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  1. M

    India To Spend US $74.5 Billion On Weapons During 2012-13

    Improve the capabilities of Army, Improve the fighting capabilities of army, Modernization of the army is the need of the hour. Buy more Mi-17 Helicopters for Indian army aviation. b) Buy some Hi tech air defence system for Indian army.
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    Pakistani Offensive into North Waziristan to begin after EID

    If it is done as mentioned above , US wont stop drone attacks, Already situation is such that Even if you carry out an offensive in North waziristan, they are not going to stop drone attacks. Pakistan has to rely on air power to soften targets and then their army can move in. But here Pakistan...
  3. M

    At least 20 militants, five soldiers killed in Orakzai clash: military

    RIP to the soldiers Please Post act of terrorism in a sticky thread, which is already there?
  4. M

    US must seal Afghan border for Waziristan push: Pakistani official

    This is True, but you have to analyze why the Taliban was able to re group? If you do an analysis 70% of the fault findings will go to US military? 30% of it will go to Pakistan.
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    US must seal Afghan border for Waziristan push: Pakistani official

    US has to fence the border and plant mines on the possible infiltration routes, They must also deploy drones and Apache helicopters to ensure nobody sneaks from Afghanistan to Pakistan or Pakistan to Afghanistan. This will reduce infiltration. Sorry sir, Your hands were never tied, You...
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    Coordinated militants attacks foiled in Afghan capital Kabul

    Congrats to Afghan Intelligence agency for foiling a major terror attack, What Afghanistan forces needs now is a Good Training and equipment. Aid to has to be increased for training Afghan forces.
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    Iran upgrades 100 MiG 29 fighter jets

    Nice Move, It will ensure security and peace in the middle east
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    Little hope for compensation for drone attack victims

    They are not going to give any compensation, Mr. Leon Panetta wont agree even to release a single rupee without extracting something from Pakistan, But one has to know that in certain cases in Afghansitan, they have provided compensation to the victims of USAF Airstrikes.
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    US must seal Afghan border for Waziristan push: Pakistani official

    Fencing and Mining the border is a must if America wants a stable Afghanistan, b) US must start the job because it has got high stakes in Afghanistan C) In this issue Pakistan is right in claiming that border has to be sealed. D) If the border is sealed with electric fences and mines, It...
  10. M

    Pak-US operation to stamp out Haqqani network

    I doubt whether such a operation would happens, If it happens means we can See F-16 along with JF-17 in action against Taliban, Pakistan has to rely on airstrikes to soften the targets, and then their army would move inside North waziristan, But pakistan army will face stiff resistance.
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    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    Yes you have liberated siachen, I can very well understand that.
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    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    Kargil tragedy: Dead soldier I think it was due to the impact of our Mirage 2000H , We were poor thats why we used Laser guided bombs supplied by Israel to attack your posts, poor pakistanis what to do? Their F-16 flow a few missions that too for a eye wash, Later again they were made to rest...
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    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    Yeah really it is better than some families craving with out seeing the body of their sons.
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    Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

    We also very well remember Pakistan army soldiers crying for air support when our mirage 2000H jets destroyed their logistics depot, Unfortunately nothing came for them as Pakistan F-16s were rusting in their hangars, what a pity?
  15. M

    London 2012 Olympics: China's Yi Siling wins first gold medal of the Games

    All the best to my Chinese brothers for getting more gold medals. I think both US and China are racing towards number 1, but i think China is leading the game. I saw the medal tally in Hindu news paper today, I request the members to update latest medal reports here.
  16. M

    3 NATO containers burnt in Mastung, Balochistan

    I cannot understand a logic, Many Pakistan people hate Americans, I don't know why they think F-16 as a national pride of Pakistan?
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    Multan explosion toll rises to six

    It is an accident caused by fireworks or an act of terror? If it is an act of terror, please post it in act of terroism against paksitan.
  18. M

    Former Mossad head: Iran should fear next 12 weeks

    Srilankan president has once quoted that " Attacking or punishing Iran is like punishing many asian countries" This is True, Many countries like India,Srilanka rely upon Iran for their Energy needs. As a Indian I truely support Iran. Iran is a reliable partner in India's energy security.
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    Syrian insurgents threaten to kill Iranian media staff

    I dont know why these western countries are interfering every where? have they not supported dictators in the past? They are the trouble makers around the world. Hope Peace Prevails in Syria.
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    Former Mossad head: Iran should fear next 12 weeks

    Iran is prepared for such a attack, I think they have strengthened air defence systems around their nuclear plants, they might have positioned SAM's, Anti Aircraft guns, Even anti aircraft artillery to counter massive Israeli airstrikes.
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