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Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

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i am not going to investigate every one who say i am Muslim. So i want ahmadis to openly say they are non-Muslims. Something they have failed to do.

isn't that taking away some of their rights.

You on a mountain with an Ahmadiyy. He shouts out he is Muslim. You shout out he's not. That's equal rights. Since you have a better reason for saying he's not Muslim than he does for saying he is, it's irrelevant what he says. right?
The true agenda of the Ahmadiyy is irrelevant.

Ahmadiyy rights are relevant. It is very easy to prove they are not Muslim with text evidence. Why are laws required?

It could be because they are a very small percentage of the population of Pakistan? So less of them would be able to be targeted. The point is that there is no need for any law on them. Why have one? Explain.

Your excuses for them is worthless.......... their true agenda of Ahmaddiya is irrelevant just shows your attitude to it all......... their true intentions is what the whole saga is all about.....

I have already explained why they need a special law and post 146 explains that ......... it is their to also alert Muslims of this cult.

Every Ahmadiyy hasn't committed treason. Don't be so silly. Most are just born into it.

This is the weakness of Muslims........ the Ahmadiyya leadership should be forced to debate their faith on LIVE television and explain their founder Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's claims as they are clearly treason within Islam.......and as above the actions of the Prophet of clear..... If the Ulema are found to be wrong by Ahmadis, they were should all convert to their beliefs, if not, then this cult must renounce its beliefs as shown in the mercy of the Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) with the wife Sajah al-Kahenah and as follows:

Saf son of Sayyad: Another False claimant to Prophethood that appeared during the time of the Prophet and his companions, was Saf son of Sayyad. He claimed he was a Prophet when he was on the threshold of adolescence, and was initially believed to be the False Messiah, as his characteristics were the same as those of the False Messiah. He later repented and embraced Islam.

Tulayha son of Khwailid: Tulayha was another of the false Prophets who appeared during the time of the Prophet and his companions, but later repented and returned to the fold of Islam.
Assalam alaikum

Thor, inshaAllah there will be one day when these ppl will be forced to talk about mirza openly and on live tv so everybody will know them

the real face of mirza will be shown to the world ( hate for all peace for none lol )

isn't that taking away some of their rights.

You on a mountain with an Ahmadiyy. He shouts out he is Muslim. You shout out he's not. That's equal rights. Since you have a better reason for saying he's not Muslim than he does for saying he is, it's irrelevant what he says. right?

if someone dont know what is Islam and what is ahmdiyat then its relevant.
if you took away the law on ahmadiy, thor, would the ahmadiyy's be able to carry out their fiendish agenda? or does it make no difference?
Ahmediya can claim anything they want to be, are they going to be recognised as official Muslims, I don't think so. It really should not matter, its individual faith.

Just ignore the one trying to inject himself in the discussion with trolling intention.
The Agha Khanis are not as bad as the Qadyanis are.

Going by the Sharia, both should be outlawed as non muslims. There are clear cut rules set for kufur and shirk. Good and bad by you and me, but they should be judged by Muftis....
If U hate Agha Khanis so much go ahead and declare them as non- Muslims too. I won't stop u. Its all upto U then. But in my knowledge Agha Khanis are within the limits , never tried to cross the limits.
if someone dont know what is Islam and what is ahmdiyat then its relevant.

if someone cannot pick up a book or speak to a muslim that thinks ahmadiyy's are muslim, i'd be surprised.

it is the information era.
if you took away the law on ahmadiy, thor, would the ahmadiyy's be able to carry out their fiendish agenda? or does it make no difference?

The law is no different then a fatwa issued........ it is there to alert Muslims of this cult and to alert Muslims that they are not Muslims as they claim to be.......... this is nothing more then a mercy from the State of Pakistan against Ahmadis, as the consequences of their treachery could have had serious implications for them if followed through Islamic ways........
Ahmadis have full right to practice their religion without any discrimination, as do people from all other faiths. They are Pakistanis, & that is what is important. I will defend an Ahmadi to death for their rights to practice their faith. They have the full right to call themselves 'Muslim' in a democracy without facing any discrimination or violence, even though I don't agree with that. Anyone who doesn't believe in the finality of Prophet(S) does not believe in the Quran, & whoever doesn't believe in the Quran isn't a Muslim, but that's just my personal opinion. I don't look at an Ahmadi any differently than any other person. Violence against them, or any other innocent person is highly condemnable.
if someone cannot pick up a book or speak to a muslim that thinks ahmadiyy's are muslim, i'd be surprised.

it is the information era.

People dont have time. What if someone meets a ahmadi and is impressed by his personality. i think 50 % chance is he will never accept anything said against ahmadis. his only answer will be "you are wrong, i have meet them. They are good muslims."
Hello everyone.

We've established they're probably not Muslim. Can we move on?

So they're non Muslim. What is the point of a law for them?

How are they non-Muslim and Maulana Qasim Nanutwi and his followers are Muslim? Explain that. Also explain why every sect is declared kafir by others. I have given reference of Darulaloom Doeband's fatwa how they declared Shias kafir and murtid. By murtid I suspect they mean worthy of killing.

So much contradiction and yet the point is lost on you.
But in my knowledge Agha Khanis are within the limits

And the limits are set by Islamic scripture a la Quran, Hadeeth, Sunna......It is, as per these documents, should be outlawed, same as Ahmediyas - what is sauce for goose should be a sauce for gender right ?
Assalam alaikum

Thor, inshaAllah there will be one day when these ppl will be forced to talk about mirza openly and on live tv so everybody will know them

the real face of mirza will be shown to the world ( hate for all peace for none lol )


In the mean time our Jihad with knowledge will continue against Ahmadis and people like Meesna here who thinks he can start one thread after another about gaining sympathy for Ahmadis and just like the previous two threads I have just found this one and the work starts again.............inshallah efforts will continue against Ahmadiyyat
Jamat khanas are outlawed in Saudi, in fact they were raided few years ago, when they were playing dandyas......
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