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  1. Q

    Muslim girl killed for loving affair with Hindu boy

    to each its own i guess......
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    Muslim girl killed for loving affair with Hindu boy

    they are always highlighted by media......and can you show me one indian member who supports honor killing...and i see lot of pakistani's almost supporting the actions of the father....this will forever be the difference between pakistan and india.....you first point out that its western...
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    Muslim girl killed for loving affair with Hindu boy

    its good to see u atleast are honest..
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    President may free condemned Christian woman

    punish the women as she obviously in her anger may have uttred something bad about the great religion of islam in the land of pure pakistan.....doesnt matter if people say bad about christianity or hinduisn,they are lesser religions.according to your law, the women has commited a grave...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    so from ur post i am to understand that indians attack civilians while pakistan are saints....indians infilitrate and pakistan are tha all whites.....what a impartial view!!!!
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    Do you believe in god ?

    dude why will we claim them as hindus.......according to our scriptures manu was the first human on earth
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    Do you believe in god ?

    no one hold grudges against islam.....we just cant take the bs that islam is the only true religion....and about adam and eve....i no more believe they are christians than they are muslims.......morover according to hindu mytholgy manu was he first human on the earth.....
  8. Q

    Shocking!!Thousands of muslim children in the UK being taught to chop hands off!!

    hmmmm......i was waiting for either this or a referrence to indian poverty.....how is this related to this discussion i may ask?but i know its futille.you instead of adressing problems always take a way out by pointing others faults.so nothing new here.. ---------- Post added at 01:42 PM...
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    Do you believe in god ?

    i have got a friend in bhutan....this guy belongs to a certain tribe which workships the tail of a particular snake....once every four months or so the snake comes out and they have a big celeberation and get together.....now this guy is religious....a devout whaterver his religion is....he is...
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    Do you believe in god ?

    same is said about gita and bible.They both claim to be penned by god.if thats true then god has multiple personalities for sure cos these texts sure got lot of contradictions
  11. Q

    Pakistan, Russia allies in every sense of word: Putin

    stop living in the past .....both india and china have burried the hatchet and are working towards strengthening their relationship. such naive analogy can only came from a self delusioned pakistani.....you forget that in ussr afghanistan war you chose to help the u.s...and in that respect...
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    31% indian muslims under poverty:Survey

    What is the point of this thread?......Poverty is a serious phenomena in india.....and the muslims in india are also no special case.....they have the same % of people below poverty like of other religions..
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    Maoists are 'patriot of a kind': Arundhati

    The problem is that there is sound justification in moist movement....i dont need to remind my fellow indians about the millions out there in india teeming with poverty.What choice do these people have...neglected by authority,harassed,unemployed.The reason that they have been noticed....even...
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    Maoists are 'patriot of a kind': Arundhati

    Its bharathi **** and not bharithya.....and does anyone critisising india becomes your brother or what....such hatred is not good... I may agree with the last line....we both are in dirt considering human devlopment index.....but we unlike you accept it and try to come out of it
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    India drubs Pakistan to enter semis

    AND YOU ARE AN ELITE MEMBER...:rofl: First get your english right....second stop showing the extreme depths of your stupidity and ignorance by your posting about things that you dont know anything about...
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    Bangladesh welcomes Indian investment in Chittagong: Foreign minister

    Yup there is.....thats why your foreign minister is inviting us in...and i guess your foreign minister doesn't know about the billions you are talking about
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Good decision by GOI,considering the recent increase in unrest
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    Dalai Lama: ‘I Am a Son of India’

    Times have changed my friend.....after that war indian army incorporated a lot of changes.....both in the n.o. of armed personals and in terms of technology...making it now one of the most formidable army now in the world.
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    The Best Hollywood Movie you have ever watched ...

    shawshak redemption
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