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  1. P

    Naswar Corner

    Eating Together in same Plate, :: By so called Scientific Fraternity would be HARMFUL for Passing On of Diseases ? Because of Saliva touching hands and same hands passing them on to the food on the plate. and mentally may be such that SOME FEEL even THINK YUCK to eat or SIT on same place where a...
  2. P

    Protesters at Shahbagh in Bangladesh backed by India

    Indian NSA clearly mentioned "spontaneous gathering". I too as a Human on EARTH FEEL solidarity with SUCH spontaneous gathering for Justice, and i am in kerala Earth. So if YOU Extrapolate to HIGHLIGHT in BOLD "Protesters at Shanbagh in Bangladesh backed by Kerala" "Protesters at Shanbagh in...
  3. P

    Nuclear power protest in India turns deadly

    I will rather LOVE to live in the Nuclear Project campus Leave alone behind my house WHAT NONSENSE are neing written; TOP scientists and People LIKE me and YOU would be living around the Nuclear PLANT and caste is based on the pre-dominnent GUNNA (quality of the person) at a given time so...
  4. P

    Nuclear power protest in India turns deadly

    Where do these so called poor inhabitants get their DAILY bread MONEY from when they come for a day?? and HOW do they come by what vehicle ??. who pays for these vehicles that brings them to a particular site?? .. where do they get stones to throw?? .Things are clear as day light that these so...
  5. P

    Death for 11, life sentence for 20 in Godhra train burning case

    One must evolve to get over a Tit for Tat mentality. The issue should not be about victims' families getting closure BUT just as one flushes out our morning ablution products the vermins of human kind must be cleaned off from the earth for other HUMAN to Survive peacefully. Now the other humans...
  6. P

    War rules in ancient India, world''s best

    The wrongs mentioned about Karna and Drona killings are again exactly as would a Pakistani mind work (a poorer than childish) the essence behind Mahabharatha IS BEYOND a Pakistani's mind capacity and that is why the Pakistanis raped out Pakistan from Bharath, Pakistanis cannot comprehend the...
  7. P

    who started Arms Race in Asia!!!!!

    From my point of view as an indiaN,, China = Pakistan; what china does pak copies or will get any way. China is a communist because of NON-human mind set. Brahamins are satwick and do not eat meat or drink liquor; there are almost NO Satwic Person in Pakistan or China. Pishach = dog meat eaters...
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