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Pakistan, Russia allies in every sense of word: Putin

Passing of time changes everything:


Oh man! I think Obama bent as a respect to the elder.. He is not bowing to their superiority..
forget about indo-china friendship. Pakistan didn't ever had a war against Russia but India had one war with China.
stop living in the past .....both india and china have burried the hatchet and are working towards strengthening their relationship.

I bet if Pakistan had better economic conditions (bettter than india) russia would be selling it's defence products on the first come basis to Pakistan
such naive analogy can only came from a self delusioned pakistani.....you forget that in ussr afghanistan war you chose to help the u.s...and in that respect chose u.s over russia....now you are mending relations...good luck with that.
You tell me have india ever a got chinese defence products???? Pakistan got them indirectly and hopefully in future russia pak relation will be as good as pak china. You are increasing your defence budget just to fight or rather beat china, and then you talk about indo china friendship.lols..

tell me one instance when india has approached china for defence products....why will we when we have better products from other countries.....and relation is not always about arms procurement...its also about trade.....
Simply responding to whether Pakistan and Russia were ever adversaries or not.. Not commenting on the impact of that..

And passing of time works for India China too.. Isnt it?

i was just awestruck comparing the numbers
rus-pak trade - 700 mn
indo-china trade - 60 bn (nd still rising drasticaly)

well sum1 just earlier was proudly talking about putin cmg to pakistan 3 days. just then i remmbrd dat putin was spending his holidays in india a few weeks ago and it didnt even make a news.

@spitfire yaar how in the world cud u miss brahmos in the list (its best among the lot)

nd about india nvr getting defence equipments from china
either u r naive or u r stupid!!!
forget about indo-china friendship. Pakistan didn't ever had a war against Russia but India had one war with China. I bet if Pakistan had better economic conditions (bettter than india) russia would be selling it's defence products on the first come basis to Pakistan. You tell me have india ever a got chinese defence products???? Pakistan got them indirectly and hopefully in future russia pak relation will be as good as pak china. You are increasing your defence budget just to fight or rather beat china, and then you talk about indo china friendship.lols..

True! Pakistan never had a war against russia because pakistani army can NOT go on war with russain army that's why you guys went on war with them without technically going on war with them [Many of your fellow countymen and politicians take credit for BREAKING ussr!]. Whereas we only had a brief war china [bcz of nehru's uncalled for 'forward policy']. No we have NOT got any chinese weapons bcz we get RUSSIANS, ISRAELI, EUROPEAN and we also build our own indigenous weapons. [from INSAS rifle to ARJUN and TEJAS even though not on as large scale as china but we still do.] so we don't NEED chinese weapons. :)

And according to List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Both india and pak spends same amount of percentage of their GDP so how are we trying to beat china by increasing out military budget? Seriously brother where do you get your numbers from??

Regards! :)
Russia is most welcome to play its role of balancing and helping asia grow as an independent economic and power block.

as Pakistan has said now ; it will be done immediately , as their views are respected are heard by everybody in this diplomatic world :cheers:

{hope joking} hahahaa
as Pakistan has said now ; it will be done immediately , as their views are respected are heard by everybody in this diplomatic world :cheers:

{hope joking} hahahaa


Then respected indian members complain of Pakistan's bashing India... Riiiiight!
Food for thought???

Its no coincidence that Russo-Pak relations were rekindled due to interest shown by both countries bilaterally rapidly post 9-11. It was the time that India offered its services to US in Afghanistan and the US-India love affair started to blossom.

Could it be the Russian response to the discontent about India's proactive behavior towards US, the traditional arch nemesis of Russia? Surely Russia is not indifferent to the growing India US relations. Russia must be very concerned and definitely wants to counter US and India power projection, especially in such close proximity.

Russia obviously sees India's courtship towards US as a betrayal of trust by India, see, you can't eat your cake and have it too u know... Russia cannot question India openly and react strongly for such Indian overtures, who know Russia probably even has hinted to India during the innumerable diplomatic meetings. However Russia has probably not been able to sway Indian attention away from US, the very attention that Russia used to get from India previously.
Russian perspective in this whole nexus can be judged by the fact that Russia has never really shown interest in Pakistan, until recently. Russia wants access to Pakistan's ports to funnel CIS oil to the world market. One could argue that Russia could easily collaborate with India and work on the Iranian Chahbahar port (which has received lots of support and $$$ from India in order to connect it all the way through Afghan territory.) Instead of showing interest in the Gwader/Karachi ports. But Russia wants no piece of the Chahbahar port again because it feels it’s a US-India venture, which subsequently diminishes Russian role and image.

Economic partnerships are always welcome. But when one mentions ‘Counter-Terror’ support, that’s when the game changes, if this works out surely the Mi Helicopters and other equipment will not only be used by Pakistan for fighting terror?!?! Russia understands that.

Another Point, There is strong reason to believe that SCO is ultimately going to be a ‘Counter-UN’ organization. And in a time where India is being considered for permanent UNSC membership, it could be likely that Russia and China give Pakistan permanent membership of SCO to Pakistan (and possibly tell India to get out)

I say, India must definitely be perterbed because of Russia wooing Pakistan and vice versa. Just my 2 cents worth… Any of you want to discuss Russian perspective on the same?

Food for thought???

Sorry to say but the logic ended right there....Your assertion is flawed...B/W this is not cold war era, there are talks about russia joining the NATO missile shield in Europe....Please wake up...

Yes this is very good that Pakistan is correcting the grave mistakes she did in the past and increasing her geo-political reach but relations are not a zero sum game....Rise yourself from the mentality of 50's.....
@Godofwar, a very nicely written article.
But few points, SCO as counter balance to UN..:no:

Russia is indeed perturbed by Pan Islamic extremism in its Chechnya and other areas, it would want more of intelligence sharing on that with Pakistan. It could even set up Intelligence gathering network in Pakistan on the lines of CIA.

Afpak border and its woes have not spared Russia or its allies, drugs weapons etc still going from there to many of its regions, it would be appropriate for it to have closer monitoring on this area with Pakistan help.

Trade is highest in priority, Oil, Gas, Electricity, Steel and Mining are areas where Russians are the champs. It would make sense if Pakistan and Russia get into trade agreement in these areas.
Russia also has one of the best Ports, it could develop a port by itself for the passage of goods from Pakistan to other parts of world.

But what I feel is that people are being too ambitious and overly joyed by this meeting, we should not forget the strong Chinese lobby inside Pakistan's establishment, which will resist too much from competition or its influence diminishing.
Russia bids for South Asia

By Hamza Ameer

Many Russian companies are looking ahead towards increasing their existence in the Pakistani business market. This was addressed by the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, when he met with Pakistani Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani on the sidelines of the 9th Shanghai Corporation Organization (SCO) Heads of Government Council (HGC) hosted by Tajikistan . Both parties agreed to enhance bilateral relations through increased trade and economic interaction in various fields.

“ Pakistan and Russia are allies in every sense of words” Prime Minister Vladimir Putin maintained.

The meeting went far beyond the scheduled time of 30 minutes during which they covered a wide range of issues, including Pakistan ’s role in the war against terror, global economic recession and bilateral cooperation. Pakistan , which seeks more Russian role in the expansion of the Steel Mills, said it would welcome Russian entrepreneurs for investment.

“ Pakistan seeks a comprehensive partnership with Russia and is prepared to invest in developing mutually-beneficial relations between the two countries for the shared goals of peace, stability and prosperity in the region. Despite the global recession, the bilateral trade between Pakistan and Russia had improved and picked up over the last eight months.” Prime Minister Gilani said.

Pakistan has proposed that Russia , Afghanistan , Tajikistan and Pakistan should initiate consultation on quadrilateral transit trade arrangement. Pakistan is keen to expand its trade ties with Russia and forecasts that the present volume of trade of $700 million, could be enhanced to $1 billion by increasing market access to Pakistani products in Russia .

Adding to more business probabilities for Russia in Pakistan , there has been a renewed interest in Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India (TAPI) gas pipeline. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation in Oil and Gas between the two countries was inked on November 19th, 2010 in Moscow by Pakistani Minister of Petroleum, Syed Naveed Qamar.

“We welcome the interest of GAZPROM and its subsidiaries in participating in Iran-Pakistan and TAPI gas lines projects. Pakistan hopes that the Russian leadership and government will endorse this participation and encourage the Russian companies to take part in these projects”. Pakistani Minister said.

“Under the contract, Russian companies will be able to search for oil deposits and construct gas and oil pipelines in Pakistan ”, Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for the Russian president, said.

Pakistan has also proposed Russia to consider signing another MoU on Defence collaboration, to increase cooperation in this field also. Pakistan has expressed its interest in the purchase of MI-35 attack gunship helicopters to fight terrorism.

Along with India , Iran and Mongolia , Pakistan has an observer status in the Russia-China-led Central Asian group and is lobbying for full membership. With growing New Delhi relations with Washington, Russia is pushing for closer ties with Islamabad and unlike US President Barack Obama, the Russian leaders have refrained from criticizing Pakistan for any slackness in anti-terror combat. Quadripartite Russia-Pakistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan summits have acquired a regular feature as part of Moscow ‘s efforts to work for a new security calculus after the eventual withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan .

Relationship between Pakistan and the former Soviet Union followed an model that hovered between “cordial” and “hostile”. But as time passed, both countries realized the need for sustained bilateral relations, and both worked in that direction through exchange of visits at the highest level that concluded with the promises for mutual cooperation and collaboration. One reason why Pakistan and Russia couldn’t come under sound relations was the Indo-Soviet and Pak-US alliances that proved to be the stumbling block.

Pakistan ‘s felt threatened from close Indo-Soviet military and economic ties, Soviet support to India on Kashmir dispute and an aggressive Indian posture. This drove Pakistan into seeking US protection and military assistance and led it to join American sponsored defense pacts – SEATO and CENTO.

SEATO ( Southeast Asia Treaty Organization):

SEATO was planned to be a Southeast Asian version of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in which the military forces of each member would be coordinated to provide for the collective defense of the members’ country. SEATO did use portions of the military forces of its members in annual joint training maneuvers.

Pakistan was included not only because East Pakistan (now Bangladesh ) was geographically close to Southeast Asia, but possibly because Pakistan was a member of the pro-Western Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) alliance. Thus the pro-Western, anti-communist military alliances of the Mid-east and Southeast Asia were linked by the membership of Pakistan in both.

Central Treaty Organization (CENTO):

CENTO committed the nations to mutual cooperation and protection, as well as non-intervention in each other’s affairs. Its goal was to contain the Soviet Union (USSR) by having a line of strong states along the USSR ‘s southwestern frontier. Similarly, it was known as the ‘Northern Tier’ to prevent Soviet expansion into the Middle East . The United Kingdom had access to facilities in Pakistan and Iraq at various times while the treaty was in effect.

Russia is expected to assume a proactive role in relation to Afghanistan when the Americans and NATO forces leave. There has also been a shift in the Pakistan ‘s security situation. It is no more entirely dependent on the US for its defense needs. It enjoys a nuclear-based security environment that has neutralized the Indian threat and is rapidly moving towards self sufficiency in the production of conventional defense equipment. Although this gives Pakistan enough room to maneuver in the area of foreign and defense policy, its poor economic performance keeps it dependent on US economic assistance.

Pakistan looks forward to make its presence stronger in Afghanistan with increased relations with Russia and China . Pakistan also looks forward to decrease its dependency on the United States , in its major developing fields or economy and technological infrastructure.

Looking ahead to the future, it can be predicted that Russia, China and Pakistan are teaming up, to gain power, not only in the region but also strengthen their economical positions by taking control of major revenue generating prospects like Oil and Gas.

Russia bids for South Asia

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