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  1. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    Brothers................ Ahmadi sympathisers are trying to derail this thread with other topics.........dont get dragged into it and ignore them and lets discuss the Ahmadiyya again
  2. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    Any differences between us is just that, BETWEEN US.......... simple discussion between Muslims can sort any issues out and they are minor issues we can sort out between us without getting emotional........ just like what Allah says.... "O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us...
  3. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    Firstly, lets not get carried away with this word Kaffir and use it to make a point as Mahatma Gandhi himself used this term "Kaffirs" as a derogatory way towards black people......... Secondly the affairs of Muslims is just that, an affair of Muslims so please go deal with your Vedas and...
  4. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    Bilal bhai that makes no sense............. otherwise no Muslim should pray five times a day or perform anything within Islam....it is the Prophet (PBUH) who taught us these things and we follow his actions and as such his actions against treachery like Ahmadiyya is well documented so that logic...
  5. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    As long as the rats head is cut it cannot bite another Muslim............. by your comment of "you muslims" I am assuming you are not Muslim.......... not to worry........... numbers dont make any difference as: During the day of judgement and tests of time, Muslims will run to Makkah and...
  6. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    Tariq bhai, this attempt wont work, I have had good training dealing with Ahmadis in that fashion........... lets not move away from this topic and not allow them hijack this thread.......... if Ahmadi supporters open such threads, then lets make them regret those very actipns by highlighting...
  7. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    Wahabi and Takfiri............... hahahaha ........another derailment attempt........... I personally don't believe in any so called sect and the difference between all these is very minor and can be sorted by just sitting down and discuss.............. nonetheless, my experience tells me not...
  8. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    Its an attempt to divert again........... not to worry........... used to that attitude now from Ahmadi and their supporters......... not to worry, inshallah, since I have joined Islam my Jihad against Ahmadiyyat has increased many fold.........
  9. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    Another lame excuse............... if that is the case then lets be the bastions of Islam........ It takes a nation to do just that..... How can you say "we".......... what votebank do you have with that regard........... The current threats to Islam and thus Pakistan should not be ignored in...
  10. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    Explain to me please that if it is a matter between God and the person, then why did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) order the battle of Yamama and the death of Musailama al Kazzab........... this is a lame excuse by those who want to be left to preach their poison to misguiding Muslims and use this...
  11. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    They are non-Muslim as declared by your founder Mirza Ghulam Ahmad himself as stated in post #146............. full stop You Sir, first answer to the posts I have already posted, and if you so wish I can post them all again to what Ahmadi claims are by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.........then discuss...
  12. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    In the mean time our Jihad with knowledge will continue against Ahmadis and people like Meesna here who thinks he can start one thread after another about gaining sympathy for Ahmadis and just like the previous two threads I have just found this one and the work starts...
  13. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    The law is no different then a fatwa issued........ it is there to alert Muslims of this cult and to alert Muslims that they are not Muslims as they claim to be.......... this is nothing more then a mercy from the State of Pakistan against Ahmadis, as the consequences of their treachery could...
  14. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    Your excuses for them is worthless.......... their true agenda of Ahmaddiya is irrelevant just shows your attitude to it all......... their true intentions is what the whole saga is all about..... I have already explained why they need a special law and post 146 explains that ......... it is...
  15. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    And this is why the Khatme Nabuwwat very much so is active with regards to these people......... They can follow what the hell they want, it would not make a blinding well difference, but when the associate themselves with Islam and try and misguide the Muslims who are not well educated, and...
  16. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    ashok321 - It is the Ahmadis themselves who declared this as stated by their founder "Question: Huzoor-e-aali has mentioned in thousands of places that it is not at all right to call KAFIR a Kalima-go (one who recites a Kalima) and an Ahle-Qibla. It is quite obvious that except those...
  17. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    roadtrunner.............first gets the facts of Ahmaddiya sorted.......... they are the product of the West for what reason........... Why were they put togethre in the first place....... what is their true agenda......... No one should be discriminated, however Pakistan is a country...
  18. T

    Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

    The British would always support Ahmaddiya as the founder of Ahmaddiya is their seedling as stated from his own writings. I am the "Self-implanted/Self-cultivated Seedling " of the British Government. "Government should take great care regarding this SELF-IMPLANTED SEEDLING . . . . .should...
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    Any motorcycle riders out here? Want to post photos of your rides?

    The following photos are of my bike but a little hazzy due to bad scratchings on my camera. Nonetheless I have attached photos at close up showing the scorpion exhaust without the baffles, my gold chain with a diablo tyre. Tank bag which is useful for everything...
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    Any motorcycle riders out here? Want to post photos of your rides?

    The SV650 is a good bike and can kep up with anything upto 100 mph. Over that and a 1000cc bike will leave you for dust. UI have managed a 145 mph on the bike and that is its top end and will not budge past that unless I go off a cliff with the wind blowing from behind. The problem comes when...
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