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  1. J

    US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

    I think you are brain dead. We have suffered the most in GWOT and in return you are happy if the US puts us in the same league as Kenya and Yemen by giving us these fun boats. These boats are not free they have been paid for by the lives of thousands of Pakistanis. They hardly have any utility...
  2. J

    US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

    You don't get my point do you. I don't have any issues with getting the boats. I have issues with the US embassy, American posters and people like Mastan who think this is such a huge deal and favor for Pakistan. These boats don't even deserve a mention in the press. Soloman got it right. This...
  3. J

    US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

    I know about Chinese economy becuase I have oversight over a portfolio which has billions of dollars in China - I have lived in China for years - so I do this for a living. My observations are not based on scanning through websites and headlines. These days every one has access to the net. They...
  4. J

    US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

    Mastan, You don't know what you are talking about. These are no patrol boats. These are disguised pleasure boats. Most of the year they cannot be taken out to the high seas. Let alone the navy, they are even useless for the MSA. Might only be useful for the Harbour police or something. So...
  5. J

    US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

    Don't talk about stuff you don't anything about. I know about the RE bubble in China but unlike the US, Chinese external accounts are in good shape and China is already calling the credit and so are the arabs.
  6. J

    US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

    You have my sympathies. We, infact, did not even want the boats. Over the decades Pakistan has developed the art of screwing the US into an art form. We are annoyed now that unlike in the past we are not getting the top of the line stuff. But then we are now a nuclear state, (thanks US help in...
  7. J

    US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

    Obviously the experts don't share your enthusiasm. But beside the point if you and your buddies keep your American hubris and arrogance in the local bar (i.e. if you are allowed to get in) rather than a Pakistani forum we will not be getting in such arguments. To cut it short, Pakistan's...
  8. J

    US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

    No doubt about it and that is why the Chinese are not dumping US paper in hurry but slowly and surely they will. US is like a drug addict and China and other countries lending to China are like drug pushers. Why would they kill the goose that lays the golden eggs for them. But like any drug...
  9. J

    US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

    The American economy is a house of cards. It was proven to be so in September 2008. The markets became totally long-jammed and confidence was gone. Imminent collapse of the US and global economic structure was a real possibility. If at that time the international holders had started dumping...
  10. J

    US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

    I am glad you understand now. You are an indebted country. A little diversification by the Chinese of it US treasury portfolio can push the US economy and US dollar into a death spiral. If the economy collapses so will be the American ability to project power and control resources and trade...
  11. J

    US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

    You obviously don't know history. We have already learnt our lessons regarding depending on the Americans. Americans gave us some old WWII destroyers but then cancelled the leases and we were left high and dry. So today, we make our own submarines thanks to the french, we make our own frigates...
  12. J

    French Avionics for JF-17

    Anwar Shamim case is example of how things come around to haunt you. Anwar Shamim and his wife were kicked out of their home by their son and they had to return to Pakistan. They were living a pretty miserable life in Islamabad.
  13. J

    Situation worsening? Pak Army cancels leaves

    Misleading news. Ministry of Interior cannot cancel Armed Forces leave. Malik has only technical authority on some paramilitary forces. In operational areas, FC come under the command of the Army. So this is primairly limited to Rangers on internal security duty. On the last visit to the GHQ...
  14. J

    Indian Air Force Passing out Parade amazing acrobatics

    Its a bad rip off of US Marine silent drill routine. We did similar exercises in secondary school. Badly coordinated at best. Here is the real deal.
  15. J

    Indian Air Force Passing out Parade amazing acrobatics

    They do this silly stuff because they don't have any planes to fly. HTP 32, IAF's basic trainer has been grounded for months.
  16. J

    Tribal lashkar that took out taliban headquarter (PICS)

    May not make sense to a western mind or to an Indian but it is part of not only Pushtun culture but also Pakistani culture in general.
  17. J

    Tribal lashkar that took out taliban headquarter (PICS)

    The pistol is locally made and is not Rs 70,000. More like 7,000 or even less. One can buy original AK47 for 25,000 to 35,000 so why pay 70,000 for a knock off of Mauser hand gun.
  18. J

    India army chief calls for Pakistan nuclear cap

    Only the West and their puppies like India are worried about Pakistan. They want a defanged Pakistan - no nukes, no credible military. It ain't gonna happen. This Taliban issue was a creation of the West and all the media hype is being used to discredit Pakistan, its nuclear program and its...
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