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15 Egyptian soldiers killed by Palestinians to take over their weapons

While it is not time to talk about it or argue, i hope everybody stop blaming Israel for everything. These criminals were Muslims, most likely Palestinians and/or Egyptians who killed 15 souls(18 to 22 years old kids) with no mercy. We should stand against these criminals and and make sure they have no place in our society, not blame Israel, or the US.
Hamas on full alert after Sinai attack


GAZA CITY, Palestinian Territories, (AFP) — Hamas said on Monday that its security forces in the Gaza Strip are on the alert after Egypt's army vowed to avenge the killing of 16 guards by gunmen near the Israeli border.
Egypt's MENA news agency has said the gunmen were "jihadists" who "infiltrated from Gaza through tunnels" into the adjacent Sinai but Hamas has dismissed the idea that militants from inside their territory were involved.

"The national security services are on a 100-percent state of alert to maintain common security between the Gaza Strip and Egypt," Jamal al-Jarrah, head of the Hamas security forces, wrote on the interior ministry website.

He accused Israel of encouraging speculation that Gaza Palestinians were involved in Sunday's attack.

"The occupation is trying to spread its rumours and hold Gaza responsible for the attack, to cause tension in relations between the Palestinian and Egyptian peoples," said Jarrah. "We assert that we are working around the clock to maintain common security."

The Hamas government in Gaza was due to meet later on Monday to discuss the situation.

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas, speaking from his headquarters in the West bank city of Ramallah, condemned the attack.

"President Abbas, the Palestinian people and the Palestinian leadership condemn with the strongest of words this crime that was committed by the hands of a terrorist group," his spokesman Nabil Abu Rdeineh said in a statement

"Despite its gravity, this crime will not undermine the depth of relations between the two peoples and the Palestinian and Egyptian leaderships," he added. "It will not affect Egypt's national role in permanently committing to support our cause and our people's struggle."
Hamas on full alert after Sinai attack


GAZA CITY, Palestinian Territories, (AFP) — Hamas said on Monday that its security forces in the Gaza Strip are on the alert after Egypt's army vowed to avenge the killing of 16 guards by gunmen near the Israeli border.
Egypt's MENA news agency has said the gunmen were "jihadists" who "infiltrated from Gaza through tunnels" into the adjacent Sinai but Hamas has dismissed the idea that militants from inside their territory were involved.

"The national security services are on a 100-percent state of alert to maintain common security between the Gaza Strip and Egypt," Jamal al-Jarrah, head of the Hamas security forces, wrote on the interior ministry website.

He accused Israel of encouraging speculation that Gaza Palestinians were involved in Sunday's attack.

"The occupation is trying to spread its rumours and hold Gaza responsible for the attack, to cause tension in relations between the Palestinian and Egyptian peoples," said Jarrah. "We assert that we are working around the clock to maintain common security."

The Hamas government in Gaza was due to meet later on Monday to discuss the situation.

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas, speaking from his headquarters in the West bank city of Ramallah, condemned the attack.

"President Abbas, the Palestinian people and the Palestinian leadership condemn with the strongest of words this crime that was committed by the hands of a terrorist group," his spokesman Nabil Abu Rdeineh said in a statement

"Despite its gravity, this crime will not undermine the depth of relations between the two peoples and the Palestinian and Egyptian leaderships," he added. "It will not affect Egypt's national role in permanently committing to support our cause and our people's struggle."
It is so easy to blame Israel, especially by Nationalists and Islamists.
And they did. The MB has blamed Israel and of course HAMAS agreed.
I hardly expected anything else. Even many Pakistanis here find it easier to blame everything on Israel rather than face reality.
Unconfirmed Reports that the terrorists got inside Egypt through the tunnels between Gaza and Egypt.
Looks like this is done by some one who dont want Egypt Gaza relation. and trouble MB
May be PA did this?

Question is who benifitted from this event?
Islamists? Isreal, Egypt? Hamas? MB?
And they did. The MB has blamed Israel and of course HAMAS agreed.
I hardly expected anything else. Even many Pakistanis here find it easier to blame everything on Israel rather than face reality.
Well, that is good because no body trusts them anymore. They are losing ground day by day. Instead of facing reality, and finding solutions to the problems you have, you start blaming others. It i s the easy route, but it won't be long before you are exposed.
Looks like this is done by some one who dont want Egypt Gaza relation. and trouble MB
May be PA did this?

Question is who benifitted from this event?
Islamists? Isreal, Egypt? Hamas? MB?
Israelis attacked them while shouting Allahou Akhbar ??? Are you denying the existence of Islamic terrorism ? By your "logic", we can say that the MB killed the protesters during the revolution because they benefited from it.
I don't know who killed them,but I hope they face their crime for killing unarmed soldiers,it just shows cowardliness.
The phenomenon of the “frenemy”


By Emad El Din Adeeb


Emad El Din Adeeb

Any group of Arab people should not pay the bill for the situations or conditions of any other group of people. The Lebanese should not suffer from the expansion of Syrian intelligence influence for more than 40 years. Kuwait’s land, people and resources should not pay the price for the madness of a ruler in neighboring Iraq. The Saudi border should not be exposed to the constant risk of arms and explosives smuggling through neighboring Yemen.

Egypt should not suffer the disaster of tons of discarded and readily available weapons following the looting of Libyan weapons stores after the civil war and the fall of Gaddafi. Jordan should not have to pay the price for the mass displacement that has occurred as a result of the wars in Iraq, Lebanon and now Syria.

Here some might say to me: This is the fate of those countries with adjacent borders, they suffer due to the geographical landscape imposed upon them.

The logical answer is yes, but within certain limits, for what we can glean from the results and lessons of World War II is that geographic proximity is no justification for the exportation of crises, war and destruction, and the violation of borders and the sovereignty of others.

Mexico is the neighbor of the United States, but restrictions, limits and deterrent measures are put in place so that the American people do not pay the price of the entry of illegal immigrants, or the smuggling of goods, weapons and drugs. Switzerland and France share a land border and citizens can move freely between the two without a visa, but a thorough and rigorous security system is also in place to prevent the transfer of criminals, contraband goods, or illegal immigrants who do not belong to either of the two countries.

As much as history and geography is to be appreciated and as much as it plays a part in political and humanitarian transactions, it is not acceptable for a sovereign state to pay a heavy price for the mistakes and sins of another political system.

I write this after the Egyptian media reported on a horrific and insane act, whereby an armed terrorist force crossed the Palestinian border from Gaza into Egypt and committed a massacre against soldiers and officers who were exchanging food during the Iftar hour of Ramadan. It was said that some of them (the martyrs) died with a tablespoon or glass of water in their hand.

It brought tears to the eye yesterday to see the amount of martyred bodies in Sinai, and the thousands of Egyptians mourning in anguish and grief, finding solace in the decree of God.

One was shouting “retribution…retribution”, but the question is retribution against whom?

Here one may respond: “retribution against the killers of course”.

But I would say: “Unfortunately, the killers are our neighbors and brothers”.
Typical palestinians I'm afraid. They have always turned on their benefactors.

This isn't the first time they have killed Egyptians and it won't be the last. Remember when they rushed the border a couple of years ago and killed Egyptian soldiers. They also killed an Egyptian woman not so long ago when their Qassam landed in Egyptian territory.

They have been caught out planning terrorist attacks in Egypt in the past and are blamed for at least one attack on a Christian copt church in Egypt.

They also terrorised Jordan, helped to start the Lebanon civil war and still cause problems in that country (remember the assault on palestinians refugee caps in Lebanon a couple of years ago). They sided with Saddam to invade Kuwait after Kuwaitis took them into their country as goodwill.
I don't know who killed them,but I hope they face their crime for killing unarmed soldiers,it just shows cowardliness.

Surely Iran are the epitome of cowardice? after all, they are the masters at planting bombs on buses, in community centres and generally killing soft targets using proxies and never actually showing their faces?

Paying Hamas and Hezbollah to do their dirty work for them.

All roads lead to Iran in the middle east.

They are not happy about what is happening in Syria. They are not on good terms with the MB in Egypt because of this.

Perhaps a little payment to their friends in Gaza to conduct an operation against Egyptian soldiers and Israeli border guards?

The Palestinians are the ****** who will commit any act for some money or promise of weapons.
most of the terrorists who were Arrested are Palestinians some are unfortunately egyptians who have been brainwashed by wahabi extremest
it was so sad to watch our soldiers die most of them are 20 years old but we have avenged them military operations are still in sainai and we have asked hamas to bring 3 wanted because they were involved in the attack if they didnt do it they better bring them
There is no slaughter in West Bank, tho these Egyptian soldiers were indeed slaughtered.

I blame creationism and lack of technological progress for this problem in the middle east. Imagine a conflict free secular near east where Arabs jews egyptians and Berbers live together without conspricy theories and hatred. Imagine a scientifically literate middle east and Hot women not being stoned in theocracies or Clergy always dominating social or political life.
Looks like this is done by some one who dont want Egypt Gaza relation. and trouble MB
May be PA did this?

Question is who benifitted from this event?
Islamists? Isreal, Egypt? Hamas? MB?
The trouble is everyone tries to figure this out as if the terrorist were sane or thought about consequences.
this is what happens when you attack egypt body of killed terrorists


terrorist arrested
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