling these to you. How forgetful i am!! Feel free to dream Sayedi on the moon!! Who am i to stop your illusion!! :-) I think we should keep each other in ignore list otherwise this futile argument might keep going on!!

So bye bye :wave::wave:
It's up to you crazy boy. It's better to be in the ignore list of such intolerant person who want tal gach every time. Feel free to score in an empty field. Bye bye.
@The Ronin
The Pak Army had lined up my maternal Grandmother, her sisters and her brothers and were about to shoot them because they thought they were Hindus because they had idols as artpieces in their homes. They stopped because they recognized one of the kids. Lots of their Hindu neighbours were directly hacked to death.

Also, my paternal family had to flee to Tripura which borders their village, by digging burrows to hide before the Pak army got to them.


Still support Pakistan during 1971 my Hindu friend?

Instead of asking for bobs and vagenes, you should improve your English writing skills. Are you a citizen here? Let me guess, Brampton?



Same can be said about you
Just one last question @The Ronin
Do you hate your mama ( maternal uncle) too because he is a Jamat rukon?
I suppose he loves you a lot, perhaps like his own son, as maternal uncles are very loving.
Is your arrogance and stubbornness too much too hate him too?
I would love to hear from you, if you care to tell me.

Still support Pakistan during 1971 my Hindu friend?

I "support" (however you have defined it) Pakistan during 1971 or any other time?

I don't support/sympathise with either side, but I can empathise with certain realities and reactions of both.

In time of war, esp civil war.... bad stuff inevitably happens on both sides. @Arefin007 and others have posted the direct counterpoint from the other side ( pro-pakistan bengali during 1971) and the atrocities meted out to them just like this shorisrip account. You think any sides hands are clean here? Do you still "support" Bangladesh after reading that stuff? If you do....then apply the standard you are trying with me on yourself first.

There is also much to be said about actions of some being extrapolated to actions of all...that too across time and space.

Should we say all Bangladeshis enjoy murdering their own military people because of Pilkhana?....or all BD people were behind murdering their country founder?....or all Bangladeshis condone Gulshan style ppl?....or all BD people are like what their army did in the atrocities of CHT?.

If you isolate/delineate the blame for your side and generalise/spread as entire country for others (like in this case saying "Pakistan", many other cases you say "India"....or "Burma" and "China" more recently)....then you are a hypocrite....so don't be shocked when you are treated as such.

Macbeth started out as relatively good guy too, but he insulated himself to such a degree with only his inner demons, justifying each and everything he did but never trying to apply the process for others....and in the end he became the very thing he swore to destroy....you might want to try learn something from that.

@django @Joe Shearer @Aung Zaya @Hell hound @Zibago @Desert Fox
I "support" (however you have defined it) Pakistan during 1971 or any other time?

I don't support/sympathise with either side, but I can empathise with certain realities and reactions of both.

In time of war, esp civil war.... bad stuff inevitably happens on both sides. @Arefin007 and others have posted the direct counterpoint from the other side ( pro-pakistan bengali during 1971) and the atrocities meted out to them just like this shorisrip account. You think any sides hands are clean here? Do you still "support" Bangladesh after reading that stuff? If you do....then apply the standard you are trying with me on yourself first.

There is also much to be said about actions of some being extrapolated to actions of all...that too across time and space.

Should we say all Bangladeshis enjoy murdering their own military people because of Pilkhana?....or all BD people were behind murdering their country founder?....or all Bangladeshis condone Gulshan style ppl?....or all BD people are like what their army did in the atrocities of CHT?.

If you isolate/delineate the blame for your side and generalise/spread as entire country for others (like in this case saying "Pakistan", many other cases you say "India"....or "Burma" and "China" more recently)....then you are a hypocrite....so don't be shocked when you are treated as such.

Macbeth started out as relatively good guy too, but he insulated himself to such a degree with only his inner demons, justifying each and everything he did but never trying to apply the process for others....and in the end he became the very thing he swore to destroy....you might want to try learn something from that.

@django @Joe Shearer @Aung Zaya @Hell hound @Zibago @Desert Fox

Pakistani army was given the task of killing all Hindus in 1971 and you are on record mocking what happened to mainly Hindu BD civilians in 1971. An utter disgrace of a Hindu you are.
Pakistani army was given the task of killing all Hindus in 1971 and you are on record mocking what happened to mainly Hindu BD civilians in 1971. An utter disgrace of a Hindu you are.

Ah right, exactly what Sarmila Bose (who is magnitudes more credible on the issue than BDees that have pole vaulted across oceans and blah blah from there...or actually any BeeDee that has ego-wormed its way into a Pakistan Defence forum in first place) wrote right?

Your numbers are propaganda lies from the onset (certainly no authentic survey was done...like ever, you just picked up from the Indian war propaganda claims to use to found as your friggin national ethos....because thats all your are and ever will be....a bunch of hand-me-down hollow ego twerps, just look at the extended history). So any further discussion on it being "(so called) hindu specific" or whatever is of the same quality as the BD swamp water and street floods in Dhaka (which makes it bottom 5 liveable "city" in the world).

Pakistan army definitely put down a huge number of BD (so called) muslims as well (since religion matters this much to your identity all of a sudden)...its amusing you make out the "resistance" was by BD muslims and the "target" were BD hindus....but pak army somehow skewed their policy against the latter instead of those actually mounting the resistance? All sides of that argument hold at the same time?....erm ok...we've seen similar attempted logic somewhere before havent we @Desert Fox ? (cept the forces that be regarding that one silence all discussion more effectively compared to BD who dont even register anywhere in the world arena in first place). Yay for fake genocide numbers, so called details of the fake genocide and creating atmosphere for it to never be questioned/analysed....the phenomenon is always alive and well for people who feel "wronged" and "bullied" coz of feelz...waaaah.
Ah right, exactly what Sarmila Bose (who is magnitudes more credible on the issue than BDees that have pole vaulted across oceans and blah blah from there...or actually any BeeDee that has ego-wormed its way into a Pakistan Defence forum in first place) wrote right?

Your numbers are propaganda lies from the onset (certainly no authentic survey was done...like ever, you just picked up from the Indian war propaganda claims to use to found as your friggin national ethos....because thats all your are and ever will be....a bunch of hand-me-down hollow ego twerps, just look at the extended history). So any further discussion on it being "(so called) hindu specific" or whatever is of the same quality as the BD swamp water and street floods in Dhaka (which makes it bottom 5 liveable "city" in the world).

Pakistan army definitely put down a huge number of BD (so called) muslims as well (since religion matters this much to your identity all of a sudden)...its amusing you make out the "resistance" was by BD muslims and the "target" were BD hindus....but pak army somehow skewed their policy against the latter instead of those actually mounting the resistance? All sides of that argument hold at the same time?....erm ok...we've seen similar attempted logic somewhere before havent we @Desert Fox ? (cept the forces that be regarding that one silence all discussion more effectively compared to BD who dont even register anywhere in the world arena in first place). Yay for fake genocide numbers, so called details of the fake genocide and creating atmosphere for it to never be questioned/analysed....the phenomenon is always alive and well for people who feel "wronged" and "bullied" coz of feelz...waaaah.

Like i say an utter disgrace of a Hindu you are.

Disrespecting innocent slain BD Hindus just because
you are one butt-hurt loser.
I "support" (however you have defined it) Pakistan during 1971 or any other time?

I don't support/sympathise with either side, but I can empathise with certain realities and reactions of both.

In time of war, esp civil war.... bad stuff inevitably happens on both sides. @Arefin007 and others have posted the direct counterpoint from the other side ( pro-pakistan bengali during 1971) and the atrocities meted out to them just like this shorisrip account. You think any sides hands are clean here? Do you still "support" Bangladesh after reading that stuff? If you do....then apply the standard you are trying with me on yourself first.

There is also much to be said about actions of some being extrapolated to actions of all...that too across time and space.

Should we say all Bangladeshis enjoy murdering their own military people because of Pilkhana?....or all BD people were behind murdering their country founder?....or all Bangladeshis condone Gulshan style ppl?....or all BD people are like what their army did in the atrocities of CHT?.

If you isolate/delineate the blame for your side and generalise/spread as entire country for others (like in this case saying "Pakistan", many other cases you say "India"....or "Burma" and "China" more recently)....then you are a hypocrite....so don't be shocked when you are treated as such.

Macbeth started out as relatively good guy too, but he insulated himself to such a degree with only his inner demons, justifying each and everything he did but never trying to apply the process for others....and in the end he became the very thing he swore to destroy....you might want to try learn something from that.

@django @Joe Shearer @Aung Zaya @Hell hound @Zibago @Desert Fox
@Arefin007 what happened to your family brother? How can I read your posts? I can't check your profile so don't for your post! Or there is another way? Just can you post the link here so that I can read?
I want to know the incident!
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Pakistani army was given the task of killing all Hindus in 1971
I have decided not to take part in such argument anymore as there is no solution.
Just sometimes will ask few questions though.
However, just wondering if the aim of Pakistan Army was to killing Hindus, then I'm wondering still why there are some 17 million Hindus live in Bangladesh and also lots of Hindus live in sindh too?
Do you know the condition of Hindus in the province sindh?
If it's ethnic cleansing, then why they spared the Hindus of sindh?
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