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14 Iranian border guards killed by terrorists in Iran-Pak cross border attack

In this video you can see a camera capturing Afghan illegals going over a barbed wired concrete wall into Iran (min 3:15).

Clearly the walls aren't going to stop people.

Only sltn seems to be anti-personal mines on the Afghan and Pakistan border areas. 10 years of continuous mining should seal the borders shut with little expense.

Why haven't you done it so far? because it does not go along your state policy, from Pakistani perspective, Your side of the country.... you are free to do what you like... no one from Pakistan will ever object.
Two Pakistanis killed by Iranian firing in Chaghai
QUETTA: At least two Pakistani nationals were killed and three others wounded when Iranian security forces opened fire in the Chaghai district, bordering Iran, on Saturday. Chaghai administration sources said the incident took place in the buffer zone near the Washab area adjacent to the border. “Iranian security forces opened indiscriminate fire that resulted in the deaths of two Pakistani nationals while three others were wounded,” the sources claimed. They said the Iranian authorities had told Pakistani officials that the killed had entered their territory illegally and drugs were recovered from them. “The Pakistani authorities were given no evidence of recovery of narcotics,” the sources said. They said the deceased were identified as Muhammad Ibrahim and Muhammad Saleem and the injured were identified as Obaidullah, Shamsul Haq and Badaruddin. The deceased were said to be residents of the Washab area.

Poor villagers are being regularly killed by hater shitte regime.
Things are heating up from Iranian officials and even on Iranian social media.

Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:57
Iran Enraged by Pakistan’s Heedless Attitude to Border Control

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran’s Police Chief Brigadier General Esmayeel Ahmadi Moqaddam said the Saturday terrorist attack which claimed the lives of 14 Iranian border guards was the result of Pakistan's ignorant and lax control over common borders with Iran.

14 Iranian border guards were killed and 6 more were injured during the terrorist attack in Saravan border region in Southeastern Iran in the early hours of Saturday morning. The terrorists who have reportedly been members of the outlawed Jeish Al-Adl radical Sunni Wahhabi movement fled into Pakistan after the operation in Iran's Southeastern Sistan and Balouchestan province.

“The Pakistani government has always condemned these attacks, but it brings excuses that it does not have a strong presence along the border with Iran and it cannot, hence, control the border, but these are all excuses and we cannot accept them,” Ahmadi Moqaddam said.

He underlined that several other similar attacks have taken place along the Iranian border regions since the beginning of the current (Iranian) year, but in most cases the assailants have been forced to flee to the neighboring countries after sustaining heavy losses.

Earlier this month, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari announced that his forces have thwarted 11 foreign-backed terrorist plots, including suicide attacks, in the Southeastern parts of the country this year.

"This year, the terrorist groups and hirelings of the arrogant powers have sought to carry out 11 different operations, including a suicide attack, in the Southeastern parts of Iran which were all defused as a result of the efforts made by the IRGC forces," Jafari said in the holy city of Mashhad, Northeastern Iran.

He warned Washington and other countries which support the terrorist groups against Iran that their puppet terrorists might one day betray them, and said, "If these puppet groups stand against the US, they will be able to carry out their suicide and savage operations at the very heart of the US."

For the last three decades, the US has been training, arming and supporting anti-Iran terrorist groups on the other side of Iran's borders both in the East and the West.

In April 2012, the Jundollah group - a CIA backed terrorist organization with a long record in staging terrorist operations in Iran - failed to stage a series of terrorist blasts due to the prompt action of the IRGC.

Commander of the IRGC Ground Force Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour announced at the time that the Pakistan-based Jundollah planned to launch a wave of terrorist operations by blasting suicide vests and explosive-laden cars in Iran.

The General said the IRGC forces managed to disband a team and kill a number of the terrorists sent by the US-backed Jundollah group to stage terrorist operations and create insecurity in Iran.

After the detention of the members of the group, it was revealed that each of them was equipped with suicide vests filled with 20kg of explosives to be detonated among the public and in important parts of the country, he said.

In addition to using suicide vests, the terrorists were also due to plant bombs in stolen cars to blast them in key points, but the IRGC's swift action foiled their plots, he added.
Looks like Iran has been assigned new role by the US.

This also hints, Iranian & India rats in Pakistan are going for sabotage, in coming days.
On the Iranian side there are outposts every X number of kilometers and they're building a wall on the entire border from what I understand (anybody know how much of it has been built?). They've also dug a trench alongside the wall.

In the mountain areas they can mine it actually. There will only be certain areas where people can cross in the mountains. Just mine the crap out of the entire area. That will disuade people from going back and forth.

This is a report from a little over 2 years ago, saying the borders should be closed off by 2015. Interestingly the report talks about Saravan still being without barriers in 2011, which is where the attack on Friday happened.

Iran’s eastern borders to be sealed off by 2015 to prevent smuggling, infiltration
Saturday, 02 July 2011

Iran will completely seal off its eastern borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan by 2015 to prevent drug smuggling and infiltration of armed groups, local media quoted the police chief on Saturday as saying.

“About 90 percent of Iran’s eastern borders have already been sealed,” Arman newspaper quoted General Esmaeil Ahmadi-Moghaddam as saying.

“The remaining 10 percent, in the region of Saravan (near the southeastern border with Pakistan) will be closed within three years,” he said. “The border will be sealed even to pedestrians,” General Ahmadi-Moghaddam said.

In early 1990, Iran began to build a “wall” to seal its approximately 1,800 kilometer-long (1,100 mile) border with its neighbors to control drug trafficking and infiltration of armed rebel groups or bandits.

The border “wall,” which sometimes consists simply of fencing and barbed wire, is strengthened by a thousand kilometers of embankments, ditches, canals or cement walls.

According to official figures, some 3,700 members of Iran’s security forces have been killed in a three-decade long battle with drug traffickers and armed groups, often equipped with heavy weapons in the restive eastern provinces.

Nonetheless, the country is still a main corridor for drug traffickers who smuggle narcotics from Afghanistan -- which the United Nations says produces 90 percent of the world’s opium -- to the Middle East and Europe.

General Ahmadi-Moghaddam said over the 12 months to March 2011, Tehran seized some 420 tons of drugs, or nearly 80 percent of the opium and 40 percent of heroin seized in the world, according to official figures confirmed by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in Tehran.

Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan is also regularly infiltrated by armed rebel groups, fuelling chronic insecurity in an area mostly populated by Sunni citizens.

Tehran accuses US intelligence and Pakistan of supporting the Sunni group Jundallah (Army of God), which has claimed a series of deadly attacks leaving hundreds dead over the past 10 years in Iranian eastern provinces.
Who on this forum believe news and posts by members of a closed regime... which can never be verified by independent bodies?

Shooting Pakistanis and calling them smugglers and shooting Iranians and calling them CIA agents previously and al-Qaida from the time Iran became friend of US.

Welcome to dodo land.
Who on this forum believe news and posts by members of a closed regime... which can never be verified by independent bodies?

Shooting Pakistanis and calling them smugglers and shooting Iranians and calling them CIA agents previously and al-Qaida from the time Iran became friend of US.

Welcome to dodo land.

Indepedent bodies dont need to verify the existence of terrorist groups like Jeish-al Adel because they confirm their own existence and AQ aligned ideology through videos, pictures, statements and social media: https://twitter.com/BalouchRightsAd

Indepedent bodies dont need to verify the existence of terrorist groups like Jeish-al Adel because they confirm their own existence and AQ aligned ideology through videos, pictures, statements and social media: https://twitter.com/BalouchRightsAd

There was no Al-Qaeda before 9-11 and now it is every where! In Iran as well!!!!!!
I hope Pakistan's democratic regime of Asif ALi Zardari had nothing to do with Iranian Al-Qaeeda!

The type of Ideology they put forward in Pakistan, from 2006 onwards...... is clearly un-Islamic and has been strongly and repeatedly rejected by all Islamic states and known scholars.
No sane person would believe in them, therefore they got to hire people and kidnap kids. Activities, of killing... are not to be pardoned irrespective who do it and no one have done more killing then TTP and yet we have political sympathizers of TTP in Pakistan.

You shall know, this terrorism drama has been badly exposed in Pakistan, we do not buy this crap any more.

May be you like to share, how do they run logistics inside Iran and how do they got to finance there operations?
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There was no Al-Qaeda before 9-11 and now it is every where! In Iran as well!!!!!!
I hope Pakistan's democratic regime of Asif ALi Zardari had nothing to do with Iranian Al-Qaeeda!

The type of Ideology they put forward in Pakistan, from 2006 onwards...... is clearly un-Islamic and has been strongly and repeatedly rejected by all Islamic states and known scholars.
No sane person would believe in them, therefore they got to hire people and kidnap kids. Activities, of killing... are not to be pardoned irrespective who do it and no one have done more killing then TTP and yet we have political sympathizers of TTP in Pakistan.

You shall know, this terrorism drama has been badly exposed in Pakistan, we do not buy this crap any more.

May be you like to share, how do they run logistics inside Iran and how do they got to finance there operations?
So al-qaeda is now funded by Iran? Maybe Iran hired them to attack its own border gaurds. Does it add up now?

Why are you exactly angry dear? Because we say Iran and Pakistan should form a joint task force to kill them all? Because we say Pakistan could not do some of its responsibilities in Baluchistan good enough? We know you are suffering from these animals too and has sacrificed too many soldiers and lost too many innocent lives, but I think Baluchistan region shouldn't be this safe for these terrorists to launch surprise attacks and run back to Pakistan. You have such a powerful army, and the rag tag terrorists are not powerful enough to stand a chance against Pak army, so what's the reason?
I also blame our own security forces and commanders for not taking precautions and not being ready for such attacks, they should answer too.
If you think Iran supports terrorism in your country (that I believe is not true), capture and kill them all one by one, no simpathy for terrorists. If you saw them doing attacks in your country and running back to Iran, you have every right to criticize Iran and even chase them in our soil, because that's an unwritten international law.

Please don't get emotional over this, we love Pakistani people and the fact that we are saying these words is because we want security in both Iran and Pakistan. You really think we are happy that these terrorists launch attacks in Pakistan itself? You really think we are your enemy?
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I did not said any such thing which you connect with me. You look angry, who could not read my post properly.

However, this terrorism is a dram, states are involved and associating this terrorism with Islam is pathetic.

Where as people involved in such activities shall be brought to justice but it shall not be used as tool to victimize opponents.
Who ever is supporting these terrorist groups in Pakistan and Iran likes to see instability in both places. who could it be?
I did not said any such thing which you connect with me. You look angry, who could not read my post properly.

However, this terrorism is a dram, states are involved and associating this terrorism with Islam is pathetic.

Where as people involved in such activities shall be brought to justice but it shall not be used as tool to victimize opponents.
Ok then, someone wants to see both of our countries in mess and as the question is raised above, who is that (or who are they)? Can you name any country or groups?
There was no Al-Qaeda before 9-11 and now it is every where! In Iran as well!!!!!!
I hope Pakistan's democratic regime of Asif ALi Zardari had nothing to do with Iranian Al-Qaeeda!

The type of Ideology they put forward in Pakistan, from 2006 onwards...... is clearly un-Islamic and has been strongly and repeatedly rejected by all Islamic states and known scholars.
No sane person would believe in them, therefore they got to hire people and kidnap kids. Activities, of killing... are not to be pardoned irrespective who do it and no one have done more killing then TTP and yet we have political sympathizers of TTP in Pakistan.

You shall know, this terrorism drama has been badly exposed in Pakistan, we do not buy this crap any more.

May be you like to share, how do they run logistics inside Iran and how do they got to finance there operations?

Of course AQ was around before 9/11. There was the US embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam in 1998 and the suicide attack on the USS Cole in 2000 for example. They've also been attacks in Yemen and Saudi Arabia by AQ during the 1990s.

What exists today is a mass proliferation of AQ's ideology and emulation of their organization.

Jeish-al Adl may not be an 'official' AQ branch, but they have definitely absorbed the ideology, style and tactics - specifically suicide bombings - of the Wahhabis/Salafis that were behind the original AQ. As have many other Islamist movements since 9/11.
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