Same with India, I was reading some article where the author mentioned if we do proper rain harvesting of monsoon, water problem will be solved. Yes we have to find a measure to convert it into drinkable water.
He provided some believable stats.
Its culture is totally Bangladeshi culture. - Actually other way round. All of the Bengali greats become great because of cultural influence of Kolkata. Language your biggest identity you speak diff dialects which you might not understand , but we formalized the write the way you write.
A good read from a vernacular paper published from Kolkata India.
Sorry for a very poor translation by Google.
The long shadow is silent in the face of the tent. Downward, sweat on...
Actual site
Govt doesn't have a site of
note http and https.
But they have worked hard for look an feel. Great.
American scientific revolution started by ex Germans.
There is something I would life cycle, think Greeks, Romans and even British. Every civilization/race has its expiry dates. New races comes to replace it.
Another observation, same to Bengal renaissance Hindus adopted western education much...