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  1. Z

    Extremism, terrorism alien to Islam: Pervaiz

    This ruling, amongst thousands of others, was established by Allah through his Prophet (saw). We have many authentic hadeeths from the Prophet (saw) which explicitly state the death penalty for apostates and homosexuals, and these penalties were carried out during the sahabah's era. And the...
  2. Z

    Extremism, terrorism alien to Islam: Pervaiz

    So now you will judge the creator with your created human criteria? He is unjudgeable. Allah SWT says that he will not be questioned, rather we will be questioned. This world is God's game. He is the king of kings who may do as he likes and we cannot judge him because he is the one who created...
  3. Z

    Extremism, terrorism alien to Islam: Pervaiz

    These are the rules of God. He is not answerable to me or you.
  4. Z

    Extremism, terrorism alien to Islam: Pervaiz

    Are you Muslim? I am a Muslim, therefore I am automatically a submitter to Allah SWT, whatever his commands may be. The Prophet (saw) said that whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him.
  5. Z

    A Picture shows how low we have reached

    If people are not bothered to read about all the evidence from the Quran and Sunnah, then that is their loss.
  6. Z

    Another exodus of refugees from Pakistan

    He has nothing to do with the murders of 50000 Muslims. This is a lie and you have slandered a great and pious scholar. And I am not committing shirk. I said his name was Abdul Wahhab- meaning slave of Wahhab.
  7. Z

    Another exodus of refugees from Pakistan

    And the rest can only dream of India. They have only two options. The masjid or the ghat. This is rubbish. Calling people wahhabi is a sin. After all Wahhab is one of Alalh (SWT)'s beautiful names. The scholar's name was Abdul Wahhab and he eliminated the hejaz from shirk and bidah. And...
  8. Z

    Extremism, terrorism alien to Islam: Pervaiz

    This is what I mean by that. I've been inspired by a recent thread to make this post. Call it a rant. Call it an inspiration. Call me crazy. Whatever you like. Note: Whenever I mention any of God's attributes then please ponder over them rather than just simply read over them. A lot of us...
  9. Z

    Extremism, terrorism alien to Islam: Pervaiz

    Islam is a religion of submission to Allah, not peace. Islam is derived from the root word salam which means peace but its own meaning is submission to Allah.
  10. Z

    Another exodus of refugees from Pakistan

    Narrated Ibn Umar: Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a...
  11. Z

    Another exodus of refugees from Pakistan

    Oh sorry. I just realised that you are a Muslim. Are you going to call the Prophet (saw) sick for saying all these things. "If the sword is introduced among my Ummah, it will not be raised from it until the Day of Ressurection.” (828, Sahih al Jami) "Verily, Jihad in the path of Allah is...
  12. Z

    A Picture shows how low we have reached

    Some people believe that the Prophet Muhamamd [(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)] is "Shaheed" and is in BArzakh where he can hear us if we send 'darood' on him and also if we ask his 'wasta' [by virtue of his closeness to Allah]in praying to God. Praise be to Allaah. The Prophet...
  13. Z

    Mob targets temples, gurdwaras in Pak over alleged blasphemy

    Its awesome to be brainwashed and co-ordinated by God himself. Every Muslim who knows his/her deen will agree with what I am saying.
  14. Z

    Mob targets temples, gurdwaras in Pak over alleged blasphemy

    If you want to degrade yourself by calling your dad a monkey, go on. Allah SWT has already told me I am a descendant of Adam, the leader of all creation.
  15. Z

    Mob targets temples, gurdwaras in Pak over alleged blasphemy

    These are authentic sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Subhanallah. "If the sword is introduced among my Ummah, it will not be raised from it until the Day of Ressurection.” (828, Sahih al Jami) "Verily, Jihad in the path of Allah is tourism for my Ummah.” (2093, Sahih al Jami) “Islam...
  16. Z

    Mob targets temples, gurdwaras in Pak over alleged blasphemy

    Islam came to rule the world through conquest. To even think of an inch of land not belonging to Islam's dominion is a purely evil and sick thought. Which side of your family came from monkeys and which side came from pigs? Btw, many of these scholars are in India and have lived in India or...
  17. Z

    Mob targets temples, gurdwaras in Pak over alleged blasphemy

    I don't need to figure it out. Islam is the truth, no question marks. And its a legitimate view amongst the scholars that we must force Hindus into conversion or kill them insha allah.
  18. Z

    Mob targets temples, gurdwaras in Pak over alleged blasphemy

    What will happen towards the Muslims of India, has already been written by Allah. If he has decreed death for them then no power in the world can stop that from happening. And if he has written safety for them no one will be able to touch them. And I do not care if you find it ridiculous or...
  19. Z

    Mob targets temples, gurdwaras in Pak over alleged blasphemy

    Expulsion of local Hindus is not the solution. Converting them to Islam or killing them off are the only two real solutions to this problem. The Shafi'i and Hanbali school of thoughts advocate forced conversions and the death penalty on Hindus, Buddhists and all other religious groups who are...
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