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Iran, India may join US war in Afghanistan



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By Anwar Iqbal
Friday, 27 Mar, 2009

WASHINGTON: A key US senator said on Thursday that the United States and Iran might begin their cooperation for stabilising Afghanistan after a meeting between officials of the two countries in The Hague next week.

‘We also need to reach out to Afghanistan’s other neighbours, including India, China, and Iran,’ Senator John Kerry told the confirmation hearing for the new US ambassador to Afghanistan.

The former Democratic presidential candidate, who now heads the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, noted that in 2001 and 2002, Iran helped to stabilise Afghanistan. ‘And the Obama administration is right to explore how our interests might coincide again on this issue, beginning at the Hague Conference next week,’ he added.

Earlier on Thursday, Hasan Qashqavi, a spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, told reporters in Tehran that Iran would join the United States at two international conferences on Afghanistan, including the one at The Hague which begins on March 31.

‘The level of participation is yet to be determined,’ he added. Last week, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton officially invited Iran to the Hague conference.

The US move is seen in Tehran as a moral victory for the Iranian government, which was castigated by the Bush administration as part of an ‘Axis of Evil’.

Although the US still plays a leading role in the campaign against Iran’s nuclear programme, the US decision to involve it in its efforts to stabilise Afghanistan enhances the stature of the Iranian government.

Both the Afghan President Hamid Karzai and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon are expected to attend. Other attendees will include foreign ministers from countries in the region, countries that are part of the International Security Assistance Force and other countries and organisations that are contributing to reconstruction in Afghanistan.

At the confirmation hearing, Senator Kerry outlined some of the salient features of a new US strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, which is expected to be announced on Friday.

The new strategy also seeks to triple US economic assistance to Pakistan and a greater engagement with the Afghans.

‘I will soon be re-introducing with Senator Lugar the Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act, which seeks to triple non-military aid to the people of Pakistan,’ Senator Kerry said.

The proposed legislation will also hold Pakistan’s ‘security forces more accountable for assistance provided in their fight against the Pakistani Taliban and Al Qaeda,’ he added.

Senator Richard Lugar, a ranking Republican member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which authorises US foreign aid, also has pledged to support the bill.

‘We can all agree that today Afghanistan, along with its neighbour Pakistan, represents the central front in our global campaign against terrorism,’ Senator Kerry told the confirmation hearing.

Referring to the new strategy, Senator Kerry stressed the need for a regional approach for bringing peace and stability to Afghanistan. ‘Our strategy must also reflect the interconnectedness of the region’s challenges,’ he said.

‘This requires redoubling our efforts to strengthen Pakistan’s civilian government and support its activities against militants in the tribal belt.’ That’s why, he said, he was seeking to triple US assistance to Pakistan.

Senator Kerry noted that President Barak Obama has pledged to recommit to Afghanistan, beginning with the deployment of 17,000 additional US troops and a significant effort to increase the size and capacity of Afghan security forces. He said while he supported this move, he also believed that ‘troops alone will not bring victory.’
Haha exactly Omar thats wat iam saying! and i think this article is trash Iran will never help on wot lol hell they are part of it haha wat a joke!
Not happening. This cannot work, Iran had so long so bad relations with the US and they cannot be an ally of the US over night. India isn't a neighbour like you said and would only make the situation worse as it is. Besides, they are already in Afghanistan with their several embassies.
So Impossible!
India-Iran relations are excellent. You may likely see a massive increase of NATO containerized shipments to Mumbai soon. These will be repackaged and "reflagged" as going to Indian civili reconstruction to assuage Iranian sensibilities and appearances.

They will be shipped through Iran, sealed, and carried by Indian commercial trucking companies from Iran into Afghanistan and distributed from there.

There are 41 nations involved in Afghanistan's stabilization. The Iranians can count. Moreover, there is very little love lost between Iran and the taliban. Finally, the hazara and many others are shia and many speak Dari or farsi.

There's very little difference in costs and, given Khyber security, well worth the expense.

This will largely lift the Karachi burden from NATO and enable President Obama to impose penalties if we believe cooperation isn't forthcoming. Beforehand, we had to worry about Pakistani retaliation.

I believe that there's a concerted effort to get out from underneath that leverage and that it's very, very workable. So do others.

"Enemy of our enemy" favorably cuts both ways for Iran and America here.
Please don't think like a common Iranian but think like the President of Iran who is supposed to do the best for his people.

Things which are important for Iran include an end of isolation for Iran. Although Iran has diplomatic terms with many Western nations but Iran is not considered a friendly nation by most.

Iran has been trying to be involved in Afghanistan and this is a great opportunity as there is nothing to loose and it is a win win situation.

1. Improved terms with West
2. Logistic support income
3. Greater influence in Afghanistan

Iranians are educated and intelligent people, they will follow their govt. and religious scholars after the slogan is raised that we need to fight Sunni extremism.

Iranians are not emotional fools like Pakistanis who would fight against a leader like Musharraf for leaders like Nawaz Sharif and B. Bhutto.
Iran, India may join US war in Afghanistan
By Anwar Iqbal
Friday, 27 Mar, 2009

This is a major shift in US policy.Bush was taking help from Saudi Arabia now Obama had decided to take help from Iran - Means enemy against enemy- Iranians are deadly against Wahabism-Iran can go to any extend to curb the Wahabism in the region. It is widely believed that Taliban are followers of Wahabism. This new strategy is meant to destablize Pakistan. With the help of additional US Indian and Iranian troops and intelligence support there shall be extraordinary felicitations for US and Nato. If we see the attacks are carried out against Taliban with the help of Iran the Taliban elements in Pakistan and Afghnistan shall target the Shia localities and there would be a chaos like situation for the government of Pakistan. The government shall help the US or it would curb the violence against shias?
Another aspect cannot be ruled out that Kashmiri militant groups who are under influence of Wahabism would create serious problems for India and India shall start blame game against Pakistan and ISI.
The indians are already working with CIA. Now CIA shakes hand with Iranian who are already angry with groups like Jundhullah who carried out attacks in Iranian territory. Now our foreign Office should chalkout strategy to discuss the future apprehensions and our agencies should chalkout plans to save Pakistan from possible mis-adventures by US Iran India.
They will be shipped through Iran, sealed, and carried by Indian commercial trucking companies from Iran into Afghanistan and distributed from there.

This means Russia will have an influence on the nato supplies . Will the european allies want the russians to get involved with their supply route..
I believe many nato countries will not favour the Russian influence ..

And plz specify the exact Indian Iran supply route for nato without any Pakistani territory involved.
Will Iran be such grateful to US after wat US did to the regime by enforcing long embargos..They would definately put forward their demands.
Is there any possibility that US can win the war in Afghanistan without having Saudia Arabia and Pakistan in there camp ? and With India and Iran helping them in Afghanistan to promote their influence in central Asia.
Seems like a wet dream
This means Russia will have an influence on the nato supplies . Will the european allies want the russians to get involved with their supply route..

Russia has a common interest with Nato in the stablization of Afghanistan.
Some of the militants are Chechen and implies large underground terrorist network.

Russia was also willing to contribute to the transportation of Nato supplies to Afghanistan in a newspaper article I read a while back.

Also, why do some Pakistanis think theres a huge international conspiracy to destroy Pakistan? for what purpose? Empire? That became passe after WW2, and after the introduction of economic frameworks as an alternative.

And that they think that larger international community is a doing so in the face of taliban avances? its almost nonsensical
India went for nuclear deal with USA and dumped Iran when voting against their nuclear program... And they keep the line through Pakistan as just a sweetner... Mature relations?
Russia has a common interest with Nato in the stablization of Afghanistan.
Some of the militants are Chechen and implies large underground terrorist network.

Russia was also willing to contribute to the transportation of Nato supplies to Afghanistan in a newspaper article I read a while back.

Openly everybody does so but did the Russians forgot wat US did to them when they were in Afghanistan and Dont you Read abt Russians having that dream of USSR again..

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