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  1. powastick

    Indonesia Economy Forum

    Whatever it is, it is not enough. It is still growing exponentially.
  2. powastick

    US Math professor suspended for demanding a Viet student to anglicize her name

    I hope this is not a prank. Phuc Dat Bich. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/nov/25/man-says-he-made-up-vietnamese-name-hoax-to-fool-news-media-and-facebook
  3. powastick

    Indonesia Economy Forum

    Disagree, full impact on coronavirus if it is fullblown in indonesia is not accounted. In two months time, it will reach India 20000 cases per day. The only way to prevent this is drastic action by the Indonesian government. Economist are not epidemic experts.
  4. powastick

    Is that blog about tainted fruit produce from US real?

    Fruits no, frozen fish and meats plausible.
  5. powastick

    China Is Rife with These 10 Plastic Fake Foods

    Its debunked. You think people that stupid?
  6. powastick

    IMF June forecast: China only major economy to have positive growth in 2020

    If I were you, i would start shifting my assets into safe haven before everyone starts panicking. So far, countries such as Sweden without strict lockdown have not seen improvement. I think Indonesia will eventually go into lockdown.
  7. powastick

    IMF June forecast: China only major economy to have positive growth in 2020

    Indonesia is making a mistake here, within a month or two, Indonesia economy will tank because the coronavirus. It does not look good. Just look at the charts, its growing faster. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/indonesia/
  8. powastick

    China 3 wounded, 2 martyrs. India 47 died.

    Definitely fake, why it is not in Mandarin?
  9. powastick

    China 3 wounded, 2 martyrs. India 47 died.

    Exactly, pics or it didn't happen.
  10. powastick

    Indonesia urges other nations to reject Israel’s West Bank plan

    Its too late, muslims already make a deal with the devil to kill each other. Reap what you sow.
  11. powastick

    Trump suspends H1B, H4 visas till year end

    Actually this make sense for Trump, since he hates American tech being stolen, by reducing the amount of new foreigner scientist.
  12. powastick

    Turkish central bank says used Chinese yuan funding for first time

    Not only that, but also stuff like https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/22/usds-demand-as-emergency-dollar-could-be-waning-deutsche-bank-says.html https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/22/eu-china-summit-investment-covid-19-climate-and-hong-kong.html...
  13. powastick

    Turkish central bank says used Chinese yuan funding for first time

    Would like to hear your perspective on the current economic situation.
  14. powastick

    How the new Thai King cheated Germany by 3 billion euros

    Pay income tax, property tax, not inheritance tax.
  15. powastick

    How the new Thai King cheated Germany by 3 billion euros

    That is weird, he is not a citizen of Germany, nor his dad is a German. Feels like the German trying to scam him.
  16. powastick

    China declares full Galwan valley is under-control and belongs to China only.

    I have been saying, Modi is deliberately provoking China to distract his failures in controlling the coronavirus.
  17. powastick

    India fights another disease threat as nation's food supply is devastated by locusts

    I believe is enough, and it's cheaper than ASEAN region. Unless India got crippled by coronavirus or locust, I don't see Malaysia would find other sources.
  18. powastick

    Bhakts posing as Chinese Hongkongers on Twitter

    Twitter will unban. I have seen this happened. They will only banned anybody that supports China, including legit ones. Even my account on reddit is suspended.
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