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    Malaysia offers to build Padma bridge

    samy vellu is a big crocodile at eating the funds for construction projects and he lost his parliamentary seat during the last election......and you know many bridges built during his duty as JPK (public project office) minister have worrisome flaws.......no doubt again he is sniffing the smell...
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    What India can take away from Deng Xiaoping

    is it necessary to inform your potential competitors of your model of success and urge them to learn it from you? laughable.
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    Can block websites like China, Delhi High Court warns Facebook, Google

    wow, where is the highly adored indian 'freedom of speech' ending up in the face of indian oppressive high court law now? they just mentally prepared to act like master china, in other words india has become virtually a fellow student of china since india has got to learn these sort of stuff...
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    If you love your eyes, use this.

    thanks, really save my day as my new computer lenovo branded cannot have the appropriate lowest brightness by its default setting, this software ignores the built-in default setting and has its own brightness parameter.
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    India-Japan ties worrying China?

    but the bash china derail is started by indians trying to agitate chinese members, anyway thanks to sinochallenger since he was able to tidy up time-course of ancient great game in sequence, an eye-opener to history of foreign successive exploitation on indian subcontinent
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    China sends men in space

    ignore indian trolls, that is the typical product from indian universities from which you can expect
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    India politician vows to set fire to Wal-Mart stores

    why burn down american wal-mart? is this action going to benefit any interest group in india?
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    China becomes an urban nation at breakneck speed

    that proves china is currently a regional magnet for devouring resources from its surrounding, i think small vietnam will soon become addicted to fit china's appetite...and you must know that in the food chain a primary producer always produce the basic item for consumption by consumers of...
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    Top 10 " Tightest " & " Loosest " Countries.

    even if the rules can be set in a very stringent way, after all it is just a matter of enforcement. i dont think the malaysian people here very much in obeyance of rules and regulations although we have pretty good inherited british style law, just because of the lacking in enforcement power by...
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    Who will lose Pakistan?

    One of the toughest challenges facing the administration right now is figuring out how to maintain aid flows to Pakistan. The big hurdle is getting the Congress to approve more dollars for a country that seems to have abetted America's public enemy number one for years, is directly supporting a...
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    US pledges $500m for Bhasha dam

    cash money will eventually end up being pocketed by corrupted officials, if usa really cares about the construction of dam in pakistan for well being of her ally`s people, why dont usa acts like china to provide the most necessarily required real things and technical assistances instead...
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    Tibet issue

    tiki tam is finding a way to break apart china? i think you have chosen the tough way, be aware of mutual unintelligibility in a place called india first rather than worry about that problem of china. dialects only appear when the communication is very difficult during ancient times, nowaday you...
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    Chinese Fisherman Builds Warship

    it is just a model and lacks weapon。。。。。the tank built by chinese farmer at least got gattling gun。。。。
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    China: West has no right to punish Zimbabwe

    the so called neutral camp is actually waiting for the other camp to give them benefit and they will choose that camp to stand aside.....in fact, no neutral camp rigidly stands, you can just get their support for particular camp by means of the attraction of ample interests giving and swaping...
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    China: West has no right to punish Zimbabwe

    i wonder why no people give any attention to this piece of news while the people still busy demonizing china in the another thread called ''china is a threat to neighborhood'', whereas the morally upright west and its lapdog india is in fact playing role of a threat to weaker countries within...
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    China: West has no right to punish Zimbabwe

    China's Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi holds talks with Zimbabwe's PM MorganTsvangirai in Harare on Febuary 11
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    China: West has no right to punish Zimbabwe

    (CNN) -- China's foreign minister pushed Friday for the lifting of sanctions against Zimbabwe, saying no country has a right to dictate the internal affairs of another nation, state-run media reported. Starting in 2002, the European Union and the United States imposed targeted sanctions on...
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    Four Chinese Engineer died in Karachi

    no chinese mourn over their compatriot death here???
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    How about Chinese onions now!

    so you indeed recognize that indians dont love building their own incredibly huge india and come to tiny malaysia for kissing our asx for ringgit malaysia$$??? thank you very much for admitting the fact for tiny malaysia....
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