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  1. SoulOnIce

    Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

    You should realize that there has been too much bloodshed on both sides of civilians (btw hardline Israeli settlers whose settlements are illegal under international law also shoot) for a tit for tat preemptive/retaliatory measures to work effectively. Theres too much history involved now. They...
  2. SoulOnIce

    Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

    Any aid that Palestinians get is miniscule in contrast to Israel directed aid. That is a fact. Also, Palestinians have nowhere the financial autonomy necessary to reap benefits such as sustainable development from the aid. Unlike American financial aid that buoyed the Israeli economy...
  3. SoulOnIce

    Will United States Collapse?

    The US wont collapse itll probably become a lot less influential globally, in the financial sphere, which will of course really dent its hegemony
  4. SoulOnIce

    30 countries walk out in the face of Iranian President at UN Summit on "Racism"

    And this is what Western Leaders refuse to acknowledge publicly, even though most of their military and intelligentsia believe the same. Imagine if America actually had the balls to do what it is needed to be done to achieve peace in the region. STOP UNCONDITIONAL (AND ALSO QUITE EXTRAORDINARY...
  5. SoulOnIce

    30 countries walk out in the face of Iranian President at UN Summit on "Racism"

    Solomon, let me say that I do not oppose the existence of Israel But let me ask you a question regarding Israel's own compliance to UN resolutions: Don't you think its hypocritical to justify Israel's existence vis-a-vis UN resolutions when Israel itself will not return to the Pre-1967 borders...
  6. SoulOnIce

    30 countries walk out in the face of Iranian President at UN Summit on "Racism"

    Bullshit... Egypt and Syria have chosen bilateral talks as its all they can do to receive any semblance of compensation for their respective Israeli occupied territories. What else could they do? Individually their militaries cannot compare to Israel's, nor will they find many allies willing...
  7. SoulOnIce

    'Nehru-Edwina affair responsible for Partition’

    well all I can say is kyaaa bat he...
  8. SoulOnIce

    Islamic Monuments in India - Whose Legacy?

    Oh and btw, laying claim to history, is very different than laying claim to land I agree with Vish on most points, our history is shared yes but does it mean that were not two distinct nations now or at the time or parition? no Being american doesnt make one british as well, or vice versa
  9. SoulOnIce

    Islamic Monuments in India - Whose Legacy?

    These structures are irrelevant simply because partition was not based on historical empires, monuments, or areas previously inhabited by majority muslim, sikhs, or hindus, but areas current to then contemporary demographic trends, areas that are inhabited by majority hindus, or muslims at the...
  10. SoulOnIce

    Islamic Monuments in India - Whose Legacy?

    How the hell do you thank someone for a post on this forum? I cant find the right button, i 100% agree with this post
  11. SoulOnIce

    Partition of India-the story

    The tinge of religion as I see it was that doctrine of lapse violated the rights and privileges bestowed on the adherents of the hindu or islamic faith by that very faith. It was a trick to snatch property, by not recognizing the legitimacy of religious law there was an inherent discrediting...
  12. SoulOnIce

    Pakistan: Would-be suicide bomber shoots himself

    Maybe the would-be suicide bomber realized the pain that actions the likes of other SB's would bring but its a strange how a man so prepared for suicide and destruction therefrom, would suddenly change his m.o., suicide without the side destruction? this story is confusing
  13. SoulOnIce

    Iran, India may join US war in Afghanistan

    Russia has a common interest with Nato in the stablization of Afghanistan. Some of the militants are Chechen and implies large underground terrorist network. Russia was also willing to contribute to the transportation of Nato supplies to Afghanistan in a newspaper article I read a while...
  14. SoulOnIce

    Terrorists destroy Mosque, kill Namazis during Jumaah Prayers

    if your a terrorist my friend, even your mother is a target. I wouldn't consider these muslim terrorists.... muslim per se They're obviously brainwashed, prone to suicide, displaced people some of them are even mercenaries
  15. SoulOnIce

    Terrorists destroy Mosque, kill Namazis during Jumaah Prayers

    Definitely, what we need is constructive action to be taken, we need this issue to be addressed and what that requires is an analysis of the facts which itself requires an investigation. But it seems our leaders are either too distracted, too narrow-sighted, or too compromised in their...
  16. SoulOnIce

    India Has No greater Enemy Than The United States

    American foreign affair objectives, like the foreign affair objectives of hegemons and empires of the past were determined more by opportunities to gain land,influence, power, or economic benefits than gaining a mutual trust between two nations so that security and economic cooperation meet the...
  17. SoulOnIce

    Chinese Foreign Affairs News & Discussions

    There goes the neighborhood but it will make war in the region much less likely Also if Chinese and Indian IT companies do launch joint ventures, mergers, subsidiaries or even FDI's that could actually change the global source of IT. It would be hard to compete, the product would be so...
  18. SoulOnIce

    China's homemade army vehicle outshines U.S. Humvee in major

    Even if patents are awarded to incremental improvements, and the Mengshi is not an exact copy but improvement of the Humvee, so the hell what? That doesn't negate any of the advantages the Mengshi has, and at the end of the day, thats what makes the difference because military power is a...
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