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10 Interesting Facts about Allama Iqbal You Probably Didn't Know-



It is not a book written by Iqbal but by an author with his own views.

You have so much writing of iqbal try displaying it for the said reason of reinterpretation.

Rather let's drop iqbal and focus on what do you mean by reinterpretation of Islam from Arabs?

I want to understand what you want actually convey.
Passing on to Turkey, we find that the idea of Ijtihād, reinforced and broadened by modern philosophical ideas, has long been working in the religious and political thought of the Turkish nation.

You will see that following a line of thought more in tune with the spirit of Islam, he reaches practically the same conclusion as the Nationalist Party, that is to say, the freedom of Ijtihād with a view to rebuild the laws of Sharī‘ah in the light of modern thought and experience.

[If Iqbal said this today in Pakistan he would be lynched]

The question which confronts him today, and which is likely to confront other Muslim countries in the near future is whether the Law of Islam is capable of evolution– a question which will require great intellectual effort, and is sure to be answered in the affirmative, provided the world of Islam approaches it in the spirit of ‘Umar– the first critical and independent mind in Islam who, at the last moments of the Prophet, had the moral courage to utter these remarkable words: “The Book of God is sufficient for us.

[Iqbal is writing this in 1930 with referance to Turkey which was going through Kemal's secular reforms]

The truth is that among the Muslim nations of today, Turkey alone has shaken off its dogmatic slumber, and attained to self-consciousness. She alone has claimed her right of intellectual freedom; she alone has passed from the ideal to the real– a transition which entails keen intellectual and moral struggle

[Iqbal clearly is impressed by the Turkish nationalists reforms under Kemal Ataturk - note this is 1930]

The closing of the door of Ijtihād is pure fiction suggested partly by the crystallization of legal thought in Islam, and partly by that intellectual laziness which, especially in the period of spiritual decay, turns great thinkers into idols.

[Again Iqbal today would get lynched for saying this. A mullah crazed mob would tear him apart]

Ps. Instead of puffing about Iqbal people do please take the darned time to read his work which is available online here > http://www.allamaiqbal.com/works/prose/english/reconstruction/

I have posted relevant extracts above from the said work by Sir Allama Iqbal. I would suggest people read his work before commenting.
Passing on to Turkey, we find that the idea of Ijtihād, reinforced and broadened by modern philosophical ideas, has long been working in the religious and political thought of the Turkish nation.

You will see that following a line of thought more in tune with the spirit of Islam, he reaches practically the same conclusion as the Nationalist Party, that is to say, the freedom of Ijtihād with a view to rebuild the laws of Sharī‘ah in the light of modern thought and experience.

[If Iqbal said this today in Pakistan he would be lynched]

The question which confronts him today, and which is likely to confront other Muslim countries in the near future is whether the Law of Islam is capable of evolution– a question which will require great intellectual effort, and is sure to be answered in the affirmative, provided the world of Islam approaches it in the spirit of ‘Umar– the first critical and independent mind in Islam who, at the last moments of the Prophet, had the moral courage to utter these remarkable words: “The Book of God is sufficient for us.

[Iqbal is writing this in 1930 with referance to Turkey which was going through Kemal's secular reforms]

The truth is that among the Muslim nations of today, Turkey alone has shaken off its dogmatic slumber, and attained to self-consciousness. She alone has claimed her right of intellectual freedom; she alone has passed from the ideal to the real– a transition which entails keen intellectual and moral struggle

[Iqbal clearly is impressed by the Turkish nationalists reforms under Kemal Ataturk - note this is 1930]

The closing of the door of Ijtihād is pure fiction suggested partly by the crystallization of legal thought in Islam, and partly by that intellectual laziness which, especially in the period of spiritual decay, turns great thinkers into idols.

[Again Iqbal today would get lynched for saying this. A mullah crazed mob would tear him apart]

First and fire most you have to understand there is no room for evolution of law in Islam. Islam is a complete code of live which cannot be changed according to ones wish. Sorry change is not allowed. There is a defined way in Islam to make law and decisions. That is to first consult the Holy Quran Pak and then words of Holy prophet (PBUH) and then life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and so on. This is prescribed for our daily life and society and civil decisions. Now about modern world and changing dynamics of society Islam is a center point around which society has to evolve. Islam is steady and it will not change rather society has to adopt according to Islam and Islam facilitates even the most modern of societies into its fold and helps makes it better for living.

Give some example scenario were you think law need to evolve. Any specific area you think is lacking?
If Iqbal said this today in Pakistan he would be lynched

If someone commits blasphemy then they would face the punishment. Even if it was Syed Khan, Jinnah or Iqbal.
First and fire most you have to understand there is no room for evolution of law in Islam.
Can you please discuss the extracts I pasted from Iqbals "Recondstruction of Islamic Thought" instead of making your own pronouncements. The thread is about the great Iqbal. Your critical analysis of his writing would be appreciated instead giving off crude rhetoric. Thank you.

If someone commits blasphemy then they would face the punishment. Even if it was Syed Khan, Jinnah or Iqbal.
Honestly, I am 100% sure if Iqbal lived today or even Jinnah they would get lynched or flayed alive by a crazed mob and both would be buried like dogs.

First and fire most you have to understand there is no room for evolution of law in Islam.
Iqbal would disagree -

The closing of the door of Ijtihād is pure fiction suggested partly by the crystallization of legal thought in Islam, and partly by that intellectual laziness which, especially in the period of spiritual decay, turns great thinkers into idols.
Can you please discuss the extracts I pasted from Iqbals "Recondstruction of Islamic Thought" instead of making your own pronouncements. The thread is about the great Iqbal. Your critical analysis of his writing would be appreciated instead giving off crude rhetoric. Thank you.

Honestly, I am 100% sure if Iqbal lived today or even Jinnah they would get lynched or flayed alive by a crazed mob and both would be buried like dogs.

So what has iqbal written against sharia? Instead he has praised Turkey. Can you please reinterpret what Iqbal is saying according to my views?

Can you please discuss the extracts I pasted from Iqbals "Recondstruction of Islamic Thought" instead of making your own pronouncements. The thread is about the great Iqbal. Your critical analysis of his writing would be appreciated instead giving off crude rhetoric. Thank you.

Honestly, I am 100% sure if Iqbal lived today or even Jinnah they would get lynched or flayed alive by a crazed mob and both would be buried like dogs.

Iqbal would disagree -

The closing of the door of Ijtihād is pure fiction suggested partly by the crystallization of legal thought in Islam, and partly by that intellectual laziness which, especially in the period of spiritual decay, turns great thinkers into idols.

There are five pillars of Islam and door is closed on them and then there is a prescribed Holy text in Islam and door is closed on that apart from that bio door is closed in Islam and Islam is ready to debate anything new. For example you want to pass a law about social media according to public wishes it is allowed in Islam but you have to refer your law with core issues mentioned in Islam and eliminate any conflicts of that law there.
So what has iqbal written against sharia? Instead he has praised Turkey. Can you please reinterpret what Iqbal is saying according to my views?

There are five pillars of Islam and door is closed on them and then there is a prescribed Holy text in Islam and door is closed on that apart from that bio door is closed in Islam and Islam is ready to debate anything new. For example you want to pass a law about social media according to public wishes it is allowed in Islam but you have to refer your law with core issues mentioned in Islam and eliminate any conflicts of that law there.
Somewhat amused by this thread.

There is no room for reinterpretation of Islam. It is what it is.

I do not know what Allama Iqbal said.

I have to go to primary sources instead of going to the internet sites.
So what has iqbal written against sharia? Instead he has praised Turkey. Can you please reinterpret what Iqbal is saying according to my views?
Iqbal's "Reconstruction of Islamic Thought" is about reforming or reconstructing Sharia Law [what do you think 'reconstruction' means?] in light of the modern world. He appreciates that the Turks are the first to take on this project of reforming Islamic though and thinks rest of the Muslims will also have to do the same.

His work is too long for me to paste here. I have already given you link to it. How you comment on it when you have not even read it? Be that as it may I have taken extracts which I want you to comment on. You of course are welcome to read his entire work but in case you don;t have time right now I have posted the extracts in post #17. Again I paste them below and your thoughts appreciated. Forget what I think. What do you think of what Iqbal is saying in his "Reconstruction" with extracts below.

Passing on to Turkey, we find that the idea of Ijtihād, reinforced and broadened by modern philosophical ideas, has long been working in the religious and political thought of the Turkish nation.

You will see that following a line of thought more in tune with the spirit of Islam, he reaches practically the same conclusion as the Nationalist Party, that is to say, the freedom of Ijtihād with a view to rebuild the laws of Sharī‘ah in the light of modern thought and experience.

[If Iqbal said this today in Pakistan he would be lynched]

The question which confronts him today, and which is likely to confront other Muslim countries in the near future is whether the Law of Islam is capable of evolution– a question which will require great intellectual effort, and is sure to be answered in the affirmative, provided the world of Islam approaches it in the spirit of ‘Umar– the first critical and independent mind in Islam who, at the last moments of the Prophet, had the moral courage to utter these remarkable words: “The Book of God is sufficient for us.

[Iqbal is writing this in 1930 with referance to Turkey which was going through Kemal's secular reforms]

The truth is that among the Muslim nations of today, Turkey alone has shaken off its dogmatic slumber, and attained to self-consciousness. She alone has claimed her right of intellectual freedom; she alone has passed from the ideal to the real– a transition which entails keen intellectual and moral struggle

[Iqbal clearly is impressed by the Turkish nationalists reforms under Kemal Ataturk - note this is 1930]

The closing of the door of Ijtihād is pure fiction suggested partly by the crystallization of legal thought in Islam, and partly by that intellectual laziness which, especially in the period of spiritual decay, turns great thinkers into idols.

[Again Iqbal today would get lynched for saying this. A mullah crazed mob would tear him apart]

Ps. Instead of puffing about Iqbal people do please take the darned time to read his work which is available online here > http://www.allamaiqbal.com/works/prose/english/reconstruction/

I have posted relevant extracts above from the said work by Sir Allama Iqbal. I would suggest people read his work before commenting.
Can you please discuss the extracts I pasted from Iqbals "Recondstruction of Islamic Thought" instead of making your own pronouncements. The thread is about the great Iqbal. Your critical analysis of his writing would be appreciated instead giving off crude rhetoric. Thank you.

Honestly, I am 100% sure if Iqbal lived today or even Jinnah they would get lynched or flayed alive by a crazed mob and both would be buried like dogs.

Iqbal would disagree -

The closing of the door of Ijtihād is pure fiction suggested partly by the crystallization of legal thought in Islam, and partly by that intellectual laziness which, especially in the period of spiritual decay, turns great thinkers into idols.
Well if you are going against the fundamentals of Islam, like Salah or namaz, ofcourse you are going to get executed.

Iqbal's "Reconstruction of Islamic Thought" is about reforming or reconstructing Sharia Law [what do you think 'reconstruction' means?] in light of the modern world. He appreciates that the Turks are the first to take on this project of reforming Islamic though and thinks rest of the Muslims will also have to do the same.

His work is too long for me to paste here. I have already given you link to it. How you comment on it when you have not even read it? Be that as it may I have taken extracts which I want you to comment on. You of course are welcome to read his entire work but in case you don;t have time right now I have posted the extracts in post #17. Again I paste them below and your thoughts appreciated. Forget what I think. What do you think of what Iqbal is saying in his "Reconstruction" with extracts below.

Passing on to Turkey, we find that the idea of Ijtihād, reinforced and broadened by modern philosophical ideas, has long been working in the religious and political thought of the Turkish nation.

You will see that following a line of thought more in tune with the spirit of Islam, he reaches practically the same conclusion as the Nationalist Party, that is to say, the freedom of Ijtihād with a view to rebuild the laws of Sharī‘ah in the light of modern thought and experience.

[If Iqbal said this today in Pakistan he would be lynched]

The question which confronts him today, and which is likely to confront other Muslim countries in the near future is whether the Law of Islam is capable of evolution– a question which will require great intellectual effort, and is sure to be answered in the affirmative, provided the world of Islam approaches it in the spirit of ‘Umar– the first critical and independent mind in Islam who, at the last moments of the Prophet, had the moral courage to utter these remarkable words: “The Book of God is sufficient for us.

[Iqbal is writing this in 1930 with referance to Turkey which was going through Kemal's secular reforms]

The truth is that among the Muslim nations of today, Turkey alone has shaken off its dogmatic slumber, and attained to self-consciousness. She alone has claimed her right of intellectual freedom; she alone has passed from the ideal to the real– a transition which entails keen intellectual and moral struggle

[Iqbal clearly is impressed by the Turkish nationalists reforms under Kemal Ataturk - note this is 1930]

The closing of the door of Ijtihād is pure fiction suggested partly by the crystallization of legal thought in Islam, and partly by that intellectual laziness which, especially in the period of spiritual decay, turns great thinkers into idols.

[Again Iqbal today would get lynched for saying this. A mullah crazed mob would tear him apart]

Ps. Instead of puffing about Iqbal people do please take the darned time to read his work which is available online here > http://www.allamaiqbal.com/works/prose/english/reconstruction/

I have posted relevant extracts above from the said work by Sir Allama Iqbal. I would suggest people read his work before commenting.
Wasn't the Ataturk an atheist?

What about changing the script of Arabic to Latin, do you agree with that?

Or are you a person with an agenda who wants gay pride parades in Pakistan like they do in Turkey?

@BHarwana, your views?
For those who want to actually read Iqbals "Reconstruction of Islamic Thought" here is few links. You can google your own sources.

Or are you a person with an agenda who wants gay pride parades in Pakistan like they do in Turkey?
Stop being a fcukin retarded d*ck. I won't bother discussing with inbred like you. Frankly you lack intellactual fibre. Only a limp d*ck would bring up gays in a intellectual discussion about Iqbal and his philiosophical works. Now go do something more within your grasp like counting number of sheep although I suspect once you get to 9 you will struggle to conceptualize any quantity higher !

Your are going on my ignore list. Don't bother replying please.
Stop being a fcukin retarded d*ck. I won't bother discussing with inbred like you. Frankly you lack intellactual fibre. Only a limp d*ck would bring up gays in a intellectual discussion about Iqbal and his philiosophical works. Now go do something more within your grasp like counting number of sheep although I suspect once you get to 9 you will struggle to conceptualize any quantity higher !

Your are going on my ignore list. Don't bother replying please.
No need to behave like an idiot here. You mentioned Ataturk's reforms. You can ignore me if you want to.

Just because we disagree on many issues does not mean you have to resort to personal remarks.
@BHarwana Take the time to read Iqbals "Reconstruction of Islamic Thought" and when you done it tag me - then we can discuss this further. In the meantime I have lost my appetite for further discussion with faggots like @MultaniGuy who can't talk about anything without having fantasy about gay fcukfests in Turkey.
@BHarwana Take the time to read Iqbals "Reconstruction of Islamic Thought" and when you done it tag me - then we can discuss this further. In the meantime I have lost my appetite for further discussion with faggots like @MultaniGuy who can't talk about anything without having fantasy about gay fcukfests in Turkey.
No need to behave like an a$$hole. Stop the name calling.
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