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US Donates Patrol Boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency

America please **** urself off and die in peace. Need not a single bullet from you to save ourself. What is USA trying to do these days? Bribe Pakistan? for what return? For staying silent and accepting Indian role in Afghanistan or letting them keep Black Water longer? is that for zipping our lips for Dr. Afia... BLOODY BULLSHIT.
God knows in which world we are living and what kind if delusions we are having. It indeed is shameful that we are getting even Patrol boats in donation and even more shameful that we are obliged instead of returning them with thanks or asking for help to establish these technologies in Pakistan.

Qarz ki peetey thhey ma'i lekin samajhtey thhey key haaN
RaNg laayegi hamari faqa masti ek din

That is why, do do takey key gorey hamein jootey mar kar jaatey hein. Pathetic ...
Absolutely right Qsaark it's like: hey thanks for your service these are some fast patrol boats I used. now I am sick of them so you can enjoy them now.
God knows in which world we are living and what kind if delusions we are having. It indeed is shameful that we are getting even Patrol boats in donation and even more shameful that we are obliged instead of returning them with thanks or asking for help to establish these technologies in Pakistan.

Qarz ki peetey thhey ma'i lekin samajhtey thhey key haaN
RaNg laayegi hamari faqa masti ek din

That is why, do do takey key gorey hamein jootey mar kar jaatey hein. Pathetic ...

As per a poster of Pakdef.info( cant remember names) these boats were initially offered in 2003 and refused by MSA on grounds that htey do not fit our requirements. Now the same have been offered and accepted. Dont know much about boats so put the statement before more knowledgeable members for discussion.
Go sell off the spare parts and embezzle the maintenance and operations funds, then next time Pakistan needs ships it can jolly well build 'em by itself 'cause Uncle Sam won't give Pakistan any!

You obviously don't know history. We have already learnt our lessons regarding depending on the Americans. Americans gave us some old WWII destroyers but then cancelled the leases and we were left high and dry. So today, we make our own submarines thanks to the french, we make our own frigates thanks to Chinese, we are getting bigger subs from the German and even bigger frigates from the chinese all with transfer of technology So thanks but no thanks for any American fun boats which can be hardly taken outside Karachi harbor. So don't delude yourself about the importance of America in the bigger scheme of things.
" So don't delude yourself about the importance of America in the bigger scheme of things."

O.K. We're just a niche player. Got it.:lol:

They were donated, i.e came for free .... :blink:

Why look a gift horse in the mouth?

Nothing is free in to days world. Its all politics. Help likes this make it harder for Pakistan to say no to USA when we are in pressure from them.
" So don't delude yourself about the importance of America in the bigger scheme of things."

O.K. We're just a niche player. Got it.:lol:


I am glad you understand now. You are an indebted country. A little diversification by the Chinese of it US treasury portfolio can push the US economy and US dollar into a death spiral. If the economy collapses so will be the American ability to project power and control resources and trade. Lucky for the Americans, the Chinese are smart they don't want to destabilise things as it is against their self interest but there should be no doubt that the US has never been as vulnerable as it is today.
"they don't want to destabilise things as it is against their self interest..."

It's not a wish by the Chinese. They CAN'T destabilize things. If I owe you a little, that's a problem for me. If I owe you a lot, that's a problem for you.

"A little diversification by the Chinese of it US treasury portfolio can push the US economy and US dollar into a death spiral."

Let me know when our notes aren't worth purchasing. That'll define high risk to ROI. Until then you're anti-American desires will be on hold for, oh...say about another fifty-one hundred years.

That's presuming Chinese growth at an accelerated rate and it remains accelerating. Most here presume American stagnancy or diminishment. That's an odd bet to take although one where many project their desires instead of facts.

We've got issues. Most forget that China has bigger issues but their infrastructure, energy needs, population depletion, environmental damage, water depletion, absence of internal markets and more remain conspicuously and notably excluded by the fan-boys here.

Finally, check immigration patterns and advise me when Americans immigrate to that socialist paradise on the other side of the big lake. Or anybody else for that matter.

"I am glad you understand now."

Oh, I understand real well. Better than you.

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The United States government donated five maritime interdiction patrol boats to Pakistan’s Maritime Security Agency (MSA) at the Karachi shipyard on Saturday, significantly enhancing the agency’s coastal interdiction and patrol capabilities.

The US. government will donate four more Fast Patrol Boats to the MSA later this year. In total, the nine boats and spare parts are valued at approximately $10 million

International News Network
There can be absolutely no such thing as a "donation" of defence equipment by the United States. Definitely not worth $10 Million, and definitely not to Pakistan. Also, the defence industry is one of their largest export industry, and they didn't become the world's leading Arms exporters with charitable behavior. I guarantee we paid for them, maybe not with money. I would love to know what we did in return, or promised to do.

Other than that, glad to see the Maritime Security Agency get a boost. In these times, it is absolutely essential to boost the capabilities of our security forces.
"they don't want to destabilise things as it is against their self interest..."

It's not a wish by the Chinese. They CAN'T destabilize things. If I owe you a little, that's a problem for me. If I owe you a lot, that's a problem for you.

"A little diversification by the Chinese of it US treasury portfolio can push the US economy and US dollar into a death spiral."

Let me know when our notes aren't worth purchasing. That'll define high risk to ROI. Until then you're anti-American desires will be on hold for, oh...say about another fifty-one hundred years.

That's presuming Chinese growth at an accelerated rate and it remains accelerating. Most here presume American stagnancy or diminishment. That's an odd bet to take although one where many project their desires instead of facts.

We've got issues. Most forget that China has bigger issues but their infrastructure, energy needs, population depletion, environmental damage, water depletion, absence of internal markets and more remain conspicuously and notably excluded by the fan-boys here.

Finally, check immigration patterns and advise me when Americans immigrate to that socialist paradise on the other side of the big lake. Or anybody else for that matter.

"I am glad you understand now."

Oh, I understand real well. Better than you.

:rofl: You must wear out those spanking paddles PDQ.
You obviously don't know history. We have already learnt our lessons regarding depending on the Americans. Americans gave us some old WWII destroyers but then cancelled the leases and we were left high and dry. So today, we make our own submarines thanks to the french, we make our own frigates thanks to Chinese, we are getting bigger subs from the German and even bigger frigates from the chinese all with transfer of technology So thanks but no thanks for any American fun boats which can be hardly taken outside Karachi harbor. So don't delude yourself about the importance of America in the bigger scheme of things.

You forget the 6 upgraded Oliver Hazard Perry Class Guided Missile Frigates. Which Pakistan starts to take possession of this August.

All six ships including the upgrade are free.

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