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30 countries walk out in the face of Iranian President at UN Summit on "Racism"

I don't know about those maps, the U.N. does have its own. However, I know enough to tell that in the 1946 map vast tracts of state land (formerly Ottoman and mostly desert) have been arbitrarily or out-of-context labeled "Palestinian". (Before 1961 or so "Palestinian" referred to territory of the British Mandate, not a nationality; the Jerusalem Post was originally called the Palestine Post, those who we call "Palestinians" referred to themselves as "Palestinian Arabs".) Furthermore, tracts of land which have remained under the ownership of Arab citizens of Israel appear to have been excluded.

Egypt and Syria have chosen bilateral talks as its all they can do to receive any semblance of compensation for their respective Israeli occupied territories. What else could they do? Individually their militaries cannot compare to Israel's, nor will they find many allies willing to join them in an encounter.

Besides Pakistan and India's conflict is not as hostile as it used to be, nor will it likely become so anytime soon. Iran however want's Israel "erased off the map", while Israel was pushing for regime change by the Americans in Iran not too long ago, recently the IDF was rehearsing surgical strike operations, presumably with reference to Iran's nuclear facilities.


We need to realize that Zionism is what it always stated to be: Jewish land grabbing in the Levant. That is what the Israelis continue to do, pushing and isolating pockets of Palestinian populations in order to STEAL land. Nor is the Likud party, which is currently in power going to purse a two-state solution, they'd much rather deny the Palestinians this right in lands inhabited by them and their ancestors for thousands of years and push even faster for a Zionist agenda. Thats called ethnic cleansing, and believe me its racist.

Also, its widely acknowledged that Arab Israeli citizens are treated as second class citizens, are regularly harassed, and suffer loss os property. Israel's current foreign minister Avigdor Leiberman wants Arab Isaelis to wear identification badges, and sign loyalty paper, if thats not racist than what is?

Israel, due to its Zionist roots is inherently a racist entity. Theres no denying that.

Ahmadinejad called a spade a spade and the roof fell down, nothing more.
Oh, my personal opinion of why the delegates left was due to two reasons:

1) the over proportionate influence of Israel lobbies within those countries
2) the fact that those delegates' countries realize that they are tacitly allowing, and in some cases even encouraging Israel to act as belligerent as it does. They cant afford to be called out on it.
We need to realize that Zionism is what it always stated to be: Jewish land grabbing in the Levant.
Then you must explain why both the League of Nations and the United Nations endorsed the creation of the Jewish State, and why Israel often chooses to return captured land to the Arabs in exchange for recognition and normalization, or even nothing at all.

Israel, due to its Zionist roots is inherently a racist entity. Theres no denying that.
The majority of Israel is comprised of Jews from all four corners of the world, but at least 20% of the Israeli population is Arab. Arabs have definite civil rights under a nation that follows the rule-of-law. Arab states tolerate few if any Jews and only one or two tolerate Zionists, and most are rule-by-law dictatorships. So compared to them Israel is a vast improvement in the human condition.

Time grows short. I will save some time and effort by offering this link to my website. Comments are welcome.
Then you must explain why both the League of Nations and the United Nations endorsed the creation of the Jewish State, and why Israel often chooses to return captured land to the Arabs in exchange for recognition and normalization, or even nothing at all.
It is just like, you snatch my candy and when you give it back to me you ask me to bargain.

Hypocritic, isn't it, oh no, not for them:)

The majority of Israel is comprised of Jews from all four corners of the world, but at least 20% of the Israeli population is Arab. Arabs have definite civil rights under a nation that follows the rule-of-law. Arab states tolerate few if any Jews and only one or two tolerate Zionists, and most are rule-by-law dictatorships. So compared to them Israel is a vast improvement in the human condition.

Time grows short. I will save some time and effort by offering this link to my website. Comments are welcome.

What ever the case may be, Israel was made amongst the Arab heartland with only one aim-indirectly farthurness of Western hegemony over the oild rich Middle East.

Take a look...

A Piece from History

This phenomenon of ‘capturing’ all the energy banks is not new to this century. Throughout the 20th century Caspian oil has played a key role in shaping the world politics. This thinking, from the late 19th century to the 2nd World War has defined OIL as a strategic raw material to be monopolized.
I believe that it is the history that wants to repeat itself. Previously it was the Middle East and now its place have been taken by CARs and the countries that would route it out to the world.

Many readers would be thinking that how could the Middle East relate to Pakistan, yes it do and here it is why: (while reading through the following please keep in mind the similarities between the Middle Eastern oil reach states and the CARs, alongwith and eye over the countries that surround CARs)

The Middle East was actually known as West Asia and primitively as Near Asia, but renamed as Middle east during the WW2. It is geographically located at the juncture of Europe, Asia and Africa. Traditionally it has been serving as a commercial, cultural and military route between the East and the West. With 21 constituent states it stretches from from the borders of Pakistan in the East to North Africa up to Morocco.

Historically Middle East has never been a geographic expression, but its economics and political recognition has been more prominent.

The geostrategic importance of the region is high as to two major international waterways: the Suez Canal and the Turkish Straits, around whom revolved the 20th century political and military struggles of major powers, are located in Middle East. This fact definitely affects the entire global political balance.

This shouldn’t come to you as a news, as according to a report the desert sands of the Middle east holds 2 out of every 3 barrels of oil in the world! Today the region holds 67% of the total oils reserves in the world. With the new discoveries the Middle East and North Africa are likely to control 83% of oil reserves of the world by the year 2020.

The industrialized world is mainly dependent on the Persian Gulf states for their oil supply and it was due to this fact that this region was and is engulfed in turmoil.

The Conspiracies
In an attempt to establish their grip, the first conspiracy devised against the region overpowering of the Ottoman Empire by the Allies during WW-1.

Middle East was carved up into nation states, mandates and protectorates, all became independent following WW-1. Through the discriminatory Sykes-Picot Agreement-1916, Britain and France divided the Middle East in a manner that well suited them, rather to the Arabs, some of whom supported the Allies.

In volition of secret agreement of supporting Britain against Ottoman Empire, made in 1915 between Sir Henry McMahon and Sharif Hussayn (Governor of Hijaz), Britain did not grant Palestine under the Arab control. Instead through Balfour Declaration-1917, Britain got into making a plot with leading Zionists and France to create a Jewish state at the Palestine land.

The declaration was a classified statement of the British government for supporting a Jewish national home in the Palestine. It was later incorporated into the Sevres Peace Treaty with Turkey and the mandate for Palestine. In this way the British and French maintained their physical presence in the region till late fifties, while providing active support to the newly established Jewish state.

In 1960s, the US assumed for itself an active role in the regional politics with three aims:
1. To secure the Israeli interests

2. To benefit from the energy resources of the region

3. To keep the former Soviet Union away from the region.

The former cold war rival, however, maintained its covert and overt presence in the region until its disintegration in 1991.

In the aftermath of Cold War, the US strengthened its hold over the region through the Gulf War-1, which was further reinforced after the unfortunate 9/11 incident.

In order to circumvent US’ agenda of consolidating its own domination in the regional politics, the garb of GWOT, other world powers like Russia, China and eve EU also started making overt and covert inroads in the regional politics to secure their interests with specific of their future energy requirements.

Unfortunately instead of resolving the Arab-Israel conflict over Palestine they indulged into involvements and conspiracies, thereby giving birth to a number of issues like, Iran-Iraq war, invasion of Kuwait by Iraq (which allowed US intervention), the continuing US invasion of Iraq, Israeli aggression on Lebanon, intimidating threats over US-Iran nuclear stand-off having regional reservations, and the growing trend of terrorism which emanated from the above mentioned discriminations.

The only logical outcome of the above can be: the West takes steps that would ask for response by force (which is now being termed as Terrorism) and in retaliation it can establish foothold anywhere that it wants.

Palestine Issue:
Historically, Palestinian territory includes areas now referred to as Israel, West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Palestine Issue is considered to be the mother of all the conflicts that took place in the region, post WW-2.

Till 1992, around 81% population consisted of Arab Muslims and Christian and remaining 12% was a Jewish community. After the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and developments there after, in November 1947 the UN voted on favor of ‘Resolution 181’, calling for partitioning of Palestine for the creation of two states; a Jewish state on 56% of territory and the Arab state on remaining 44%, but by the time Britain withdrew on termination of its mandate, Israeli gangs captured even most of the land intended for the Arab State (Palestine), thus it controlled almost ¾ of the Palestinian territory.

The Israeli appearance on the world map through occupation of Arab land threatened the regional Arab Muslim countries. Nationalisation of Strait of Tiran (Suez Canal) by frustrated Egypt, resulted into the first Arab Israel war in 1957. As the result of the Suez War, Palestinians established their first formal resistance movement, namely the “Fatah” and later PLO in 1964.

Israel made massive territorial gains in second Arab-Israel war, ending without any gain by Arab war wagers. US’ formal backing of the Zionist State in the heart of Arab world continued till date despite temporary suspension of oil supply by the Arab members of OPEC in 1973. In the following years, a number of US broked peace agreements were concluded between Israel, Arabs and Palestinians, but none was honored by Israel, rather a reign of terror was unleashed on Palestinians US backed Zionist state, which continue even today.

Over the years, Israel’s repressive policies resulted in creation of Palestinian armed resistance groups like Hamas and Al Aqsa Martyr Brigade, which have now attained political strength.

The menace of violence now renamed as terrorism in the post 9/11 scenario, is primarily as outcome of widespread conflicts, injustices, unjustified invasions and occupations, which has deeply impacted in the psyche of people over the period of time.

Creation of Israel in the heartland of Arab under the patronage of western powers is the root cause of terrorism. After expanding her territory at the cost of Palestinian, Israel has been indiscriminately killing the innocent citizens, while the West even does not point any finger on its actions, but the ill armed Palestinians are dubbed as terrorists.

The economic exploitation of Palestinians is yet another form of terrorism, The measures adopted by Israel to make her security foolproof have blocked the routes leading into various cities, thus denying Palestinian labors and workers to earn their living

The International Court of Justice had declared the Israeli barrier unlawful in July 2004.

It's a long piece of text, if you like to read it completely, here it is:

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Solomon_ you have the full right to your oppinion on this matter.
BUT, I think it is sad that you adopt the zionist rethoric without being critical.

let me enlighten you a bit.

Palestinian are not ethnically arabs, several studies have shown their genetic pool to be different from the genetic pool of arabs. The study furthermore, identifies a hybrid combination of genes from several ancient ethnicities suggesting the link of the Palestinian people to the land of palestine in a historical context, meaning in plain english, they are the descendants of the people who have inhabitated Palestine throughout the history, starting from the first nations (groups of people identifiable by similar customs, identity and values) through the Canaanites, the much later arrival by the israelites, persians, arabs etc. This finding has also been supported by the study of the Palestinian dialect of Arabic which contains structures and words of non-arabic descent, mainly Canaanite aramaic and hebrew.

On the other hand, a massive study by professor Shlomo Sand from the hebrew university of tel aviv, failed to link, historically, MODERN day jews (Ashkenazi majority) to Palestine/Holy Land (read "When and How the Jewish People Was Invented?") instead he suggests that these originate mainly from the ancient Khazar Kingdom in southern russia and who massively converted to Judaism when judaism almost died out due to the popularity of the new religion, christianity. He further shatters the myth of the mass exodus of jews from palestine, instead he suggests that the jews of palestine, stayed and a large number of them converted to christianity and later Islam, and hence are to find among palestinians today.
The book has become a bestseller and has created a lot of controversy without any zionist being able to contradict the claims so far.

Israel was created by the West for several purposes, first the mass guilt among Europeans due to the Holocaust facilitated the creation of a state for jews, in reality meaning that Palestinians ended up paying for the Europeans' crimes during WW2.
Second, the creation of Israel in the heart of the Arab world, would mean the Western interests in the region was made easier to facilitate since Israel will function as a buffer between Europe and the Arab and Muslim world, and by creating a strong Israel Western powers would have a major influence and control of the region. The Western/christian society have hardly forgotten their defeat in and loss of the holy land. Their worst fear is the re-emerging of a muslim caliphate right at their borders and they will do what ever they can to hinder this. Hence the devide and conquer policy and installation of dirty corrupt dictators in virtually all arab countries and most muslim countries.

You question the Palestinians as a people and their right to their land.
That is low.
You argue that there is no such thing as a palestine. Well "Israel" as a nation didn't exist before 1948, why the hypocracy? and actually a Palestinian state was getting created but unfortunately they were to slow due to incompetence and betrayal by the Hashemites of Jordan and some other Arab leaders who wanted control of the Holy land.

You claim that Palestinians in "Israel" are treated well, that is a complete lie, do some reasearch and you will find out rather quickly that they are treated as not second class members, but as bottom members, since non-white jews occupy that slot.

All in all, "Israel" is a fictious creation based on a fundament of lies, a house of cards basically, and has begun to collapse.
I give "Israel" less than 50 years and we will see the collapse of this myth nation.
Then you must explain why both the League of Nations and the United Nations endorsed the creation of the Jewish State, and why Israel often chooses to return captured land to the Arabs in exchange for recognition and normalization, or even nothing at all.

The majority of Israel is comprised of Jews from all four corners of the world, but at least 20% of the Israeli population is Arab. Arabs have definite civil rights under a nation that follows the rule-of-law. Arab states tolerate few if any Jews and only one or two tolerate Zionists, and most are rule-by-law dictatorships. So compared to them Israel is a vast improvement in the human condition.

Time grows short. I will save some time and effort by offering this link to my website. Comments are welcome.

Solomon, let me say that I do not oppose the existence of Israel
But let me ask you a question regarding Israel's own compliance to UN resolutions:

Don't you think its hypocritical to justify Israel's existence vis-a-vis UN resolutions when Israel itself will not return to the Pre-1967 borders?

I consider it a moot point
If Israel wanted peace, and normalization of relationships with the Arab/Muslim world they would negotiate on the Saudi Peace Plan. I did not say accept, but negotiate on.

But Israel wants land, and among certain influential Zionist circles, including the World Jewish Council, Israel should be endowed with all lands contained in Biblical Israel.

Why? Demographics

Its a huge problem in Israel, Israeli Arab have higher birth rates and Jewish authorities are concerned. Ariel Sharon thought it only appropriate that a Jewish give birth to at least 4 children, he considered it a duty.

However, as regards to racism/human rights abuses, second class citizenship:

Just because they do as such does not negate anything Israel does, or vice versa, to each his sins. Its simply not relevant to this discussion

As for vast improvement, in terms of civil liberties, yes

but these lands are still developing.

Democratic changes need awareness of due rights, it isnt a simple process.

P.S. The US enables these dictatorships to exist, and supports their monopoly of power, history proves this, Iran is a classic example
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Creation of Israel in the heartland of Arab under the patronage of western powers is the root cause of terrorism.

And this is what Western Leaders refuse to acknowledge publicly, even though most of their military and intelligentsia believe the same.

Imagine if America actually had the balls to do what it is needed to be done to achieve peace in the region.


However even the utterance of such a measure is considered taboo thanks to the Israeli lobby.

The fact of the matter is that the West vehemently ignores the legitimate grievances of the Palestinians in their favor to Israel, and thus alienates all muslims: Shias, Sunnis, Arabs, South Asians, South East Asians, Kurds, North Africans.

Israel seized more land than was alloted to them. Its as simple as that.
This entire story revolves around one thing-control of energy reserves.

First the bifurcated the entire middle east into nation states and then imposed corrupt governments there or the governments who were pro-West and then came the creation of israel.

With israel as a tool of coercion in their hands they then controlled the opinions, forced their own ideologies, manupilated the decisions and sucked all the resources from the middle east, while the sleeping beauties of Arab countries enjoyed their life at will inside the N. American and european countries.

With all the Arab dollars the West again enjoys superiority over the same nations who provide them their own money.

Leaving Iran aside all these Arab states were gradually soothed and their influence, say and veto was therefore nullified.

Lately the Peace conference in November 2007 and revival of Oslo Accord and Road Map of Middle East 2003 gave the final blow to the Palestinian cause whereby all the 16 Arab delegates who merely agreed to their proposals simply lost their capability of exerting pressure on Israel for a just solution of the Palestine issue.
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